5 reasons to hug your loved ones often

Sometimes the best thing you can do for a person is to offer them comfort, warmth and love with something as easy as a hug. If you’re not a big …

Sometimes the best thing you can do for a person is to offer them comfort, warmth and love with something as easy as a hug. If you’re not a big fan of physical contact, you might change your mind once you learn how powerful they can be for our mental and physical well-being. Hugs let loved ones know that they have faith and that they are not alone, and we all want a hug at some point.

Human touch is the most intimate form of connection and naturally brings the most benefit. People who feel lonely often realize that something is missing, but they do not realize that it is as easy as a hug. Here are reasons to hug your loved ones quickly;

1. Reduces tension, increases satisfaction

Hugs produce one of the hormones of satisfaction or oxytocin, often called hugging or love hormone. The more we touch or hug, the more it is produced and the smoother we feel. The hormone has been proven to have anti-stress effects.

2. Helps you combat anxiety and anxiety

Hugs can provide valuable benefits for people who are grieving, low in self-confidence, and more specifically fear of death. This research suggests that people experiencing these feelings may want to be touched as a way to feel comfortable. The results showed that those who were touched experienced less existential distress than those who were not in physical contact with another person.

3. Reduces risk of infection

A study shows that individuals who receive social reinforcement and hugs may be slightly more protected from infections. Healthy adults in the study were exposed to the common cold virus after hugging and were then monitored for signs of illness. The results showed that holding and cuddling reduced the risk of infection.

4. Improves heart health

According to this research, hugging may have valuable heart benefits in humans. Researchers divided a cluster of 200 people into 2 clusters. In the first, the couples had to hold hands for 10 minutes while watching a romantic image, then hugged for 20 seconds, and the second set had to sit silently for 10 minutes and 20 seconds without touching. The results showed that individuals who were hugged showed a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure.

5. Relieves pain

Being touched or hugged by a loved one not only gives you spiritual benefits, but also physiological benefits. Touching someone you love can ease the pain, according to a study. The 22 couples who participated in the tests were observed and repeated the experience of being in the delivery room. Ladies who were exposed to pain and whose partners did not touch them felt it. However, when the male partners held their hands, the pain of the women decreased.

What is recycling in weaving?

Weaving recycling companies basically reinforce the scope of production with some processes. These processes are basic recycling processes …

Weaving recycling companies basically reinforce the scope of production with some processes. These processes are basic recycling processes. The steps involved in the recycling process of fabric and other weaving products can be discussed in order:

– Collection

– Sorting (Color and Structure Classification)

– Process

– Sales

Weaving recycling sector contributes to both nature and economy by recycling weaving waste. Recent research shows that this branch is growing quite rapidly. Textiles, including clothing items, furniture, bedding materials, curtains, clean items, entertainment equipment, and many other items, have become a $1 trillion industry. Parallel to this great development, some countries import thousands of tons of textile waste.

Everyone needs to recognize the value and benefits of recycling textiles. These green recycling ideas are becoming more common day by day. Every year, more than 50 billion garments are produced on average in weaving production all over the world. It’s okay to assume the enormity of the costs involved in producing these garments. For this reason, it would be a more plausible choice to include it in low-cost recycling processes, even if the effort is completely lost. Let alone the economic losses of non-recyclable textiles, even the damage they cause to the environment is in motion.

Fabric Recycling Division

Almost half of all fabric fiber in the world is obtained from plants, animals and insects. This means that more than half of it consists of non-natural, synthetic (artificial) fibers.

While synthetic fabric types participate in recycling processes, they leave more wasteful waste around than natural fabric types. Now nowhere are steps taken to prevent these toxic chemicals, which could potentially endanger even the lives of sea creatures. Recycling processes that will help reduce waste with only small government incentives are tried to be expanded. In the midst of the main causes of environmental pollution, especially in countries such as China and India, weavings made of synthetic, petroleum-based polymer containing fabrics are shown.

In our country, waste fabrics are given names such as “fire fabric”, “scrap fabric”, “scrap fabric”. The most well-known jargon in the weaving branch is “fire fabric”. Those who collect, buy and sell fire fabric are called “fireci”. It is coordinated by these individuals that the fabrics in small cuts that emerge around the main production patterns in the slaughter garment workshops and weavinghouses are delivered to the recycling factories so that they can participate in the recycling processes. Fabric recycling factories classify waste fabrics and turn them into fibers again, thanks to the machines in their structure. Some waste (waste) fabric recycling factories not only turn them into fibers, but also produce “regenerated yarn” with other production systems.

Regenerated yarns are almost as good as ordinary yarns. Fabrics woven with regenerated yarns are also called “regenerated fabrics”.

Regenerated fabric types are one step ahead with cheaper prices than original production fabric types. Thanks to the weaving recycling technology machines that have been developing rapidly recently, regenerated fabrics have succeeded in capturing over 75% of the original quality scale. Although regenerated fabrics are recognized in the domestic fabric market, they are still not able to fully meet the quality standards on an export basis.

How are the Prices of Fire (Scrap) Fabric Determined?

While the buyers and sellers of fire fabric determine the prices, technically they take the yarn prices as an index. With the increase in yarn prices, scrap fabric prices also increase. The fabric color that can be recycled most easily, that is, converted into fiber at the cheapest cost, is the color “white”.

Especially white color, lycra-free (without spandex), cotton combed (knitted) pile fabrics are the most easily recycled waste fabric type. Waste fabrics containing synthetic chemicals such as lycra (including elastane, spandex), polyester, polyamide can be recycled at a rate of 60%-70% with even higher

costs. For this reason, fabrics produced from natural and organic fibers such as white and black colors (no need to use paint remover

), cotton and linen have a higher price compared to synthetic fabric waste. Currently, types of scrap fabrics that do not contain white color polyester are much more valuable than the kilo price of scrap iron.

What are the Environmental Benefits of Waste Fabric Recycling?

Recycling other waste textiles, especially fabrics, benefits nature in the following form:

– Synthetic and natural fibers emit greenhouse gases after they have been waiting in nature for a while. With recycling processes, this situation can be reduced, if not eliminated.

– Costs such as power, labor and water usage are saved.

– Helps reduce environmental pollution.

– Provides extra employment.

6 quotes to help you start your day well

Starting the day right is the source of strength to be used all day. Small steps to be taken and made into a habit will allow the day to be …

Starting the day right is the source of strength to be used all day. Small steps to be taken and made into a habit will allow the day to be productive and allow the person to spare more time for himself.

How about waking up to an effective morning in instilling positivity into your soul that will help you overcome your physical and spiritual issues? Here are the offers for those who want to start the day on a positive note and end it with pleasure;

1. Start the day early

Research shows that people who wake up early in the morning and are not in a rush feel more energetic and pleasant during the day In addition to being beneficial in terms of starting the day early, planning the work and activities that need to be done, it also affects the whole day positively and contributes to allocating more time for oneself.

2. Start the day with 1 glass of water

Water is indispensable for life and its health benefits are indisputable. The most pleasant way to wake up the thirsty metabolism at bedtime is to start the day with 1 glass of water. Starting the day with a glass of water not only helps wake up your metabolism, but also helps to get rid of toxins accumulated in the body.

3. Don’t neglect breakfast

All experts in the world agree that breakfast is the most valuable meal. Breakfast increases the blood sugar level, which falls after a long hunger, and provides a fresh and energetic start to the day.

4. Choose pleasant morning music

Studies show that listening to music when we wake up in the morning makes the day smoother. Listening to a favorite song is one of the best ways to start the day with positive ideas.

5. Take a warm shower

Most of us prefer to take a shower after waking up in the morning or before going to bed at night. According to studies, the ideal for stressed workers is to take a shower in the morning. While the shower has a relaxing effect, it also allows you to wake up on time.

6. Stay away from phones and e-mails

Phones and e-mails are a part of our lives. But answering phones, notifications, and emails without having breakfast, waking up fully, and planning the day builds tension. For this reason, it is recommended to answer the phones and e-mails after completing the breakfast and morning care routines.

Allergy is the worst enemy of school success in children

Allergic reactions may not be just an easy sneeze or runny nose. In addition to these, many people also experience symptoms such as difficulty …

Allergic reactions may not be just an easy sneeze or runny nose. In addition to these, many people also experience symptoms such as difficulty in breathing and weakness. For children, it becomes a difficult situation to manage.

Pediatric Health and Diseases Specialist Dr. Ahmet Köse said that these days when schools opened, allergy complaints increased due to the change of seasons, and that increasing complaints created an obstacle in front of school success. Dr. Köse mentioned that with the arrangements to be made in the residence, the complaints of allergies can be reduced and the school success can be increased.

“House dust mites cause allergy”

Stating that allergy is the biggest enemy of school success in children, Dr. Köse said, “Allergy not only affects growth and development in children, but also prevents success in school. Allergic children cannot breathe easily, cannot sleep systematically and comfortably. All this causes children to be nervous, finite, sleepless at school and have trouble focusing. Children with reduced allergy complaints experience an efficient sleep period, especially since they can easily go to deep sleep. This helps him focus more easily and be successful in school the next day.” spoke in.

Drawing attention especially to the cleanliness of the children’s room, Dr. Ahmet Köse said, “Allergy is a reaction of children to foreign things. Feces of small creatures called dust mites in the residential environment are a valuable cause of allergies. These creatures, which live especially in hairy, woolly, thick fabrics, carpets, weavings and beds, and can be seen with a microscope, love warm and humid environments and multiply rapidly there. If your child has itching, discharge, congestion, sneezing, redness, itching and watering in the nose, especially in the residential environment, the reason may be housing dust mites. It is very valuable to simplify the children’s room, to have less toys, weaving works, and to remove the carpet.” he said.

“Strictly vacuum the bed”

Köse concluded his words as follows: “I strongly recommend that the child’s room be ventilated, especially that the books should be dusted frequently, and that the surfaces should be wiped with a damp cloth. The children’s room should also be swept twice a week. It is valuable that the vacuum used here is an aqueous system with a hepa filter and does not release dust back into the environment. Sweep the child’s bed regularly with these cleaning robots with high suction power. House dust mites find an easier place to live in places such as beds, quilts, pillows, blankets and weaving works, and leave their excrement there. Cleanse your child’s sleeping area by trapping them in water.

Proper sleep means regular growth and a successful school life. When the child gets his sleep, he will wake up easily in the morning, go to school willingly, and will be more successful at school. The family will easily see the changes in the child who is able to sleep in time.”

7 things you can do to protect the environment in everyday life

Small changes we can make in our daily life, some small steps we can take can have a big impact on protecting the environment. Situations such …

Small changes we can make in our daily life, some small steps we can take can have a big impact on protecting the environment. Situations such as fires, floods, increasing temperatures and pollution of the seas experienced in many countries and in Turkey show us that we need to defend and protect our surroundings more than ever. Here are some changes you can make in your daily life to protect the environment;

1. Stop billions of liters of pure water from being wasted

According to studies, each tap left open while brushing teeth causes up to 10-12 liters of pure drinking water to go to waste. causes. A little awareness to turn off the tap while brushing your teeth will prevent billions of liters of pure water from being wasted annually around the world.

2. Prevent environmental pollution caused by vehicles

It is one of the proposals that have been frequently spoken in recent periods that people who are close to their residence and workplace should walk instead of driving. Options such as making more use of public transportation for long distances, and having colleagues living close to each other travel to the workplace with a single vehicle are in the middle of other measures that can be quickly implemented in the name of protecting the environment.

3. Say no to wasted power

Turning off electronic items such as computers completely instead of putting them to sleep position, not leaving tea and coffee machines used in offices and residences on all the time , using power-saving light bulbs, low power consumption Preferring white goods, which are the most expensive, are easy but valuable steps that can be taken both to stop the waste of power and to protect the environment.

4. Use less paper

With the pandemic, the rate of food orders given to residences and offices has increased. It is possible to protect trees and the environment by not asking for plastic cutlery when ordering food to the residence or office, by making use of the back side of the papers when printing, and by not using paper cups.

5. End the use of plastic

Plastics, which have a practical use in daily life, cause environmental pollution because they do not enter into an easy transformation cycle in nature. To prevent this situation; It is possible to reduce the damage of plastic to the environment by taking easy steps to use cloth bags or baskets instead of plastic bags, to consume water using glass bottles instead of drinking from plastic bottles, to throw plastic items into a recycling bin close to the residence or workplace instead of throwing them directly into the trash.

6. Sort waste

Recycling starts at home. When it comes to recycling at home, the first thing that comes to mind is the separation of garbage. However, there is still no conscious behavior in garbage sorting, and this sensitive issue is not taken seriously. Sorting glass, plastic, metal, paper and chemical wastes at home and throwing them into recycling bins is another system that can be easily applied to protect the environment.

7. Do not pour waste oil into sinks

Every year, hundreds of thousands of tons of waste oil and chemical matters are released to nature in our country. It should not be forgotten that every 1 liter of waste oil poured into sinks pollutes 1 million liters of pure water. In order to prevent the damage caused by chemicals, natural cleaning agents such as baking soda and white vinegar should be preferred instead of chemical cleaners as much as possible.

5 hygiene rules that should be applied in schools

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, face-to-face training for medium starts 5 days a week at all levels as of September 6, 2021. Due to the Covid …

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, face-to-face training for medium starts 5 days a week at all levels as of September 6, 2021. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which has been affecting the whole world for almost 2 years, students who have to continue their education from their residences are counting the days for the opening of schools.

Experts underline the need to follow mask, distance and hygiene rules due to the ongoing epidemic. The health of students and teachers needs to be guaranteed with strict measures to be implemented in schools.

Okay, what are the precautions to be taken in schools? What precautions should be taken in terms of hygiene in the areas where students and teachers use it collectively? Marketing and Business Development Manager Hakan Mete said:

1. School entrance and corridors

First of all, school entrance and corridors should be disinfected meticulously. Temperature measurements should be made at the school entrance of all students and teachers, and there should be hand disinfection stands at regular intervals in every part of the school. The floor and walls, in short, everything that children can touch needs to be routinely disinfected with professional equipment during the day.

2. Disinfection of the air

In all areas of the school, the filters of the cooling and heating tools in the environment must be clean and disinfected. In addition, due to pandemic conditions, routine disinfection of the ambient air should be done.

3. Commonly used equipment

Desks, tables and every contacted equipment in the classrooms must be disinfected systematically and the environment must be ventilated during breaks. Common use items such as chalk, pencils, wood erasers, sports equipment, balls played by children, basketball hoops, goal posts, etc. should be routinely and systematically cleaned with disinfectants.

4. Hygiene of toilets

Toilets used by students and teachers are among the most risky areas. Interiors of toilets, toilet bowls and lids, siphon handles, hand-touched door handles, fountains and soap dispensers; disinfection of floors, sinks, garbage cans and ventilation filters in the environment should be done carefully.

5. Dining hall and teacher’s rooms

All common use tools such as floors and walls of dining areas, tables, chairs, servant crews, tea, coffee, water dispensers and garbage cans should be cleaned and disinfected regularly. . Again, the ventilation and air conditioning filters in these areas need to be cleaned and disinfected well.

In addition, all vehicles such as sitting sets, floors, walls, tea, coffee, and dispensers in the teacher’s rooms should be cleaned and disinfected.

Is your child ready for face-to-face education?

Children have been accustomed to online education at home for a long time due to the pandemic. Because of this, the idea of ​​going back to …

Children have been accustomed to online education at home for a long time due to the pandemic. Because of this, the idea of ​​going back to school too soon can cause fear in some children. So, what can you, as a parent, do about it? Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist Dr. Muhammet Albayati made proposals on this issue.

Tolerance must be treated in the process of harmony

The pandemic process that has been going on for more than a year and a half has changed many of our habits. Adapting to these new changes can be challenging not only for adults but also for children. Especially the process related to schools affects children a lot. Returning to school very soon while the pandemic rules continue may cause harmony problems for some children who are accustomed to receiving education at home. Stating that this situation is extremely normal, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Specialist. Dr. Muhammet Albayati made the following offers to parents: “First of all, we should continue to take Covid security measures without increasing the fear levels in children. You should make sure that these rules are applied properly in their schools, you should learn from school administrations at what level and how the Covid-19 measures are applied, and transfer them to your child in an appropriate language. Allow them to share about their rush, excitement, and worries in a meeting with all family members. Provide them with a faithful space to develop awareness of their own feelings so that they can share their thoughts. In this way, he will learn to share ideas and will not accumulate his worries. Try to regulate sleeping and eating habits; During the pandemic process, these orders have been lost in our children, as in all of us. In particular, the habits of children who spend a lot of time in front of the computer and screen have completely changed. During the return to school process, try to plan sleep and meal times at least one week before the school routine.

Saying that it is not easy for every child to switch to the new system, to change overnight and to achieve harmony, Albayati continued: “Even if this process seems short to you, there is a long and troublesome process in the world of children. Being aware of this, you should approach it knowing that your child cannot return to all routines at once. Do not neglect to be patient, moderate and tolerant towards your child throughout the process.”

5 ways to recycle at home

Today, the concept of recycling continues to gain value day by day as a result of the increase in consumption habits and the deterioration of …

Today, the concept of recycling continues to gain value day by day as a result of the increase in consumption habits and the deterioration of the natural balance of excessive consumption. With recycling, the amount of waste left to nature is reduced, while protecting natural resources and saving power. Well, is it possible to implement recycling in residences?

We have listed recycling ideas for you that will enable you to make a big difference with small changes in the residence…

1. Sort waste

Recycling starts at the residence. When it comes to recycling at home, the first thing that comes to people’s mind is the separation of garbage. However, there is still no conscious behavior in garbage sorting, and this sensitive issue is ignored. One of the most successful steps in residential recycling is zero or near-zero waste. It is possible to separate wastes and recycle them at home by making different waste bins such as glass, plastic, metal, paper and chemical. Or, plastic, paper and glass wastes can be sorted out in the residences and quickly left in the recycling containers on the street corners.

2. Use ecological artifacts

In recent periods, problems have been experienced in many parts of the world, especially due to the increase in the use of plastic and equivalent artifacts. Attempts around the world to overcome this problem continue at full speed. It is possible to contribute to both the protection of nature and the recycling of houses by choosing nature-friendly ecological works. In the production processes of ecological works, formulas and materials that can harm natural life from production to consumption are avoided. There are ecological alternatives to various and different categories of works such as cleanness products, sanitary pads, toothbrushes and coffee filters.

3. Evaluate the wastes

Separated wastes can be reused with various techniques and turned into goods. In this way, many materials, objects and toys are obtained, such as flower pots, colored boxes and decorations. It is possible to turn a glass bottle into a vase or a night light, a plastic waste vase or a flower pot, and a random cardboard waste into a toy that will stretch the imagination of children.

4. Earn income by collecting waste

Making money by collecting waste is one of the most well-known and most done jobs. A measure of income can be obtained by selling wastes such as copper, plastic, plastic bottles and iron to recycling factories. The income to be obtained by collecting waste completely depends on how much waste is collected. Cardboard, plastic pet bottles or paper are the most easily found and also the cheapest wastes.

5. Provide a basis for the collection of waste oil

Every 1 liter of waste oil spilled from the sinks pollutes 1 million liters of pure water. Hundreds of thousands of tons of waste oil is released into nature every year in our country. However, it is possible to collect oils and convert them into biodiesel. The Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, which is sensitive to this valuable issue, answers the questions of the citizens about this issue 24 hours a day, with the unit it has set up at the ALO 181 Invitation Center.

Does the vaccine cause infertility?

24 This week’s guest of the Arafta Questions program broadcast on TV is Prof. Vefik Arica. Answering the questions of star writer Esra Elönü …

24 This week’s guest of the Arafta Questions program broadcast on TV is Prof. Vefik Arica. Answering the questions of star writer Esra Elönü about the pandemic agenda, Prof. Dr. Arıca made valuable statements, especially about the vaccine.

Here is Prof. Dr. Arıca’s explanation:

Does it cause infertility?

About a week ago, I conveyed this information that I got from my social media account when I looked abroad, scientifically, that the sperm count increased in men who received two doses of Biontech vaccine. The next day, the chief physician of a province called me and said that all our youth over the age of 65-70 are in line. This is how we contributed. The most valuable factor in the question of whether it causes infertility is the number. When we look at the birth rate two years ago and the birth rate now, there is an increase of around ten percent in Turkey.

Vaccination is a line between life and death. Purgatory between heaven and hell. In the past months, when I visited the intensive care unit, I visited a young aunt. He couldn’t breathe, he was given oxygen. When I asked why you didn’t get vaccinated, he said, ‘My son, I don’t know, my downstairs neighbor told me not to be, but if I knew I couldn’t breathe like this, I would’.

The virus is a living thing. There was no lifelong war between living beings or countries. Therefore, since both the pandemic and the virus are living things, this war will end somehow. As both our Minister of Health and our President have mentioned, as soon as the vaccination rate in Turkey and in the world exceeds 70 percent, the variants will end. If the Delta variant had not come, the UK variant would have been finished. It will end in Turkey in the next couple of months. If a new variant does not come, the pandemic will end slowly. As long as there are unvaccinated people, the probability of coming is very high.

It reduces death to zero

Being vaccinated reduces death to almost zero, reduces the burden on us in hospital admissions, and reduces our getting sick a little more. However, if you sit next to someone with coronavirus in the same environment, even if you are vaccinated, you will naturally catch the virus after the social gap has decreased to zero.

How to prepare children for face-to-face education

The coronavirus epidemic has caused great disruptions in daily life for over a year, and our children, like everyone else, have felt and …

The coronavirus epidemic has caused great disruptions in daily life for over a year, and our children, like everyone else, have felt and continue to feel this difficult process deeply. Especially with the transfer of educational activities to online platforms, our children faced a situation where they went to school online. Although they have adapted very quickly to this new world and education system, it is a known fact that nothing can replace education and training activities face to face. For this reason, we need to take the necessary measures as soon as possible and return life to normal for our children. At the end of the summer, I hope all our schools will open their doors to our students.

Well, how will our students, who have been different from their schools, teachers, friends and social environments for so long, manage the process? What should we do for them in this bet so that we can make their anxiety and excitement controllable?

Don’t expect everything to change overnight

First of all, we should all continue to take Covid security measures without increasing the fear levels in our children . We should make sure that these rules are applied adequately in the schools they will return to, and we should learn by consulting the school administrations at what level and how the Covid-19 measures are applied.

After learning about the school’s security measures, they should be reviewed and explained to the child in order to avoid surprises when he starts school. If you have high-risk family members that you care about, we should explain what this means for your child and any extra precautions it may require compared to what their friends might need to do.

Let’s talk to them about our concerns; Allow them to share about their worries, excitements and worries in a with all family members. Provide them with a safe space to develop awareness of their own feelings and share their thoughts, so they will both learn to share ideas and not hoard their anxieties.

Try to regulate sleeping and eating habits; During the pandemic process, these orders have been lost in our children, as in all of us. In particular, the habits of our children, who spend a lot of time in front of the computer and screen, have completely changed. During the return to school process, try to plan sleep and meal times at least two weeks before the school routine hours.

Let’s create an opportunity for our children who have been away from their friends for a long time to meet with their friends before school, even if it is for a short time. Even if we do not have a face-to-face opportunity, let’s prepare for the process by communicating with families and planning environments where we can chat with images.

Contact school counselors; Definitely ask for the informative letters of the schools prepared for you.

Do not expect everything to change overnight, although it may seem short, there is a long and difficult process going on in our children’s world. Being aware of this, approach situations knowing that our child cannot return to all routines at once.

And most importantly, we can all tend to resist this unfamiliar way of life. Do not let go of your patient, cool and tolerant attitude.

If your child’s reflections seem different – perhaps more acute than usual or overreacting to seemingly minor tensions – the most decent thing you can do is to treat your child with compassion, warmth and calmness rather than react negatively.