Blue caps collected for stray animals

Students collected the blue caps to be turned into food bowls for stray animals. On the other hand, children brought together the food …

Students collected the blue caps to be turned into food bowls for stray animals. On the other hand, children brought together the food containers obtained by transformation with Purina foods and Nestlé Pure Life waters with street animals in the school gardens.

In collaboration with Impact Hub Istanbul and Circular Mind, Nestlé Purina PetCare, which has been a world pioneer in pet nutrition for over 80 years and develops innovative products to provide pets with a healthy life completed the final phase of the project “Our Life is on the Street”. The last stage of the project, which was carried out with the aim of producing solutions for the feeding, sheltering and adoption of stray animals, whose victimization increased in the Covid 19 epidemic, was completed with the support of children.

Children’s awareness project

In the first phase of the project, “21. Within the scope of “Little Heroes of the Century”, approximately 750 children who are among the architects of the future, Bursa Uludağ University Veterinary Faculty Internal Diseases Lecturer Prof. Dr. Ebru Yalçın gave awareness trainings on the care and behavior of pets as well as stray animals. Subsequently, the blue plastic cap collection program was started with the children, with the aim of reinforcing the children’s environmental awareness. In this phase, which aims to raise awareness of recycling for children, the blue containers collected by little animal lovers were converted for stray animals and 35 food bowls were obtained. It was aimed that the children who completed their education would turn the theoretical knowledge they learned into practice within the scope of the project. In this context, primarily food containers were sent to schools. The students were brought together with our pawed friends in the school gardens with Purina’s healthy and delicious Friskies foods and Nestlé Pure Life waters. In addition, the students who completed the training and participated in the blue cap transformation are the heroes of the ’21. ‘Little Heroes of the Century’ certificates were awarded.

The power of proficiency has won

Nestlé Purina PetCare Turkey General Manager Ayça Erkol said the following about the issue: “Being together with animals around the world makes a positive contribution to our lives. we know. On the other hand, love for animals is a unique acquisition that develops and learns at a young age. Within the scope of our Canimiz Sokakta project, we had the opportunity to both improve the life conditions of street animals and introduce children to this love. We were very impressed with the children’s power to make qualifications and their extraordinary efforts. Thanks to them, we succeeded. We are very pleased that we can support animals in need and contribute to raising the awareness of future generations. Many thanks to all the children and project partners who supported the project.”

New decisions taken in internet shopping

In the incident, which is the subject of the decision of the 3rd Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court of Appeals, published in the Official …

In the incident, which is the subject of the decision of the 3rd Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court of Appeals, published in the Official Gazette dated January 25, 2022, the case filed against the seller and the website by the person who ordered food from an online shopping platform, as a result of encountering a cigarette butt in the incoming order package, became a hot topic in the public. came. Altınbaş University Faculty of Law Inst. member Assoc. Dr. Umut Yeniocak, regarding the case, said that the 3rd Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court of Appeals made a decision on the side that the shopping platforms, which are intermediary service providers, cannot be held responsible for the problems related to the purchased works. “The approach of the Court of Cassation to this problem, which has strategic value in terms of electronic commerce, has been erroneous and contradictory in terms of the protection of consumer rights.” made evaluations.

Internet shopping platforms are responsible for the consumer

Umut Yeniocak, as a result of the application made by the consumer to the consumer arbitration committee in the first stage, the arbitration committee, as well as the shopping platform (intermediary service provider) ) and the patisserie, which is the seller of the order, are held responsible. Thereupon, he stated that the website, which is the shopping platform, applied to the consumer court and claimed that they are only a platform (intermediary service provider) that brings together the sellers with those who want to shop, they are not sellers, and therefore they cannot be held responsible for such problems in orders. He said that the Consumer Court ruled that the shopping that is the subject of the lawsuit therefore took place because of the consumer’s belief in the name of this shopping platform, and the website was also responsible together with the seller. He pointed out that the case could not be taken to a higher authority, since the decision was made definitively at its expense, at this point, the Ministry of Justice intervened and filed the application, which we call “reversal for the benefit of the law “. Thereupon, Yeniocak pointed out that the 3rd Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court of Appeals, which handles cases related to consumer processes, dealt with the document in order to create a case-law on sample applications and that things started to change against the consumer at this point.

Yeniocak, the 3rd Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court of Appeals, which dealt with this problem which has strategic value in terms of the commercial life of the country, is responsible for the problems related to the purchased works of the shopping platforms as intermediary service providers. He stated that he had made a decision on the side that they could not be held. Indicating that the Supreme Court made a valuable mistake in this decision, Yeniocak said, “The Supreme Court only mentioned the Law and Regulation regulating electronic commerce as support. However, the Law and Regulations regulations pertaining to e-commerce, which are supported in the decision, are the rules that terminate the responsibilities of these medical intermediary platforms with regard to the content that constitutes misconduct or the violations of trademark infringement and similar intellectual and industrial rights. It is not about the question of liability.” However, Yeniocak pointed out that there is a special rule in the Law on Consumer Protection regarding the purchases made by consumers through these medical intermediary service providers. Which is a valuable shortcoming that directly concerns the outcome. The Supreme Court overlooked the rule that should be applied in this case.” spoke form.

The decision of the Supreme Court has been unfortunate for consumers

Yeniocak, “When you look at the 5th paragraph of the 48th item of the Law on the Protection of the Consumer, you can see that these types of shopping platforms Stating that (intermediary service providers) are responsible to consumers regarding the sales made over the platform, Yeniocak said, in particular, when we read the second sentence of this paragraph and the relation of the decision, it was emphasized that the responsibilities of the websites that mediate the sales made over the internet towards the consumers were emphasized and this decision was activated in the Law for this purpose. unfortunate that the Court of Cassation made such a decision on a very valuable bet on the commercial life of the whole country and the consumers, without ever mentioning this issue and the relationship of the element.” said.

The misconceptions of shopping sites in terms of legal system

Umut Yeniocak, “Most of the time, the advertisements they make, which directly collect the sales price from the consumer, have the potential to direct the shopping decisions of the consumers, It is a great flaw in our legal system to accept that such powerful and influential trade actors, who highlight certain sellers with promotions and similar activities and encourage consumers to shop with these sellers, are completely irresponsible for the sales they mediate.” spoke form. Stating that he believes that the Supreme Court will reconsider this wrong decision within a short period of time, Yeniocak said, “Otherwise, this practice will cause major problems for consumers and the entire country’s economy.” spoke form.

Good news from EU to Turkish hazelnut producer

The European Union ended the responsible aflatoxin controls implemented in Turkish hazelnut imports since 2002. Exporters and producers were …

The European Union ended the responsible aflatoxin controls implemented in Turkish hazelnut imports since 2002. Exporters and producers were delighted with the announcement of the last minute decision.

Black Sea hazelnut and products exporters’ union board member Cem Şenocak stated that the removal of mandatory aflatoxin controls is a success of the department stakeholders, especially the producers.

Stating that they will turn the end of the inspections in their favor, Şenocak emphasized that he was welcomed with joy on both the exporter and the producer side. In the regulation change published in the Official Gazette of the European Union on 17 December, it was stated that the level of harmony provided with the requirements of the European Union regarding the risk of aflatoxin in hazelnuts and hazelnut products originating in Turkey is sufficient and there is no need for an increased level of control in this regard.

The latest situation in hazelnut

After the decision, which was perceived as a valuable development in the hazelnut branch, the news from the European Union gave a valuable impression to the exporters, especially the hazelnut producers. saved the trouble.

Stating that there will be random inspections in hazelnuts, Şenocak mentioned that aflatoxin controls are implemented very strictly and underlined that the decision taken should not be evaluated as out of control. Cem Şenocak, who stated that both manufacturers and buyers in Europe continue their inspections, said, “After the decision taken, it will be random.

Cem Şenocak, a member of the executive committee of the Black Sea hazelnut and products exporters’ union, emphasizing the importance of continuing to apply the rules both at the stage of collection and storage of hazelnut, which is a moisture -loving work, said that the artifact should not be stored in nylon sacks, ventilated during the drying stage and kept in healthy warehouses. added.

Upon the news from the European Union, Altınordu Chamber of Agriculture Leader Atakan Akça stated that the competitiveness of Turkish hazelnuts has increased. Akça stated that the decision taken is valuable for exporting industrialists and producers, adding that the work will meet with European countries more.

Valuable advice to home buyers

Investing in real estate is for many people in the middle of the valuable decisions they will make throughout their lives. Especially …

Investing in real estate is for many people in the middle of the valuable decisions they will make throughout their lives. Especially considering the increasing housing prices in recent periods, it becomes more attractive to invest in real estate. With the increase in housing prices, it became more difficult to own a house. That is why it is useful to take advantage of valuable advice when owning a house.

Decide on the location

The choice of location is one of the most important bets for first-time homebuyers to pay attention to. According to experts, it is beneficial for first-time residents to choose a location, while choosing a location, where housing prices do not lose their value, and even in areas that are expected to make a premium in the near future. In addition, factors such as social life expectancy, the distance of the residence to the workplace and transportation should also be taken into account.

Find out the age of the building

The age of the building stands out as a valuable clue for first-time real estate investors. In addition, the age of the building is in the middle of the most valuable elements that determine the value of the house. It is also necessary to consider the possibility of demolition of a building over the age of 25 within the scope of urban transformation with the aim of renewal and consolidation.

Pay attention to the square meter

The size of the house is another factor that determines its price. Those who will buy a house for the first time should decide by taking into account the difference in gross and net square meters. In this way, individuals who will buy a residence for the first time will both save costs and have the opportunity to use their living space better.

Research the company that built the house

Individuals who will buy a house for the first time should research the company that built the house in detail. At this point, it is beneficial to prefer known and trusted construction companies. It is also worthwhile for first-time residents to examine the previous projects of the company that built the building.

Allocate a budget for additional expenses

It is very valuable that first-time homebuyers should not neglect to allocate a budget for possible documents and renovation costs. At this point, before buying a house, the use of the house and its deficiencies should be carefully examined.

Do not miss the official inspections

Another issue that first-time homebuyers should pay attention to in the purchasing process is official inspections. Past period payments of subscriptions such as natural gas, electricity and water should be investigated. In addition, it is another obligation for those who will buy a house for the first time to pay attention to the title deed status of condominium ownership or floor servitude. In addition, if the area where the dwelling will be located in the earthquake generation, it should be checked whether the house/building is resistant to earthquakes, and if there is an earthquake resistance report, the report should definitely be examined.

Consider the building features

Before buying a house, it is necessary to consider the building features and calculate the expense items at this point. Individuals who will buy a house for the first time need to pay attention to the insulation of the building, dues expenditures, size and safety.

In which segments are the flavors used? Is it healthy?

Many products are offered to the market as flavor enhancers in the food branch. There is a wide range of artifacts, both as a sweetener and in …

Many products are offered to the market as flavor enhancers in the food branch. There is a wide range of artifacts, both as a sweetener and in terms of enlivening the flavors in the artifacts with aromas. Aroma is a work that is used quite a lot in all areas of our lives. It both adds pleasant flavors to foods and causes desirable odors. For this reason, people show a lot of interest. It is frequently used in food production in mass production. Let’s take a look at the food flavor uses, what tastes it appeals to and what they do.

Why are food flavors used?

Food options include foods that are highly preferred or not preferred by people. One of the reasons why people prefer and consume foods fondly is the taste of that food, that is, the aroma of food. The flavor of food has a great role in the emergence and support of local flavors and in the results suitable for the palate. Food flavors have very valuable missions in the emergence of delicious foods and the reinforcement of organic assays.

Are the flavors natural?

There may be chemical additives in many different foods. Aromas are divided into two as natural and natural equivalent aromas. If we ask a question such as whether the food flavors are natural, it is possible to say that the productions made on this subject are mostly organic. It is possible to encounter different nutritional components in some of the food flavors along with many additive nutritional materials. However, it is possible to say that the food flavors obtained by using plants such as fruits and flowers are 100% natural.

Uses of Food Aromas

The use of healthy food is a very valuable necessity. Especially in the international market, there are very strict practices and regulations on food supply and trade. Along with the regulations determined by the European standards, it is necessary to review the production and usage areas in accordance with these regulations.

Food flavors usage areas;

– Food Division,

– Pharmaceutical Industry,

– Perfume Division,

– Soft Drink Production,

– Tobacco Products ,


The use of aroma in the food sector

When we talk about aroma-based foods in the food sector, the first thing that comes to mind is ice cream, cake, desserts, cookie varieties , cracker varieties and bakery products. Many people want to see these natural flavors in these foods. At the same time, more aromatic flavors can be obtained by using nutritional flavors instead of discarding the fruit itself. It is also possible to obtain more delicious works in this form.

The use of food flavoring in the pharmaceutical department

Many compounds and chemical elements used in the drug compound are bitter. Food flavoring options with natural properties provide ease of use in pills, syrups and powdered drugs.

The use of food flavor in the perfume section

The scent of perfume speaks of precious meanings for people. While many people indulge in their own special scent, floral and fruit-flavored perfume options are among the precious choices here.

Use of nutritional flavor in soft drinks

Carbonated and still carbonated beverages are valued especially for their fragrance and taste. Finding a brand new flavor in soft drinks is directly related to the aroma used

The use of food flavor in tobacco products

While preparing tobacco products, different flavors are tried to be created especially for users . The flavor options used with tobacco lead to the emergence of products with very different tastes

The use of food flavoring in the production of Nbase and aalt base

Nbase and Salt Base are among the first class quality and qualified chemicals, Nbase works, the company It is offered to the market with a warranty and it shows that it is a wrong choice with a 1 year storage guarantee. Sigma Grade, Chemnovatic Grade, Merck Grade, Wilmar Grade and Carlo nbase appear as works produced with vegetable glycerin in this category. While producing NBase liquids, it is produced with the latest technology devices by chemists who are experts in this regard.

Mix aroma

Mix aroma: It is produced using many different flavors. Different kinds of mix and pleasant aromas used here lead to the emergence of very different and special smells. Available ingredients: It is produced using the most assertive varieties of aroma brands such as Flavor Arka, TFA, Flavor West, Capella and Inawera. The Gold Mix Aroma varieties, which arouse admiration in people who prefer these works, attract a lot of attention from users.

All eyes on the furniture fair

IIFF 2022 Istanbul Furniture Fair, which will be held simultaneously at Tuyap Fair and Congress Center and Istanbul Expo Center in the middle of …

IIFF 2022 Istanbul Furniture Fair, which will be held simultaneously at Tuyap Fair and Congress Center and Istanbul Expo Center in the middle of 25 – 30 January 2022, as the biggest fair in the history of Turkish fairs, will present the furniture branch in two other fair centers for the first time in Turkey. getting ready to meet. The fair, which is supported by the Turkish Furniture Manufacturers Association (MOSDER) and will participate with its 36 member brands, will be held in 25 halls in total with the support of the Furniture Associations Federation, in cooperation with Tüyap Tüm Fuarcılık and Mos Fair Organization. Tens of thousands of branch professionals from more than 150 countries, including from 6 continents, are expected to attend the fair. More than 3000 brands will participate in the Istanbul Furniture Fair, which will be held on a gross area of ​​260 thousand square meters.

Focused on goals

Stating that the wheels in the furniture industry have been turning very hard for the last two years due to the pandemic, Mustafa Balcı said , “However, this fair is our holiday and we will be rewarded for all the difficulties we have experienced. in a meeting position. Our aim is to host our domestic and foreign visitors and purchasing committees in the most efficient manner, and we want to cooperate in order to reach our export target, which we have determined as 6 billion dollars this year, in the showcase of the Turkish furniture department opened to the world market. Especially our suppliers abroad are looking forward to coming to our country. form for the affiliate,” he said.

Balcı stated that our furniture industry, which has a foreign trade surplus and has a very high production power, is located in the middle of the world’s top producer countries, adding, “We have a very convenient opportunity to reach new markets with the breaking of the Far East supply chain. From the furniture companies that export the most today to our small-scale furniture brands that are SMEs, we will show our strength in unity and solidarity at the fair this year.”

A new era is developing

“Thousands of thousands in many categories, from modern, modular luxury furniture to baby, kids and teen furniture, to office , school and education and garden furniture. MOSDER Leader Mustafa Balcı, who stated that, “Turkish furniture, the latest trends in new generation fabrics directed by R&D and innovation studies, will be exhibited at the Istanbul Furniture Fair,” said. With its development potential, it is now out of date. In our modern production facilities, we have come to a position that determines the trends of world furniture with mass production. We are waiting for all our visitors to Tuyap Fair and Congress Center and Istanbul Fair Center in the middle of 25 – 30 January 2022. Our guests will be able to see the works of 2022 in the most modern-modular, bed-base, garden furniture, office-school furniture, accessories and fabric categories at the Istanbul Expo Center. At Tüyap Fair and Congress Center, they will have the opportunity to closely examine thousands of works in the categories of modern-modular furniture, luxury furniture and children’s and young room furniture.”

Turkey is tense and unhappy

It is a fact that life gets harder from time to time. Especially in the last 2 years, the stability has changed a lot with the entry of the …

It is a fact that life gets harder from time to time. Especially in the last 2 years, the stability has changed a lot with the entry of the coronavirus into our lives. Well, how happy are we with our lives at the end of 2 years with the anxiety of the epidemic and the ever-changing country agenda?

In order to find out the answers to these questions, as NG Research, we conducted a public opinion poll, with the participation of 1938 people over the age of 15, in the middle of December 29–January 10, 2022 via Let’s examine the results together!

In our research, 52% of the participants stated that they are not working at the moment, while 48% stated that they are.

How satisfied are we?

The concept of satisfaction, which is sometimes thrown into the background in the intensity of life, is actually one of the most precious concepts that makes life livable. We asked the participants how satisfied they were recently.

4 out of 10 people feel neither happy nor unhappy. Could it be that the fact that people have been dealing with health and economic conditions in recent years, and their lives with ups and downs while dealing with various difficulties, have brought them to a point where they become numb? 3 out of 10 people feel unhappy. Unfortunately, the rate of those who are satisfied is in the minority.

While 3 out of 10 employees feel satisfied, 2 out of 10 employees feel happy. The small difference in the middle may indicate possible problems in business life. In our country, the effect of working status on happiness seems very small.

Are we stressed?

We look for many ways to avoid the effects of tension on our lives. Well, can we actually escape the tension? We asked the participants how tense they were in daily life. The answers are very thought provoking. When we examine the answers to this question, we see that tension is a module of many people’s lives. 6 out of 10 people feel tense.

When we examined the relationship between tension and the middle education level, we obtained surprising results. While 65% of university graduates feel stressed, this rate is 56% for primary school graduates. Young people try very hard to graduate from university, but the results make them question whether their lives are getting better.

When we examined the relationship between tension and satisfaction, we saw that there was a strong connection between them. Among those who say they are nervous, only 13% are happy. From this point of view, we can say that learning ways to work through tension will help us get closer to happiness.

What are the reasons that put it in tension?

We have seen how high the voltage ratio is. So, what are the reasons that put us in the most tension?

The biggest source of tension for 1 out of every 3 people is economic reasons. 1 out of 5 individuals would say about the future. While the coronavirus is the most valuable agenda item all over the world, it is quite thought-provoking that it is in the 4th place in Turkey. Economic reasons and worry about the future have become a source of tension even more than health!

What do we expect from the future?

We got an idea about the current situation of people. Well, what are their expectations for the future? Do they think they will be more enjoyable in the future? 45% of participants think they will be more satisfied in the future. Despite all the problems, nearly half of the society still looks to the future with hope. Half of the rest think it will be as good as it is now, and half think it will be less enjoyable.

When we analyze the answers to this question in detail, we see that women look to the future more positively. While 5 out of 10 women think that it will be more enjoyable in the future, this number drops to 4 out of 10 for men. What do you think might be the reason why women are more hopeful about the future?

The best Netflix series coming out in 2022

Netflix, the biggest TV series and cinema platform, which has shown great interest all over the world, has made a name for itself with its …

Netflix, the biggest TV series and cinema platform, which has shown great interest all over the world, has made a name for itself with its quality productions. Hundreds of Turkish and foreign action, adventure, sci-fi, comedy, romance, drama, tension, anxiety contains allusions in the arm. With the cooling of the weather, the period of watching TV series in the house has started. the new era of many pleasant productions that we have been eagerly awaiting throughout 2021 has arrived; it keeps coming. Even if you have watched some of them, we are sure there are some that you missed.

Love 101


Sex education

Into the night

La casa de papel


The witcher

Emily in Paris

my cat abode project

The strong rules that it has brought with it as we enter the winter months also affect our friends on the street living outside. The fact that …

The strong rules that it has brought with it as we enter the winter months also affect our friends on the street living outside. The fact that they are in danger of freezing due to weather conditions brings along the problem of not finding enough food. The #kedievimadoreden Social Responsibility Project, which is organized every year at the beginning of winter, initiated by Adore furniture for our friends on the street, has received great attention and reinforcement from animal lovers this year as well. Within the scope of #kedievimadoreden Social Responsibility Project, which was held for the 11th time this year, a total of 9400 free

cat houses were distributed in its stores in Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir and on

Exporting demounted furniture to over 70 countries under its own brand, Adore Furniture uses the damaged and inert materials it has accumulated throughout the year in the production of cat houses. The brand, which has signed an exemplary project by distributing close to 300,000 cat houses in Turkey since the day it started the project, continues to wholeheartedly support the needy lives on the streets, together with animal lovers.

Herbal tea suggestion to increase your body resistance in winter months

In these days of winter, we need additional support to protect our body from diseases and increase our resistance. Herbal teas, which are …

In these days of winter, we need additional support to protect our body from diseases and increase our resistance. Herbal teas, which are usually made in winter, are prepared with the aim of being protective against diseases or providing resistance against viruses in diseases. For this reason, it is necessary to brew herbal teas using eastern herbs, according to their aim.

Sage tea

Today, many people use sage tea for the treatment of pain, diarrhea, digestive system problems, colds and mental issues. In limited studies, it is seen that sage reduces symptoms such as finitude and hot flashes, which are the symptoms of menopause, lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and contains plenty of antioxidants. Sage, which is thought to be protective against brain health problems such as Alzheimer’s, is also thought to be preventive against upper respiratory tract infections. Sage, which scientific research is very new now, is a plant that has great potential for health.


The flowers of the rosehip plant, which strengthens the immune system thanks to its strong vitamin C, are used as medicinal medicine. Experts say that it contains 60 times more vitamin C than lemon. It is very useful against cold and flu in winter. It is widely used for stomach spasms, prevention of stomach ulcers, intestinal and stomach disorders, especially diseases caused by vitamin C deficiency. At the same time, roseship tea is used for diarrhea, constipation, gall bladder and stones, urinary system and kidney disorders, gout, weight loss and chest diseases.


The benefits of linden in problems such as colds and flu are innumerable. In addition to its properties to defend against diseases in cold winter months, it has many known benefits. While linden helps to get rid of the bacteria that cause cough, it also helps to smooth out the irritations in the respiratory tract caused by the disease. Known for its expectorant properties, the linden plant helps in the treatment of many diseases, from viral or bacterial throat infections to high fever complaints, from chronic diseases to skin and hair diseases.

Peppermint tea

Peppermint, which is used in the analysis of indigestion, gas, digestive system problems, is also consumed a lot. You can also use mint, which can be found in every period of the year, to clear your stuffy nose. Prepare mint tea nicely, inhale its sharp steam deeply before drinking it, be patient even if your eyes burn, you will see the difference quickly.

Hollyhock Tea

Hollyhock is known for its diuretic properties. If you like to consume herbal teas during the winter months, you should try hollyhock, which relieves cough and soothes the throat. You can also wash your face after the hollyhock that you prepare as a tea cools down a bit. This plant also has skin cleansing and restorative properties.