Artist Muazzez Ersoy drew attention with his style!

63-year-old artist Muazzez Ersoy attracted attention with his style on TRT Music. Turkish classical music artist Muazzez Ersoy attracted …

63-year-old artist Muazzez Ersoy attracted attention with his style on TRT Music.

Turkish classical music artist Muazzez Ersoy attracted attention with his style in TRT Music. The 63-year-old artist took the stage in jeans and an asymmetrical blouse made with Swarovski stones.

Ersoy’s new haircut completed her costume. Internet users found Ersoy’s style, which was far from his usual style, young.

muazzez ersoy

The artist was commented “This style suits you very well” and “You showed how to be stylish without opening up”.

Ali Sunal spoke for the first time about his father’s video: I went back to those days!

Recently, the video of Kemal Sunal and Ali Sunal shared by singer Fatih Ürek became the agenda on social media. Famous actor Ali Sunal spoke …

Recently, the video of Kemal Sunal and Ali Sunal shared by singer Fatih Ürek became the agenda on social media. Famous actor Ali Sunal spoke for the first time about the Kemal Sunal video, which moved everyone. “I got a little emotional,” said Ali Sunal.

Yeşilçam veteran actor Kemal Sunal, who is missed by his fans, is remembered with his characterizations. The famous artist, who died of a heart attack on a plane trip in 2000, shocked the entire art world. The video of Sunal, who took a place in the hearts with his unforgettable acting in many projects, made everyone smile, even though it was emotional. The video, which also featured Kemal Sunal and Ali Sunal, shared on social media by singer Fatih Ürek, attracted great attention. Ali Sunal made a statement for the first time about the video with his father.

Kemal Sunal Ali Sunal


Ali Sunal conveyed the following words about Kemal Sunal, who was reflected in the cameras while accompanying the song ‘Let’s Travel’, which left its mark on the period:

“We were having fun by going to such meals as a family. It was nice and enjoyable. We had such a pleasant time like every family. When we saw the video, I went to the day, I remembered those moments. It was pleasant, of course I got a little emotional”

Ali Sunal

“If Kemal Sunal’s life becomes a movie, I want to take a role.” Answering the question: “I don’t know how to do that project, but I think it wouldn’t be me. It would be hard for me to be, that job is a bit of a heavy job. It would be nice if they could, of course.”

Surprising ‘jewelry’ statement from Seda Sayan, who came to the agenda with the news of marriage!

Singer Seda Sayan said ‘Yes’ to the marriage proposal she received from the musician Çağlar Ökten with whom she worked, and it fell like a …

Singer Seda Sayan said ‘Yes’ to the marriage proposal she received from the musician Çağlar Ökten with whom she worked, and it fell like a bombshell. Sayan was at the jewelry fair the previous day.

Seda Sayan, who is getting ready to marry Çağlar Ökten, was at the jewelery fair the previous day. Seda Sayan said, “I am a jewelery woman. Access to jewelery and purchasing power of women became easier. I am the Seda of the years, I will not have such magnificent rings, but who will have it, ”said she.

“I am at the right address. I am a jewelery woman. Women’s access to jewelery and purchasing power has become easier!”

seda count and Çağlar Ökten

“Çağlar wore a full ring while proposing marriage. Other than that, I bought them. I am the Seda of the years, I will not have such magnificent rings, who will have them? You know, I’m fond of jewelry,” she said.


There are news about Seda Sayan’s future wife Çağlar Ökten that will leave her mark on the agenda. Seda Sayan also gave information about whether she had a marriage contract with Çağlar Ökten. The claim made about Seda Sayan’s future wife Çağlar Ökten shook the social media. It was claimed that 59-year-old Seda Sayan’s young lover Çağlar Ökten “promised an album in return for ending her 4-year relationship and marrying him”. Seda Sayan broke her silence.

seda Sayan and her future fiancée

, who was connected to the 2nd page program by phone, Sayan “It is both an insult to me to have promised an album in return for something, it is also an insult to Çağlar’s musician A great insult to his identity. For one thing, you don’t know Çağlar. He’s a very good musician and teacher at the same time. I’ve told the album not only to Çağlar before, I’ve also started the same album. DMC knows this too. Çağlar Ökten, Esra Özmen, Safiye Soyman and my own album.” she said she.


Seda Sayan, who had been married 7 times before, received a marriage proposal from the singer Çağlar Ökten, with whom she worked, on February 14. Sayan responded to the marriage proposal in yesterday’s live broadcast. Confirming that he had received a marriage proposal, Sayan said, “Yes, I received a marriage proposal from Çağlar Ökten on February 14. Yes, forever! The testimony of those here is in question in this love.”

Seda Sayan “Çaglar did not convince me for marriage, I convinced him. There is a good energy between us. We were thinking about it in July, but we took it forward. We are at the wedding table in May. I have made a marriage contract until today, but there is no need for me to do it with Çağlar. I am a firm believer in the right time and destiny. Çağlar went beyond his own budget and bought me a diamond ring. I can’t stand him. I don’t wear a string veil wedding dress. I wear a calm dress and follow my man.”

seda sayan

Responding to Sayan’s comments with a song, Çağlar Ökten said that İrem Derici’s Heart’s Okten came on stage and danced while looking into Sayan’s eyes. Having romantic moments, the young singer did not neglect to kiss Seda Sayan, who is 25 years older than herself, on the forehead

Çağlar Ökten and seda sayan


A flash marriage to singer Seda Sayan, who made her first marriage to Rıdvan Kılıç in 1987 and later got married 5 more times.

moments when he received a marriage proposal

Sayan, who received a marriage proposal from the musician Çağlar Ökten, whom he worked with, decided to accept this proposal. She said “yes”. ICI Seda Sayan started her marriage preparationio ns with a musician who is 25 years younger than her.

Çağlar Ökten and Seda Sayan

Çağlar Ökten, after performing at Süreyya Teras in Beyoğlu on Monday night, 14 February, suddenly removing the solitaire from her pocket , He proposed to the artist.


In an interview he gave in the past weeks, Sayan said, “I don’t count my remaining marriages except for my child’s father. This is the time to get married. I’ve calmed down, now I would like to have someone by my side. ‘ he said.

Romantic words from Alişan, who was on the verge of divorce, to his wife!

Alişan and the famous actress Buse Varol recently had a crisis in their marriage at the celebration of Eliz’s first birthday. Alişan celebrated …

Alişan and the famous actress Buse Varol recently had a crisis in their marriage at the celebration of Eliz’s first birthday. Alişan celebrated the birthday of her husband Buse Varol, who turned 32, on social media.

Alişan-Buse Varol couple, who had a crisis in their marriage for a while and talked about getting divorced, left the bad days behind. Varol, one of the reconciled duo, turned 32 today. Alişan celebrated his wife’s birthday on his social media account.

The famous singer, who published an old photo taken with Buse Varol, wrote to her post, “It’s been 5 years since we took this photo… Our first photo together… And I hope we still have a long way to go… Happy birthday my love. . I love you…” he noted down.



Alişan struggled to recover after the death of his brother Selçuk Tektaş in July 2021. When this situation started to affect his wife, Buse Varol, the crisis broke out. clouds hovering over their happy home, the couple returned from the brink of divorce a week ago. But the news that Alişan’s mother, Suzan Tektaş, is still angry with her daughter-in-law, Buse Varol, for her behavior in this process, is not on the agenda.

Suzan Tektaş did not forgive her daughter-in-law Buse Varol, she distanced herself. Alişan is now trying to bre ak the ice between her mother and her husband.


The ice has melted between the Alişan-Buse Varol couple, who have been on the agenda with the dark clouds over their marriage and divorce in the past days. Buse Varol shared her pose with her husband Alişan on her social media account with a heart emoji.

Actress Buse Varol, who actively uses her social media account, shared a pose with Alişan on her Instagram account, which has 1.5 million followers, and put a heart emoji the previous day. Alişan also published his wife’s share on his own page. The couple put an end to the divorce with this sharing.

alis buse varol


Wife Buse Varol’s (31) wedding ring The 45-year-old singer Alişan, who was reminded that she had released her wedding ring, did not neglect to show the journalists the wedding ring on her finger.


Alişan and Buse Varol’s daughters, Eliz’s birthday celebrations brought up the claim of separation. It was even claimed that the couple decided to divorce and that Buse Varol gave the necessary instructions to the lawyer. Alişan decided to protect against these news.

applied to the Istanbul Anatolian Family Court through her lawyer Emek Emre, and Turkish singer Alişan stated that she did not have any divorce actions with her husband, Buse Tektaş. Alişan stated in her petition that the news about her getting divorced were false, and that she had recently lost her brother and that she was in deep pain with her family because of this.


In the petition, it was stated that about Alişan and his family, who want to lead a quiet and peaceful life, for the last week, news of separation and divorce have been systematically published in media outlets, “Our client and his wife Buse Tektaş are separated. Organizations that continue their fake news without slowing down even if they make a statement that there is no divorce situation, started the news service on February 8 that our client and his wife will definitely divorce and that the legal process has started. family in a difficult situation with fake news without any divorce situation, and family privacy is violated, “The violence of media organizations against Alişan It was requested that it be decided not to make threats, insults, humiliation or humiliating w ords and behaviors, not to disturb or to be put off by means of communication.

Buse Varol, who is claimed to have a crisis in her marriage with the famous singer Alişan and that they are going to get divorced, was photographed during her shopping tour the previous day. Varol intervened with the members of the press and tried to prevent them from taking pictures.

Varol did not make a statement on the subject.


Buse Varol, who went shopping with Alişan’s group of friends, became tense when she saw the reporters viewing her. Alişan’s boyfriends acted as bodyguards for Varol, who left the journalists’ questions unanswered.


A support came from Buse Varol to her friends who tried to block the cameras and covered the way for the members of the press with her hands. Varol also intervened and tried to prevent the reporters from taking pictures.


Interrupting the shopping tour after the tension, Buse Varol and her friends quickly went to the parking lot and exited. It was remarkable that the wedding ring on Buse Varol’s finger was not in the shopping mall tour she made the previous day.


Alişan, who has been on the agenda about her marriage for days, finally rebelled.

Alişan denied the divorce news. “Petitions were made. Decisions were made. No, he was right, no, he was right.. While experiencing the pain of losing a brother and just trying to recover, please leave my mother, my wife, my deceased brother’s wife, my deceased children, my nephews alone who shed tears every day.. These are the things that can happen in the family.. If we make a decision, we’ll explain.

to the information obtained from sources close to Alişan and Buse Varol couple, the couple decided to divorce. The couple, who started legal proceedings in secrecy, took care as much as possible not to hear the news, but sources close to the couple confirmed the divorce.


Alişan and actress Buse Varol were married in 2018. In 2019, their last Burak was born. Expressing their love for each other at every opportunity with their social media posts, the duo welcomed their second child, Eliz, in their arms in 2021. The famous couple’s daughters, Eliz, turned one year old. The beautiful actress gave a birthday party for her daughter in one of the most luxurious hotels in Istanbul.

The fact that Alişan did not attend the party did not go unnoticed. The famous couple then celebrated their daughter’s birthday with various frames. The first statement came from the famous couple, who made posts that support the separation claims.

Alişan said, “It was a party that men did not attend, so I didn’t go”, while Varol said, “We don’t have a problem with Suzan mother. No one invited me to the house.”


The first gossip about the couple Buse Varol’ It came to the fore when he removed the photos of Alişan from his Instagram page. Afterwards, Buse Varol said, “I signed with a TV series again. I’m going back to the sets, I hope to start a new project in December. Because of this, I also did a cleaning on my Instagram. “I deleted some of the photos just to have my own photos and post work related stuff,” he said.


Buse Varol, who did not attend the birthday party organized by Alişan and her family at home, said in the message she sent to the servers: Alişan organized. Merve, Selcuk’s wife, would also come. They didn’t want it at the last moment, I respect it. I never made either Merve or her daughters a problem. We don’t have a problem with mother Suzan. I swear on everything. Nobody invited me home. I “I’m never that kind of girl, I respect all their pain, but Eliz will never be one year old again,” she said.

Alec Baldwin, the killer on the set of Rust, is returning to the sets!

American actor Alec Baldwin’s accidental killing of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins during the shooting of the movie “Rust” had a great impact …

American actor Alec Baldwin’s accidental killing of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins during the shooting of the movie “Rust” had a great impact all over the world. After the disaster on the set of the movie, the famous actor returns to the sets.

American actor Alec Baldwin caused the death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins with a bullet from his gun during the shooting of the movie “Rust” in which he played the leading relay. The unfortunate accident that happened in October is still one of the most talked about topics of the world public opinion.

Alec Baldwin

It was announced that Baldwin, who had a hard time after the tragic event, will return to the sets with new projects. The famous actor will travel to Rome at the weekend to start the shooting of two Italian movies “Kid Santa” and “Billie’s Magic World”. It was learned that the master actor signed an agreement for these two films long before the accident in the Rust film.

Alec Baldwin returns to sets


Matthew Hutchins, wife of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, who died by being shot by accident, made striking statements by participating in the “Today” program broadcast in America. In an interview, the grieving spouse said that “Alec Baldwin and unenforced industry standards” were responsible for the murder of Halyna Hutchins.

Alec Baldwin and Matthew Hutchins


Matthew Hutchins, who recently sued Alec Baldwin, continued his words as follows:

“The idea that the person holding the gun wasn’t responsible for firing it is ridiculous to me. Also, the only problem on that set is the idea that It wasn’t gun safety. There are a number of industry standards and multiple responsible parties that didn’t apply on set”

Halyna Hutchins , her husband Matthew Hutchins and their son


New information has been revealed in the investigation that has been going on for months after the accident on the movie set. Santa Fe District Attorney Mary Carmack-Altwies, who said she watched Alec Baldwin’s interview with ABC in December, gave an interview to Vanity Fair magazine on the subject.

Alec Baldwin Rust movie accident

Carmack, who started researching based on Baldwin’s claim “I didn’t pull the trigger. I never point a gun at anyone and pull the trigger”. “You can cock the gun back without pulling the trigger and unlocking the safety,” Altwies said. he said.

Alec Baldwin

The prosecutor, who said he had launched an informal investigation on his own, said he had no knowledge of 1850s pistols, so one of the officers tried an old-style pistol in his office. he said he did. According to the test, it turned out that the cock of the gun could cause the firing of the bullet.

Continuing my investigation on the Alec Baldwin Rust movie crash


While the investigations regarding the accident continue at full speed, the wife of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins has recently passed away in court. The grieving spouse, who filed a lawsuit against Baldwin and those responsible for set security, accused Baldwin and the film company of “causing death”.

Halyna Hutchins

The family’s lawyer, Brain Panish, said, “The gun cannot be fired unless the trigger is engaged and the hammer is pulled. So Baldwin had the gun, he says he pulled the cock of the gun. She was killed,” he said. “There are many guilty people, but it was Mr. Baldwin who held the gun. Hutchins would not have died if he had not fired.”

Rust movie


At the same time, the lawyers created a 10-minute video to reenact the event, revealing the event in 3D during the rehearsal on the church stage. In the video, Baldwin is seen taking the gun from the set crew, pointing it directly at the cinematographer and firing.

At the same time, lawyers said in a statement that Baldwin did not want to train for shooting before shooting Hutchins and did not control the gun while shooting.

While keeping his silence against the about the famous actor, he just shared a note on his social media account saying “Everything will be alright”.

Do you think Alec Baldwin, who was the murderer on the set of the movie, is guilty?


World-famous actor Alec Baldwin ‘accidentally’ caused the death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins during the shooting of the movie “Rust” in October 2021. After the tragic event, the famous actress went out of America for a new project.

Sharing a video he took at the airport on his social media account on Friday, Baldwin said that he went to a place he described as his “least favorite place”. The famous actor, who did not share where he went with his followers, was reflected in the lenses at London Heathrow Airport, the capital of England.

Alec Baldwin

The 63-year-old star actor was later seen on the streets of Alton, Staffordshire.

Alec Baldwin rust


Famous actor Alec Baldwin fired the gun that killed cinematographer Halyna Hutchins during the shooting of the movie “Rust” in October. Baldwin for a long time resisted handing over his phone to the authorities, while investigations continued into who the real culprit was. The famous name, who made statements on his social media account, handed over his phone to the police months after the investigation was launched. In the statement made by the

Santa Fe District Office and Baldwin’s attorney, it was stated that the famous actor gave his personal mobile phone to the New Mexico state authorities to review his written, photographed or video posts.


While the investigation into the incident was continuing, Baldwin lashed out at the made about him in a video he shared on his social media account. The world-famous star, who is alleged to have not handed over his phone to the authorities despite the search warrant, stated that the legal process may take a long time to determine what is necessary in the investigation.

Baldwin shared, “They can’t get on your phone and review your photos, love letters to your spouse, or whatever.” he used the expressions. However, the authorities think that the messages on Baldwin’s phone, which they could not yet examine despite the search warrant issued 3 weeks ago, may change the course of the investigation.


Alec Baldwin, who is held responsible for the death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, said that he was at home with his family for the holiday in the video he shared on his social media account recently and said, “All I care about is my wife, my children, to move on with my life and try to get through a difficult period. ) Talking about the difficult processes he went through, Baldwin said, “At the end of this event, someone died in a very tragic way. I can never get this out of my mind. There is not a day that I don’t think about it.” he expressed his sadness.


Cinematographer Halyna Hutchins’ father, Anatoly Androsovych, spoke for the first time after the tragic event. Androsovych, 61, said Baldwin was “partially responsible” for his daughter’s death and said he could not understand Baldwin’s actions.

“Why did he shoot during preparations?” father Androsovych asked, and used the following expressions in his statements to the British newspaper The Sun:

“The bullet came out of the gun that Baldwin pulled the trigger from. Therefore, it is something I cannot understand that he is not held partially responsible.”


While it became a matter of great curiosity who caused the accident, the new decision of the court in the state of New Mexico brought the event back to the agenda. )

Emphasizing that there may be “significant evidence related to the investigation” on the famous actor’s mobile phone, the search warrant stated that the messages, e-mails and internet search history on the The investigation’s detective, Alexandria Hancock, said they initially asked Baldwin to hand over the phone, but Baldwin requested a warrant.

The gun expert Hannah Gutierrez Reed of the movie “Rust”, in which Baldwin is both the lead actor and producer, showed him different gun models and there were e-mails about it. Acting on this, the authorities think that the incident will be clarified with the information on the phone.

At the same time, the Baldwin asked for a ‘bigger gun’ from Hannah Gutierrez Reed in the messages and e-mails on his phone also indicate that the investigation has come to an end.


Baldwin had recently broken his silence as it remains a mystery as to how the bullet that killed the cinematographer got into the gun. In an interview with ABC, the American actor stated that he was innocent by saying, “Someone put live bullets in that gun. I know that person is not me.”

After the incident that became the focus of the whole world, Santa Fe District Attorney Mary Carmack-Altwies spoke for the first time on the subject. Prosecutor Altwies emphasized that no one on the set, including Baldwin, was exonerated, and underlined that after the investigation is completed, anyone can appear in court.

Altwies’ statements included the statements that “some people can be found guilty for their actions or inactions on the Rust set”, while these sentences were said to be in response to Baldwin’s interview.


Breaking his silence on the arguments filed after the accident in the movie Rust, Alec Baldwin told the curious details in a television program for the first time. The famous actor, who could not control his tears during his interview with George Stephanopoulos, said, “I did not pull the trigger. I would never point a gun at anyone and pull the trigger.”


When the host asked Baldwin how the live bullet got on the set, the famous actor replied, “I have no idea. Someone put a real bullet in the gun. That bullet wasn’t even supposed to be on the set.” he said.


After the highly anticipated interview, Stephanopoulos made candid statements, saying, “I have done thousands of interviews on ABC in the last 20 years, but this was the most tense. He answered all questions sincerely. Baldwin was completely devastated, but he answered all questions candidly.”

Following Alec Baldwin’s statements, the eyes once again turned to the film’s gunslinger and assistant director David Halls. Because the co-director David Halls, who gave the gun to Baldwin, and Hannah Gutierrez Reed, the film’s gun expert, are the prime suspects in the case.


The accident that resulted in death on the set of the movie “Rust” had a great impact on the world agenda. A bullet from the gun of American actor Alec Baldwin killed cinematographer Halyna Hutchins and injured director Joel Souza.

After the event, everyone asked, “Who is to blame?” While looking for the answer to his question, script supervisor Mamie Mitchell took the case to court. Mitchell’s lawyer, Gloria Allred, made statements accusing the producers of failing to follow safety protocols, claiming that Baldwin and the producers acted “recklessly”.

It was claimed that “there is no information that Baldwin or anyone else should have fired the gun” in the script of the movie.

In the case that attracted great attention, 3 close-up shots were determined in the scenario where the event took place, and they were; Alec Baldwin was said to be focusing on Baldwin’s torso as he reached for his eyes, another for the blood trail on his shoulder, and a third as his hand reached for the gun holster.


Mamie Mitchell’s lawyer said that Baldwin did not control the gun and almost played Russian roulette. In the case; assault, intentional emotional distress and harm. The amount of compensation claimed as a result of the argument is not yet known.


Famous actor Alec Baldwin accidentally killed cinematographer Halyna Hutchins during the filming of Rust on October 21. After the accident caused by the bullet from Baldwin’s gun, the ground moved.

How the bullet that killed Halyna Hutchins got into the gun became a topic of discussion on social media. “Accident or sabotage?” the question arose.

The curtain of secrecy of the event, which had great repercussions in the world press, began to be opened gradually. In new documents leaked to the Los Angeles Times; It is not known where the gun that caused the accident came from.

It was learned that the person who recommended Gutierrez-Reed was the gun responsible for the movie “Rust”, a 51-year-old weapons expert Seth Kenney, and it was announced that Kenney is the owner of the company that supplied the gun to the movie. he was among.

Sources that made statements to the newspaper; He said that Kenney was on the team as a kind of “mentor”, but he was not seen by anyone on set. In the scandalous accident that resulted in death, all arrows were turned towards Seth Kenney.


After the incident that was talked about on social media for days, another disaster news came from the set of the Rust movie. Jason Miller, who was working as a producer on set, was bitten by a venomous spider. It was learned that Miller, who was rushed to the hospital, was at risk of losing his arm.


World-famous actor Alec Baldwin’s unbelievable accident during the filming of Rust fell like a bomb on the agenda. Cinematographer Halyna Hutchins was killed by a bullet from the gun that Baldwin used for the movie. Thereupon, all eyes turned towards the set’s weapon supervisor.

Gutierrez-Reed, the gun responsible of the set, said that he checked the gun on the day of the accident, through his lawyer, “The real question is who put this bullet there, why?” posed a questionable question.

Former US President Donald Trump, who participated in a radio program, made striking statements about the accident. Trump, targeting Alec Baldwini, said, “He’s a sick man. There’s something wrong with him. I’ve watched him for years. He fights hand to hand with reporters, He’s a cuckoo. He’s crazy. I mean, I’ve been seeing him for years. It’s a bad job impersonating me.” And usually, when he’s like that, you know, I think it had something to do with it.” used the expressions. talk show he attended

Emotional sharing from Seray Sever, who is expecting twins! ‘I’m in so much pain’

Famous actress and presenter Seray Sever was devastated by the loss of her father Tamer Sever in the past few days. Sever, counting the days to …

Famous actress and presenter Seray Sever was devastated by the loss of her father Tamer Sever in the past few days. Sever, counting the days to hold his twin babies in his arms, shared an emotional post on his social media account.

Actress Seray Sever, who got married to Eray Sünbül in 2018, shared with her fans on her social media account that she was pregnant with twins in the past months . Sever, who was in an excited wait to hold his babies in his arms, was almost devastated by the news of his father Tamer Sever’s death. The famous actress, who lost her father due to coronavirus on March 8, shared an emotional post on her social media account.

Seray Sever pregnant with twins


The 49-year-old famous name, who posted his belly posing on his Instagram account, shared in his post. He made the following statements:

“Time flies by quickly… The dimension we live in is a complete duality; birth, death, joy, sadness, laughter, crying, it does not end with counting. Mankind , with these ups and downs, is as if they will never die. he has to live and raise awareness as if he will die tomorrow. Every breath we take is a reason for gratitude. Every moment is very precious, especially the one we share with our loved ones. I am very lucky to be the son of such a father, on the other hand, I suffer a lot because I fell from such a height. I will continue on my way as he expects. By holding on to life upright and strong, keeping the memories alive and meeting his expectations, my dear father. Our daughters are my greatest motivation. My biggest prayer is that we will be able to hold you in our arms with ease, health and goodness. I will share my experiences and path one by one for every woman who wants to be a mother. Let’s do our best and leave the rest to my Lord.”

Sever, whose excitement was overshadowed by the death of his father, continued by saying, “I have realized how helpless human beings are in the last months, through my own experiences. Man grows and evolves through pain. Being able to look at everything from a different perspective, to have faith, to be aware that everything in the universe is energy and to realize that nothing is lost gives strength to endure. I am in the flow, I am in trust and my dear father lives inside me, in the safest place.”

Seray Sever

Support message came in. Sinem Kobal liked the post as soon as she saw it, while names such as Nefise Karatay, Gülben Ergen, Ivana Sert supported Sever with their comments

Seray Sever shared emotionally on his social media account


The father of famous actress Seray Sever, who died in the hospital where she was treated due to coronavirus, was sent off on her last journey in Bodrum, Muğla. Seray Sever, who had difficulty standing at his father’s funeral

Seray Sever

Sever, who is excited for twin babies, Saying goodbye to his father, ” Everything was going very well. I was in Istanbul for my work. I was devastated when I heard the news of my father’s death, I am so sorry. Most of all, unfortunately, I did not have the chance to see his grandchild. condition was good, they said ‘intubated’, then we got the sad news. May God grant everyone a father like my father,” he said.

Seray Sever

After the prayer, Tamer Sever was buried in Ortakent Cemetery. Afterwards, the famous actress did not neglect to leave flowers on her father’s grave

Sever Sever and his father Tamer Sever


Actress and presenter Seray Sever, who had the excitement of “twin babies” with Eray Sünbül, whom she married in 2018, was almost destroyed by the pain of her father Tamer Sever. Tamer Sever, who caught the coronavirus a while ago, died in Bodrum despite all the interventions.

Seray Sever’s father Tamer Sever

The famous actress shared a frame with her father and added Ajda Pekkan’s “Miracle” song to the photo the other day

Seray Sever and his family


Actress Seray Sever, who turned 49 on February 27, shared on her social media account and asked for prayers for her father. . The famous actress made the following statements in her heart-wrenching post:

“Today is February 27… My birthday coincided with the blessed Miraç Kandili for the first time. All my prayers are with my dear father, who is now intubated at the hospital, who is struggling for health, and he is among us healthier than before. so that he can return and experience the love of his grandchildren, which he eagerly awaits at the age of 74. My Lord, you are omnipotent . You will say, ‘Be! “A cure for the afflicted, the acceptance of our prayers is in the lofty level. Because I was at home in Istanbul and due to the current circumstances, we cut our cake at home.”

Tamer Sever

Akın Akınözü became the brand face!

Akın Akınözü, who had a big break with the Hercai TV series last year, has now become the face of a famous clothing brand. The famous actor …

Akın Akınözü, who had a big break with the Hercai TV series last year, has now become the face of a famous clothing brand. The famous actor Akın Akınözü, who took part in successful productions such as

‘Friends are Good’, ‘Hercai’, ‘Payitaht Abdülhamid’, is now the leading role in the TV series “The Game of My Destiny”. undertakes. Akınözü is mentioned a lot in the social media agenda with his handsomeness as well as his successful acting.

Akın Akınözü


The 31-year-old young actor Akın Akınözü, who has acted in many productions, is not only on the screen, but also on the screen of a famous clothing brand. It will appear as a face. The first statement from the brand, which thinks that it will attract the attention of the Y and Z generations with the famous actress, came as follows:

“As a brand, we attach great importance to staying young and feeling Akın Akınözü will contribute greatly to the image of our brand with his education, lifestyle. young. In recent years, the interest of the Y and Z generation has been increasing day by day, young people who follow their own philosophy. they adopt comfortable brands. and life philosophy.”

Chiara Ferragni’s wife Fedez caught pancreatic cancer!

Italian model Chiara Ferragni’s rapper wife Fedez announced that she has pancreatic cancer. Sad news came from 33-year-old Fedez, whose …

Italian model Chiara Ferragni’s rapper wife Fedez announced that she has pancreatic cancer.

Sad news came from 33-year-old Fedez, whose real name is Federico Leonardo Lucia. Fedez was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The famous singer, who went under the knife for the tumor, shared from the hospital bed.

Fedez, who shared his photos taken at the hospital on his Instagram page, explained what happened: “Last week, I learned that I have a rare tumor in my pancreas.”


“I was told that if this tumor is not removed on time, I could face unpleasant situations. Thereupon, both part of the pancreas and the tumor were removed in an operation that took six hours.”

Fedez stated that two days after his operation, he felt well and could not wait to be back home with his children. The singer added that it will take time to recover.

Stunning confession from Serenay Sarıkaya!

Serenay Sarıkaya, who came to the fore with her expensive bag in the past weeks, was spotted in Etiler. Sarıkaya answered questions from …

Serenay Sarıkaya, who came to the fore with her expensive bag in the past weeks, was spotted in Etiler. Sarıkaya answered questions from members of the press on foot. Serenay Sarıkaya, who has taken part in productions such as

, ‘Medcezir’, ‘Lale Devri’, ‘Adanalı’, was caught in Etiler the other day . Sarıkaya, who came to the agenda with his expensive bag before, did not leave questions from journalists unanswered. While Sarikaya was expected to take a role in the movie ‘Bergen’, which broke the record of the big screen, his fans were stunned by his absence from the project.

Serenay Sarikaya


Successful actress Sarikaya, from members of the press, ” Someone whose life you want to portray on the big screen is it OK?” He replied, “I don’t know, I never thought about it. There are a lot of people I admire. I used to say, ‘I would like to act in films if they were made,’ but I can’t think of anything now. I’ll say something, the next day the headlines will say, ‘He wants to play his life,'” he replied.

Surprise project from Eda Ece, Star of Forbidden Apple!

Actress Eda Ece, who won the hearts with the character of Yıldız she played in the TV series Forbidden Apple, announced her new project for the …

Actress Eda Ece, who won the hearts with the character of Yıldız she played in the TV series Forbidden Apple, announced her new project for the first time.

The star actress of the “Forbidden Apple” series, Eda Ece has been making a name for herself with her successful acting performance recently. A surprising statement came from the famous actor, who had a big break with the series that continued to come to the screens with its fifth season.

Eda Ece

Emphasizing that she gives priority to new projects, Ece announced that she would not leave the Forbidden Apple series, but would accept the offer from Disney Plus. The famous actress, who received great acclaim for her role as Yıldız in the Forbidden Apple TV series, also stated that she would continue the series if there was no rating drop or a possible final decision.

Forbidden Apple series Star

It is not clear which TV series or movie the young actor will take part in, who accepted the offer of the worldwide famous Disney Plus. .

Eda Ece, Disney Plus