Best-selling books for the week of February 21-27

For readers’ lovers, we have compiled some of the most read books for you this week. Happy reading! İhsan Oktay Anar – Tiamat “In …

For readers’ lovers, we have compiled some of the most read books for you this week. Happy reading!

İhsan Oktay Anar – Tiamat

“In the beginning everything was cold, empty and meaningless. The Holy Wind was blowing with caressing eddies over the waters, and in the pitch-black night when the sun and moon, the signs and the stars were not created now, his eyes were opened with a miraculous touch, and he was consoling himself personally , that is, the blind nature, which sees the darkness itself again. The unknown silhouette of the other steel beast, his awakening and incarnation, was almost motionless under the swift light of the surface. ” We are in a wonderful story, both inside and outside of that unknown, motionless silhouette, in the world that İhsan Oktay Anar created in the deep sea.

Grigory Petrov – In the Land of White Lilies

Grigoriy Petrov, a former priest, broadcaster and journalist, is dedicated to Finland and Johan Wilhelm Snelman. he wrote his immortal work to set an example for other countries, but especially for Russia. As a result, poor, arid and underpopulated Finland was almost born from the ashes with the cooperation of its citizens, called “life creators”; Religion, language, race, education, family life and administration, such as bets developed at full speed, and thus managed to leave all other countries behind. After the death of the original Petrov, he made numerous editions in the Land of White Lilies, especially in Bulgaria and Turkey, so much that Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who was fascinated by the book from the moment he started reading it, wanted this immortal work to be included in the curriculum of schools. You will witness the Finnish people trying to find their own national identity by shouldering shoulder to shoulder, and you will meet the personalities of this people who have made innovations that will carry their country forward.

George Orwell – Animal Farm

Overworked and abused animals one day gather and take over the farm where they live. Finally, they have the word, they are determined to create a more just and equal society on the farm. They begin to work to establish this new system under the leadership of the pigs. Although this order initially enabled the development of the farm, in time, unforeseen difficulties will arise and a more ruthless regime will be established than before. Animal Farm is George Orwell’s second well-known contemporary classic novel and a striking political satire. One of the most adequate system criticisms ever written, this novel reveals how a freedom-oriented revolution can evolve into one-man. George Orwell’s allegory remains fresh today in every situation and place where freedom is attacked.

Sabahattin Ali – Madonna in a Fur Coat

Madonna in a Fur Coat, first published in 1943, is still among the most popular and today sold books . Since the day it was published, many researches and studies have been done on the book, which has sold more than 1 million copies, and theses have been written about it, but the secret of this success has not been fully resolved. The biggest share that makes it so special and still being talked about is of course Sabahattin Ali’s master pen and successful soul analysis.

Get Ready for a Shocking Love Story You’ll Read Again and Again!

The work, which has made a name for itself with its subject, is shown in the middle of the most valuable novels of Turkish literature. The novel, which can also be described as a spiritual narrative, is actually shaped around three main themes: love, loneliness and alienation. Although Madonna in a Fur Coat may seem more like a love story, in the novel we actually witness a person’s process of isolation and alienation from society. Within the framework of spiritual analysis, Sabahattin Ali describes this feeling of alienation and loneliness so adequately that he makes us feel these feelings as if we are living them while reading.

Hakan Mengüç – No Competition is a Coincidence

Destiny does not give up on humanity. The moment is being written over and over again. There are so many moments when you do what you say you can’t do, you endure what you say you can’t bear, you love what you say you can’t, you can leave when you think you can’t go, you say you’re dead, but you still live…

A young seeker who sets out on a long journey without knowing what will happen to them. A Sufi and a confused young girl have nothing to rely on in these travels other than their destinations.

When they return to the place where they started after traveling from city to city for seven days without money, food, clothing and most importantly, no plans, nothing will be the same for them.

Could a person change even in just seven days?

Could it be written again, baht?

Of course, everything could have changed in only seven days…

Just like a reed in a reed reed turns into a “ney” that can make heartfelt sounds after seven phases…

Artifacts to see in the Louvre

The Louvre Museum, located on the banks of the Seine River in Paris, contains more than 350 thousand works of art. The museum, which consists …

The Louvre Museum, located on the banks of the Seine River in Paris, contains more than 350 thousand works of art. The museum, which consists of various parts such as Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Egypt, the royal gardens and the glass pyramid, draws attention as it is the first museum opened after the French Revolution. From Leonardo Da Vinci to Botticelli, from Michelangelo to Théodore Géricault, we have examined the works that you should definitely see in the museum, where the iconic works of the world’s most valuable artists are located.

Mona Lisa

The Mona Lisa, painted by Leonardo da Vinci in the early 1500s, may be the most famous painting in the world. Mona Lisa, one of the rare works completed by the artist, has been under the auspices of the Louvre Museum since 1797. It is believed that the lady depicted in the work, which is also on the national heritage list of France, is Lisa Gherardini , the wife of a Florentine merchant. Even if there is not a single point of the work that has not been examined, which strengthened its cult status after it was stolen by a museum employee in 1911, its mysterious atmosphere never loses its effect.

Liberty Leading the People

Eugène Delacroix’s painting Liberty Leading the People, made to immortalize the July Revolution of 1830, is owned by the Louvre. One of the most expensive works ever. The work, which deals with the 3-day popular uprising that ended the domination of the Bourbon Dynasty in France, perfectly combines the strict reality of the events with the romantic form of Delocroix. The work, which inspired many things from the Statue of Liberty in America to the album cover of Coldplay, has been on display at the Louvre Museum since 1874.

Venus de Milo

One of the most valuable examples of Ancient Greek Sculpture art, Vénus de Milo, BC. It is estimated that it was made in the 100s. It is believed that the 203 cm tall marble statue symbolizes Aphrodite, the goddess of love and pleasantness. Discovered on the Greek island of Milos in 1820, Vénus de Milo is the XVIII. It was brought to the country by Louis. Many details about the statue, especially the missing limbs, still remain a mystery. So much so that there are even those who believe that the statue is an extremely successful replica.

The Wedding at Cana

Veronese’s most famous work, The Wedding at Cana, tells a story from the Old Testament in the Bible. Specially built by a monastery in Venice, The Wedding at Cana is about Jesus’ first miracle, turning water into wine. The work, which is the largest painting in the Louvre with its dimensions of 6.77 m x 9.9 m, ironically hangs in front of the rather small Mona Lisa. Iconic figures such as the Ottoman Emperor Suleiman the Magnificent and the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V are in the middle of the painting, which includes 127 people.

Dying Slave

The Dying Slave, made by Italian Renaissance artist Michelangelo, together with the Rebellious Slave next to it, was actually Pope II. It was ordered to be put in the tomb of Julius. Michelangelo’s work was not requested as it was found too large, as the tomb had to be prepared on a smaller scale due to budgetary constraints. After this cancellation, the work, which was partially finished in the middle of 1513-1516, is one of the most beautiful examples of sculpture art in reflecting the human form and feelings.

Raft of the Medusa

Although he died at the age of 32, Raft of the Raft is the most precious of the 114 works left behind by Théodore Gericault, who had an extremely productive profession. Medusa is betting on a historical scandal. Only 10 of the 150 people on the ship Medusa, which crashed in 1816, survived. In the following days, it is revealed that the captain of the ship left others to die in order to save himself and the first class passengers with him, and an uprising broke out in the country. After long researches, this iconic work of the artist, who built a replica of the raft in his workshop in order to reflect the details accurately, strikes those who see it with its size of 5 x 7 meters.

The Winged Victory of Samothrace

This statue, also known as “The Nike of Samothrace”, depicts Nike, the God of Victory in Greek mythology. The statue, which is estimated to have been made in the middle of the 1st and 3rd centuries BC, is considered one of the most successful examples of the Hellenistic Period. Discovered on a small island in the North Aegean in 1863, the artifact has been in the collection of the Louvre Museum since 1884. Although the origin of the statue is not known for certain, many details, from the marble used to the drawings on it , indicate that the statue was created by an artist from Rhodes.

The Coronation of Napoleon

The Coronation of Napoleon, completed by the French painter Jacques-Louis David in the middle of 1805-1807, is the Notre of Emperor Napoleon I. It’s about the coronation ceremony at Dame Cathedral. The artist, who was the official painter of Napoleon and was present at the ceremony in 1804, is known for his historical wall photographs. This work, which draws attention with its 6.21 m x 9.79 m dimensions, fascinates those who see it with its realism, as Napoleon himself said. Another copy of the painting, in which the artist’s ability to reflect the details is indisputably proven, is in the Palace of Versailles.

Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss

“Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss”, which tells the love story between Psyche and Cupid, is the most famous work of Italian sculptor Antonio Canova. The statue, completed in 1793 by the artist, who is a representative of neoclassicism, is one of the most romantic works in the Louvre Museum. Based on the story in the iconic poem of the Latin writer Ovid, titled Metamorphoses, the work depicts the moment when Princess Psyche, who was poisoned and fell into a deep sleep, was awakened by Cupid by kissing her.


New books of the week

There are so many good books out that you will want to read them all. Here are some of the books that came out in 2022 and entered our lives …

There are so many good books out that you will want to read them all. Here are some of the books that came out in 2022 and entered our lives, for you to read, have a pleasant reading!

Işıl Işık – Basement Floor White House Before the Tunnel

On the shore of the Bosphorus, there is a crucified female corpse with a golden necklace around her neck. In a short time, the whole country starts talking about this mysterious murder. In the days that have passed, similar corpses continue to be found in different places. The necklace on the lady’s neck is exactly the same as the necklace of Atlas’ twin sister, Talya. As Atlas tries to find the connection between his brother and the murders, their lives are turned upside down when their father, Enzel, begins to have delusions and strange behavior. As Atlas and his friends continue their research, their paths cross with the mysterious White House and its new owner. Unraveling the contacts between the murders, White House and Enzel and deciphering the behind the scenes will not be easy! An action-packed and intriguing crime thriller novel by Işıl Işık, the successful author of Paranormal Stories and White House Before the Tunnel.

Dilan Apaydın – Freshwater Comb of Sedimentary Skin

I was under the skin. I yawned. I opened my eyes. I’m under the skin. The weather is very cold. I was wrapped in the mantle. I closed my eyes. I slept again. First, the water ran. It nurtured me, nurtured me, and gave a little color to my pale complexion. Fire walked, hardened me. It gave me a little more color. I think it took millions of years of sleep to wake up. Finally the earth walked and gave birth to me. She exposed me, she. The men measured and cut the stone. They chose obsidian. It was harsh. It was harsh. He didn’t look like me at all. Our mother was the same, but our father was certainly not. I’m about a gentle, fragile and sensitive lady. They ignored me. They are prepared. They loved obsidian. They made knives. They made harpoons, axes, spears and arrowheads. They were ready. He wouldn’t be a man of me.”

Mustafa Çevik – Gray Wolf in the Desert

A determined will that does not bow to the inevitable fate of the Mediterranean, Mustafa Kemal… What he sees as a sacred being, as deep as the desert and as deep as the desert. Ahmet Şerif Senusi, the most powerful president of Arab geography, who declared jihad by saying that the Prophet he saw in his dreams gave his right hand to Mustafa Kemal… He will be lost in the middle of the desert sands, the most ancient of whom the victims are heroes. You will witness a true story reminiscent of epics… Gray Wolf in the Desert, the souls who know that it is necessary to die in order to live; Mustafa Kemal’s novel.…When they reached the Ottoman Camp outside Tobruk, a wave of excitement broke out; spread in sweet, whispering hums. tude, Mustafa Kemal rose to an exuberant cry. The enthusiasm of the foamy waves that spread over the face of the Mediterranean fell into the hearts. The haze of the terrified eyes, the lamentation of the stony bowels are gone. Gray Wolf from Anatolia was the light of the desert that illuminated the deep blue. There was the beauty of all the seas in the world and the warmth of all the suns reflecting on those seas in his eyes…”

Azize Caferzade – Sultan of Love

Sultan of Love… In our opinion, this name means “ It is one of the most pleasant names that can be given to a novel that deals with the life of Mehemmed Fuzuli, the Spokesperson of human and divine love, who says , “O Lord, get acquainted with trouble with light” / Don’t get rid of trouble with light. Fuzûlî, who led a life other than his wife and friend in the deserts of Karbala, turned to love as a result of the divine tax in his soul, and devoted himself to love. So much so that he saw love as a religion. In this book, subjects such as Fuzuli’s love, precious curtains of his life and the emergence of his works are narrated with Azize Caferzade’s sincere style. In addition, couplets from many of Fuzuli’s ghazals are included in the novel. Legal Sultan Süleyman, who had great love for Fuzuli and invited Fuzuli to the literary assemblies he had set up here after the conquest of Baghdad, is another individual of the novel. Hoping that this work of Azize Caferzade, which we have presented to you, will open the door to love for you…

Juan Jose Saer – Lonely

A Spanish ship in the 16th century Indies’ The truth goes on a journey, but reaches an unknown place. The natives, who greet those who set foot on their land with their arrows, not only touch the ship’s trunk, but also take it with them along with the corpses. Miço will now spend a long part of his life with them. Our narrator, who wrote his experiences years later, enters into a moral questioning and brings the wild world and the civilized world against each other.

Juan José Saer, during this process of memory refreshment and questioning, manages to establish a lively and complementary link between the era in which he lived and the time period five centuries ago, when he built the narrative; First of all, it is this feature that makes Nobody’s unique.

Considered one of Saer’s most valuable works, Nobody’s, with Gökhan Aksay’s translation from the Spanish original…

“Although little known outside of Latin America, Saer’s most valuable works of the last fifty years are in the midst of Saer’s texts. Forlorn

is a heavy, extraordinary point in the narrative navigation, reached by the extraordinary vision of a unique author with his language and literature, with unmatched devotion.”

Sergio Chejfec

Meryem Nart – Whatever The Heart Wants – 2

Şeyda, whose view of life changed after the world she made with Yağız, He finds himself in a way of life that he does not want. While his heart is still beating for Yağız, he follows his path and extends a hand to the young people who need help and enables them to open a clean page in their lives. However, after a while, he realizes that instead of helping the people around him, he is actually ruining their lives. Because the real person who needs to be saved is not them, but himself.

Well, Şeyda, is it too late to start everything from scratch?

Is fulfilling the desires of the heart directly proportional to happiness?

It is what the heart desires, the second book of the series is meeting with its readers. Meryem Nart continues to offer the readers the same feeling of excitement and adventure in the second book.

“Life seemed so complicated to me that I was about to drown in the midst of these complexities.

I was looking for a way out. Just as I was getting close to the exit, I bumped into a man. I created another tunnel waiting for me at the end of the tunnel. And that was the end of me.”

The Wall Arka Gallery opened its doors

Alan Kadıköy, the new cultural place of Kadıköy Municipality in Istanbul’s Kadıköy district, met with art lovers with its first stand. Alan …

Alan Kadıköy, the new cultural place of Kadıköy Municipality in Istanbul’s Kadıköy district, met with art lovers with its first stand. Alan Kadıköy aims to become one of the cultural and art places on the Anatolian side with its indoor exhibition area, which has been missing for a long time in Kadıköy. The first stand of this place was chosen from the private collection of Öner Kocabeyoğlu. The Wall Arka Gallery has also designed the ‘Works’ category on The Wall Online site to act as a bridge between artists and collectors in order to harmonize the rapidly advancing digital world.

The works of many artists, such as Azat Yeman’s, are offered for sale on the online site of The Wall Arka Gallery.

At the opening of the gallery, stands titled ‘On the Wall’ and ‘Border Places, Untold Stories’ were presented to art lovers. At the stand entitled ‘On the Wall’; Ahmet Doksanoğlu, Azat Yeman, Berna İnan, Buse Adilovic, Can Gündoğan, Cihan Oral, Doğukan Ulaş Arıkkan, Eren Çevik, Erna Uçar, Ferhat Yüksekbağ, Gizem Sema Günhan, Hesen Chalak, Hilal Demirtaş, İrem Çoban, Jackie Arditty, Melih Koçali, The works of influential artists from different generations such as Merve Kaya Okursoy, Merve Zeybek, Müge Kasımoğlu, Nursun Hafızoğlu, Saniye Özbek, Sebahattin Alaca, Selahattin Aydın, Selin Çeliktaş, Umut Erbaş, Yağmur Doğan and Zeynep Can are featured.

Nursun Hafızoğlu’s ‘Yersiz Yurtsuz 1’

, curated by Bengisu Bayrak and focused on place, border place, migration, culture, memory, Abdul Vahap Uzunbay , Bengisu Bayrak, Beyza Boynu Hole, Börte İpek, Dowry Makal Fairclough, Duygu Nazlı Akova, Eda Emirdağ, Eda Yıldız, Emirhakin, Evrim Kavcar, Highero in the exhibition ‘Border Places, Untold Stories’, which follows the hidden stories of concepts such as belonging. , İsmet Doğan, Mummy Mascara, Sabire Başel Algül, Sebastien Shahmiri, Serdar Acar, Serpil Çetinkaya, Şevket Arık and Yekateryna Grygorenko are on display.

(This article was first published on

Best selling books of the week

For readers lovers, we have compiled some of the most read books for you this week. Happy reading! Matt Haig – The Midnight Library …

For readers lovers, we have compiled some of the most read books for you this week. Happy reading!

Matt Haig – The Midnight Library

International Bestseller Translated into 42 Languages ​​

2020 Goodreads Best Novel of the Year

“There is a library in the middle of life and death,” he said. “The shelves in this library are forever expenses. Every book offers you the chance to live another life you could have lived. If you had made different choices, you would see what your life would be like right now…

If you had the chance to make up for your regrets, would you have acted differently on some issues?”

Nora Seed is awful. Her cat is dead. He was fired from his job. Her brother does n’t talk to her. Nobody needs him. He finds himself in a library as a result of bad decisions made in a row. In a library at midnight where time never passes, in the middle of an endless number of books… A different life of Nora is written in each of the books. The lives she might have lived had she made other decisions.

Nora’s mind is filled with questions as she goes back and forth between different professions, different spouses, different friends, different cities. Is satisfaction only hidden in the choices we consider valuable? Are we really responsible for every detail that goes wrong? What makes life livable? Can one wrong decision cost a person’s entire life?

Matt Haig, one of the valuable names of English literature; In this journey of Nora’s regrets, possibilities and the possibility of choosing again, she presents an engaging fiction that deals with the most basic human troubles to the readers who will accompany her.

“A contemporary age tale, today’s Wonderful Life, written just in time, while we were always stuck together in a world we want to change.”

Jodi Picoult

“A seductive novel written with candor and humor, celebrating the life-changing power of books.”

Sunday Times

“Matt Haig uses words like a can opener. We are canned.”

Jeanette Winterson

Sabahattin Ali – Kuyucaklı yusuf

The first edition was published by “Yeni Kitapçı” in 1937, the novel by Sabahattin Ali It is his first work in the genre of a novel. This work of Ali, who is the author of the story, is included in the MEB Secondary Education 100 Basic Works List. The novel, which was first published by YKY in 1999, continues to be published by YKY (Yapı Kredi Publications). The editor of the book was Ayfer Tunç, and the new cover design was made by “Nahide Dikel”. Talat Bulut, Derya Arbaş and Ahmet Mekin acted in the movie of the novel, which was adapted for the cinema in 1985, and “Feyzi Tuna” undertook the directorship of the cinema. The subject of Kuyucaklı Yusuf is the adoption of nine-year-old Yusuf by Nazilli District Governor Selahattin Bey, who came to Kuyucak to investigate the incident, and the later life of the child, who was left unattended by the murder of his family. According to literary critics, the character of Yusuf is considered as the harbinger of the type of person who migrated from the village to the city and could not achieve harmony with the city life.

Jose Saramago – Blindness

Blindness, which is not lost on those who are interested in dystopian works, continues to make a name for itself since the day it was published. The work, which won the Portuguese author José Saramago the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1998, draws attention not only with its mention but also with its cleverly fictionalized characters. Written as a critique of the period’s understanding of liberal democracy, the novel deals with the metaphor of blindness as people become increasingly selfish and insensitive to events.

The work, in which exciting events follow each other from beginning to end, will shake you deeply. You will begin to think about today’s societies in the face of this novel, which reveals the brutality of power and power games in people. Who knows; presumably, humanity itself will bring about the end of humanity, which is becoming more and more insensitive again.

A New Order Born of Chaos Brought By Blindness…

The events take place in a nameless city of a nameless country. Because who the people are is worthless. One day, an unnamed man standing at the lights with his car suddenly goes blind while waiting for the green light to turn on. But this is no ordinary blindness. Because his eyes are not dark, but light, that is, white. Confused about what to do, the man goes straight to the hospital. Blindness is unfortunately contagious. The physician who examines him also gets his share from it. Then, this disease begins to affect the entire city. The government, on the other hand, quarantines the blinded people in a place made from prison.

Things change from here. Because the government cannot control the disease. The number of blind people increasing day by day increases the population in quarantine. This will cause a change in the balance of power. Gangs begin to form in the quarantine zone. These gangs, who extort money from everyone, kill and rape people. The one who watches all this closely is the wife of the physician. This woman is the only person who has not been diagnosed with blindness. She went to prison by pretending not to leave her husband alone, and she is witnessing all the brutality here.

One day, as a result of the fire in the prison, people manage to escape from the quarantine zone. There is no one left in the country who is not blind anymore. They must create a new order and succeed in keeping up with this system. Well, but how?

Did you know?

Written by José Saramago in 1995, Blindness was adapted for the big screen in response to the interest it received. The cinema’s entry into the box office took place exactly 13 years after the publication of the book, namely in 2008.

Get your favorite books quickly now!

The most popular examples of world novels are just a click away! Browse our categories for the most special books by the most loved authors, and start shopping before the stocks run out.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov – Sixth ward

In this novella set in a mental hospital in a provincial town, Chekhov deals with the philosophical conflict between Ivan Dmitrich, a trained patient, and Doctor Andrey Yefimitch. focuses. While Ivan Dmitrich opposes the injustice they were subjected to and the terrible conditions they were forced to live in, Andrey Yefimich insists on ignoring them and does not move a finger to change the situation. When the doctor finally realized the “philosophical” mistake he had fallen into, it was too late. The Sixth Ward is almost the symbol of the “madness” of the distinguished Russian intellectual, who prefers to watch Russia and the country’s troubles from afar instead of dealing with them. The Sixth Ward received great attention when it was published in the November 1892 issue of the Russkaya Misl magazine. It is even rumored that Lenin was horrified after reading the work and said, “I felt like I was locked in the Sixth Ward”.

Don’t miss the current stands

Many stands, which opened their doors in the last weeks of 2021, are waiting for their visitors in the first months of 2022. There are many …

Many stands, which opened their doors in the last weeks of 2021, are waiting for their visitors in the first months of 2022. There are many options in the middle of what you can see in the museums, art spaces and galleries of Istanbul these days, from solo stands of young artists to mixed stands that bring together talented artists, from works inspired by Byzantine history to inspiring artists of Ottoman history.

Coulisse, Mixer | January 14 – February 27

The starting point of the mixed stand titled Coulisse, curated by Eda Öztürk, is the doctoral research conducted by the curator in the field of art sociology and focusing on Istanbul art. Bringing together the artists who have productions in various creative fields such as photography, sculpture, installation, image, photography, new media and even fragrance, the booth reflects the reflections of the concept of “fluid modernity” regarding Zygmunt Bauman, which is included in the conceptual framework of the research, both in the field of art and on the social plane. is focusing. In the booth, you can witness the intertwining of the boundaries of dualistic categories such as human/non-human animal, human/machine, conscious/unconscious, public/private, and art/market. Betül Aksu, Bilal Yılmazel, Burak Delier, Ceren Su Çelik, Dilek Winchester, Ece You can see the works of Eldek, Gökçe Gizem, Ömer İpekçi & Francesco Romero & Francesca Gotti and Tayfun Gülnar.

The Extraordinary World of the Prince: Abdülmecid Efendi, SSM | December 21, 2021 – May 1, 2022

The Extraordinary World of Şehzade: Abdülmecid Efendi exhibition at SSM, left deep traces in the art history of Turkey, a valuable painter who is also interested in drawing, music and literature , It is based on the life and art of Abdülmecid Efendi, who was also the patron of many artists and institutions. With a selection of 60 paintings and more than 300 documents, the stand deals with Abdülmecid Efendi’s art from a comprehensive perspective.

Skin, Body, Me, SALT Beyoğlu | December 9, 2021 – April 3, 2022

İpek Duben’s most comprehensive exhibition, prepared to reflect more than forty years of practice, is at SALT Beyoğlu! Named after his own body images, which he frequently uses in his works, Skin, Body, Me offers a new perspective on the artist’s production, examining issues ranging from male violence to gender, from displacement and migration to consumption habits. In the booth, you will find many of Duben’s works, from photographs and drawings of the early 1980s to Angels and Clowns of 2020.

“What Byzantium Is This in Istanbul! ”: Byzantium in Recognized Culture, Pera Museum | November 23, 2021 – March 6, 2022

The academic and archaeological “rediscovery” of Byzantium in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries had a wide resonance in artistic expressions—painting, architecture, theater, music, literature, etc. Curiosity about Byzantium and Byzantium grew over time and reached new horizons, from unusual genres of literature and music to photography and cinema production techniques, weaving and even new means of expression such as graphic novels. Exploring the eclectic presence of Byzantium in recognized culture, the exhibition “What Byzantium in Istanbul!”: Byzantium in Recognized Culture, prepared by the Istanbul Research Institute for the Pera Museum, under the curatorship of Emir Alışık, reveals this multiple and overlapping aspect of Byzantium At the stand, you will explore the interaction of the recognized culture with the Byzantine heritage, the motifs chosen to represent Byzantium.

From Istanbul to Byzantium: Paths of Rediscovery, 1800-1955, Pera Museum | November 23, 2021 – March 6, 2022

At the turn of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the intersection of geopolitical, strong, academic, artistic and local interests in Istanbul heightened awareness of the Byzantine past as a and shared heritage. Curated by Brigitte Pitarakis, Pera Museum and Istanbul Research Institute’s exhibition From Istanbul to Byzantium: Again Discovery Roads, 1800-1955 examines the central role of the Ottoman capital in shaping Byzantine studies, which began to develop as a branch of science. With the stand, you will witness history with developments that have brought a scientific approach to Byzantium and which have not been adequately studied until today, documented by an impressive archive selection, especially the Byzantine collections of the Istanbul Archaeological Museums.

Notes for Tomorrow, Pera Museum | November 23, 2021 – March 6, 2022

Notes for Tomorrow brings together current artworks that address the cultural transition during the COVID-19 global pandemic. Prepared by the Independent Curators International (ICI) [Independent Curators], this mobile booth presents a selection of 30 curators from 25 countries in order to question and appreciate the costs of today’s culture in the current crisis environment. Many of the works in the booth treat spirituality as a grounding system and explore ways to make sense of the world in times of heightened uncertainty. While some studies focus on a mythology, others reveal political structures that still exist or that do not exist. The discusses the potential of art in the construction of collective memory in a global age. In this period of cultural transition, each work offers a source of inspiration from the recent past and a directional perspective to the future.

Newly added games to the theater scene

A theatrical work is a creation with its own rules and qualities. It has movement in itself. It puts the word into appearance, the blood into …

A theatrical work is a creation with its own rules and qualities. It has movement in itself. It puts the word into appearance, the blood into action. We only need to watch a little theater to impress the minds, and for this we have compiled newly released games for you art lovers.

Labeled coffin

Turkey’s first female play writer, theorist, activist, pioneer in every field of social and political life Fatma Nudiye Yalçı, whose name can be found in the footnotes of history’s tale. In his effort that began in the 1920s, Dr. He it is accompanied by Hikmet Kıvılcımlı and Nazım Hikmet.

NORA: A Baby Housing

Nora is a wonderful wife and mother. She responsible, nice and always doing everything in the real place. But Nora’s life quickly unravels when a secret from her past comes to light. For three days, Nora must fight to protect herself and her family, or risk losing everything. In Stef Smith’s bold new interpretation, the play is reframed in three different time periods. The struggle for women’s suffrage, the 60’s when the winds of freedom blew heavily, and the contemporary times we experience.

The watchman and the postman

are two living friends who share the same residence, Marcello and Piero. Piero is the Postman who delivers mail during the day and rests in the house at night, while Marcello is the Postman; He is the night watchman who watches the streets at night and enjoys his home during the day. Although there is one for each item in the house, they both live in a harmonious form and in a perfect order. When both of them catch a cold at the same time and stay in the house, this system starts to deteriorate. Thanks to this situation, they realize how valuable it is to live together and respect each other’s space and opinions, and they discover the value of their friendship by producing a joint analysis.

Bird’s kiss

This story tells about every aspect of life, the violence that is taking over houses, streets and television screens, and the love that tries to resist it.

Cherry Orchard

The game is about the aristocratic Ranevskaya family, which started to disappear in the face of the bourgeois class gaining strength in the changing social and economic life of Tsarist Russia, in the face of the new arrangement. It deals with the loss of their wealth and lands due to their inability to give up their old habits and to keep up with the development of the changing order.


The play tells the story of a nomadic gypsy tribe living in Germany after World War II. Gypsies, who are still experiencing the trauma of the gypsy genocide that took place in Nazi Germany, continue their efforts to survive while trying to defend their identity within the borders of the nation-state. The love between a gypsy girl living in the village and a German soldier will further reveal the conflict between the gypsies and the outside. The play, which tells the problem of the other in a cosmic way through the gypsies, reveals both our view of the others and their view of the outside.


Produced by “Word, Poetry, Art”, the second play of Tiyatro Bant, “None”, has no story. “None” is just a strange jumble of memory. The memory is constantly talking, coughing, remembering. If there was only one mouth, memory, we would hear from it words that belong to no one. We would hear the words of someone whose story was over and whose body was rotten. For example, an intersex person, a woman, a man, a cat, a freak, a giraffe… Derrida, in his book “Ghosts of Marx”; “I knew a ghost was waiting for me. At the very beginning, as soon as the curtains are opened.” says. it must be said without fear; “There are ghouls!”

best selling books

For readers lovers, we have compiled some of the most read books for you this week. Happy reading! Jose Mauro De Vasconcelos – Sugar …

For readers lovers, we have compiled some of the most read books for you this week. Happy reading!

Jose Mauro De Vasconcelos – Sugar Orange

To lead a life of pain and accept it as the normal course of life, Until you find out what the most real and irresistible pain in life is… Sugar Orange; presents the world of little Zeze, who lives in poverty and lovelessness, to her readers not only through the eyes of a little child, but also from a cosmic truth window. Brazilian author Jose Mauro de Vasconcelos’ Sugar Orange, published in 1968, is in the middle of the unforgettable masterpieces of world literature with its plain narration and striking parable. The work, which carries traces from the life of its author, makes the whole humanity feel the scale of maturation by kneading it with pain, starting from the inner world of a child. Sugar Orange, which reflects Latin American literature from all sides with its realistic expression and emotional theme; It will make you feel the purity, compassion and pain with full empathy.

Sabahattin Ali – Madonna in a Fur Coat

Madonna in a Fur Coat, first published in 1943, is still among the most popular and today sold books . Since the day it was published, many researches and studies have been done on the book, which has sold more than 1 million copies, and theses have been written about it, but the secret of this success has not been fully resolved. The biggest share that makes it so special and still being talked about is the master pen of Sabahattin Ali and his successful soul analysis.

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy – By What Does Man Live?

Russian Tolstoy, besides being a great author with his stories in What Does Man Live by?, also highlights his philosopher and educator identity by holding a mirror to society. This work of Tolstoy is a resource that maintains its novelty in every period. All the stories in the book deal with the concepts of orderliness, greed, ambition and love, which is a unifying force in every sense. On the other hand, it offers all readers, young or old, the opportunity to take a step outside of themselves and ask perhaps the most valuable questions of life. What is inside man? What has not been given to man? What does man live with?

Piraye – Cruise

Are you watching or watching in this world? Mina’s eyes were widened by your absence… When she first noticed this when she was a little girl, she was taken aback; Whatever was n’t there seemed to have formed a hollow in the middle of his heart. It was broken. It was defective. She grew up, became a young lady, and made a decision; Since I am lacking, the material that will make up for this deficiency must be in others. Their words, their interest, their descriptions, their comments… There were also loves, resentments and swayings in his life… He lost, but he did not collapse, he stood up again. The first moment he met Celal’s eyes at the opening of a stand, a slap had supposedly been slapped on his face. She could hear the sound of her heart beating wildly, and she could n’t help but watch this tense but mysterious man. Now Mina was ready to embark on a long journey that would lead her to her own transformation!

William Golding – Lord of the Flies

“Lord of the Flies”, shown in the middle of world classics, is shown in the middle of William Golding’s most precious works. The work, which gained great fame all over the world with its Nobel Prize for literature, deals with the deserted island life from a completely different side. Focusing on character analysis and behavior, the book reveals how savage even pure and pure children can actually become. With this book that makes readers think about behavior, you will be left alone with the deeply affecting story of children struggling for survival.

Stefan Zweig – Moonlight Street

A traveler immersed in the morbid lives of people he does not know by watching the voice he hears while strolling in the seafaring quarter of a port city in France; a dark, repulsive, and savage maid who is driven into disastrous action by her slavish devotion to her employer; A French colonel, wounded in the war in Spain in 1810, embarking on a relentless struggle for survival in a hostile country; A Russian prisoner of war who was found and rescued in Leman lake on a summer night in 1918, but then succumbed to the homesickness that scorched his heart; The heavy price paid by a vagabond teenager who still attends high school while his peers go to college after rebelling against his teacher’s authority. While Zweig traces the experiences that dehumanize and drag people to the extreme in these stories, he inevitably draws the reader into the soul turmoil of his characters…

JK Rowling – Harry Potter and the Stone of Ideology – 1. Book

“When Harry turned the envelope with trembling hands, he saw a purple wax seal; a coat of arms around a big letter ‘H’ is a lion, an eagle, a badger, and a snake.” While Harry Potter thought he was an ordinary boy, his life changed with the letter brought by an owl: He was accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, although he did not apply. Here, he takes different lessons and runs from adventure to adventure with his two friends. Thanks to what he learned by living, he becomes a skilled magician at a young age.

Stefan Zweig – Letter from an Unknown Lady

Stefan Zweig wrote his long story Letter from an Unknown Lady (Brief einer Unbekannten) in the first half of the 1920s . We only know the heroine of Letter from an Unknown Lady as the author of a long letter. The “sender” of this letter, which the woman wrote for the man she loved all her life, has no name. At the beginning of the letter there is only one address: “To you, who never knew me”. The lady is always willing to live her great passion as an “unknown”, that is, alone, there is only one “side” in this love story, not “sides”. Can this be called true love? Zweig invites his readers, once again, to an unprecedented journey in human psychology. It is also possible that at the end of this new journey, he aimed to reach the hitherto unknown shores of the concept of “absolute love”!

Esre Ezmeci – Milk Stain

Is every person stained?

When did these stains get on us?

At the time of Abel and Cain?

Is this a scar, is it a mark, or is it a mark?

Why did mankind, who opened his eyes to the world as innocent, pure and pure, made this world uninhabitable?

Is a person born with evil or then becomes evil?

Why does a baby get annoyed when he sees another baby, why does it scratch or hurt him?

MILK STAIN is a novel that is a candidate to be the inner voice of people. It sheds light on what we don’t tell anyone, what we can’t even whisper to ourselves when we’re alone, and what we can’t even think of.

You will see the content that comes when you are writhing in pain, the light that burns when you are drowning in darkness, and the cure next to you when you struggle in despair.

You will understand not only the good and the strong, but also the bad and the weak, and you will be disturbed by your prejudices.

İclal Aydın – Three Sisters

Once upon a time, three sisters lived in a house overlooking the most pleasant sea of ​​a country. Their names were Türkan, Döner and Derya. Together with their father, Sadık Bey, and their mother, Nesrin Hanım, they would sit on their laps at night and dream of the wonderful years that awaited them in the future. The fairy tale childhood of Türkan, Dön and Derya, set in the pine-scented streets of Ayvalık, probably did not prepare them for the cruelty of the adult world. It took time to realize that no life, no choice is as easy as it seems, that sometimes the biggest and most unimaginable secrets are kept in the hearts of those we trust the most, that the most feared diseases can one day compile and collect the past. And was there a wound in the world where time was not a medicine? Three Sisters is a family story born from the stone streets of Ayvalık stretching to the sea, the olive trees that have seen many lifetimes, the water flowing from the source of life, and their old dwellings. It is not a story of unhappiness; The story of to beauty by remembering the happy returning days. The journey of beautification…

newly released books

There are so many nice books out that you will want to read them all. Here are some of the books that came out in 2022 and entered our lives …

There are so many nice books out that you will want to read them all. Here are some of the books that came out in 2022 and entered our lives, for you to read, have a pleasant reading!

Christopher Felder – Patisserie: the pastry maker’s handbook

The pleasure of fine pastry always remains. At just 23, Christophe Felder was considered a pastry wizard when he was appointed pastry chef at the elite Hôtel de Crillon in Paris. Today, as many books indicate, he creates new desserts especially for the delicate Japanese palate, provides corporate consultancy, trains professionals and teaches in his own culinary schools. Meticulous technique, common sense and playfulness are the defining elements of Felder’s pastry. Its guiding principles are its council on surprising and satisfying. Christophe Felder describes his own book as follows: In 2005, I published my cookbook collection, Leçons de Pâtisserie (Pastry Lessons), together with a volume of holiday definition book Les Gâteaux de l’Avent (Holiday Recipes), and then eight other books under the title. Patisserie is a compilation made from this series. I started out with the idea of ​​explaining the intricacies of professional pastry to the people in the residence, without making it too easy. The format I developed is the council on recipes that are as close as possible to the classes I teach in cooking schools. In thousands of photos, for example, you can see how you can fold a light meringue into a heavy mix without deflating the egg whites, and see how the texture of that dough (or eclairs/profiteroles dough) should be when scrambled eggs are added .

Zülfü Livaneli – My brother’s story

Save your self from yesterday

Become a child of today” Mevlânâ

A murder in the middle of the reclusive life of Ahmet Bey, who met the saddest face of life at a very young age and was left without a family. news is falling. Master of literature Zülfü Livaneli analyzes the anatomy of all human feelings and insensitivity, such as bonds of brotherhood, love, friendship and betrayal in the shadow of a murder. The Story of My Brother, in which coming to terms with the past takes on a different dimension, is a valuable contribution to our literature in terms of breaking prejudices and presenting other ways of thinking. With this novel, Livaneli successfully blends the meaning and forms of love, “the noblest emotion of the human race,” with the element of curiosity, giving readers a tremendous experience. Livaneli, the strong pen of our literature, tells not only the witnesses of a murder, but also the story of those who cannot live in the present because of the shadow of the past. The novel in your hand is an indelible narrative of humanity that allows us to look at what we have forgotten and remembered with the naked eye… The Story of My Brother settles on our bedside with its fluent style and gripping fiction, as well as its surprise finale that leaves behind all possible endings. Many editions in Turkish and translated into world languages; My Brother’s Story, which has kept the top of the best-selling and most-read books list since the day it was published, won the appreciation of the readers with its Russian translation.

Ahmet Şafak – Love and assassination on the Çanakkale front

The year is 1915!

The enemy is in Çanakkale with his soldiers, huge ships, torpedoes, artillery and poison gas. The Turkish Army heroically defends its homeland with its doctors, nurses, and the nation as a whole.

Mustafa Kemal is also there. Well-known intellectuals of the time, such as Ömer Seyfettin, Mehmet Emin, Ali Canip and Hamdullah Suphi… Young German physician Franz, who came to the front willingly, is killed. Sanitary Inspector Ahmet Kemal has crazy questions in his mind… Who is the murderer of the Spartakist doctor? Or is there a preparation for a great assassination behind this murder? Who will be assassinated?

To Enver Pasha? To Liman von Sanders? Or? The Battle of Çanakkale has never been written like this.. Are you ready to read the breathtaking story of the poppy growing in love in the flames of the war and the tense events in the middle of the Istanbul-Çanakkale front?

Ergün Öztürk – Saying Goodbye

Poetry is the shaking of the water accumulated on the deck of a ship struggling with storms; It is not a goal, it is a tool. The universe is not with your saying, but with His saying. His work is in the middle of two letters consisting of Kaf and Nûn. If he says “Kün=Be” for a random thing he wants to create, it will come true. Let my last say and first say be the same…

Goodbye poetry…

Musa Demir – Hope’s battle for life

This book is actually Samet’s not giving up on his hopes and living with the hope of seeing his childhood sweetheart Simay, even if it’s for the last time. Not giving in to all the pain, distress, trouble, betrayal, and the taking away of his freedom; being grateful every time and the most valuable thing is the effort not to give up on life.

Movies to be released on February 4

In 2021, the vision dates of many cinemas were postponed due to the coronavirus. For this reason, 2021 has been a mediocre year for moviegoers …

In 2021, the vision dates of many cinemas were postponed due to the coronavirus. For this reason, 2021 has been a mediocre year for moviegoers. However, this year will be much stronger in terms of cinema, as the vision dates of many movies that will be released in 2021 have been postponed to 2022.

Afacans took over the business

Emirhan is 13 years old, the son of Sedat Yılmaz, who works as a security manager in a shopping mall. He dreams of spending a night at the mall and playing VR games with his friends from the neighborhood, Ege and Berkcan. Meanwhile, he is also curious about a famous sculpture that will be exhibited in the shopping mall. Emirhan gets up early, he takes the road to the mall to support his father. As a result of a misfortune, his father stays on the night watch and Emirhan decides to invite his friends there and turn the situation into an opportunity. Things get complicated when two thieves sneak into the mall that night to steal the statue. After that, it turns into hours of adventure for 5 mischievous friends who call themselves Cycling Freaks.


The characters surrounding Dilber Ay in the cinema bring her to the center of a deep pain. It tells about the effort to get out of the very difficult life conditions and go to a peaceful life.

Nightmare alley

In Nightmare Alley, an ambitious swindler with the ability to manipulate people with a few well-chosen words connects with a female psychiatrist who is even more dangerous than himself. and things get even more confusing.


Abortion, which tells the story of a young woman trying to end her unwanted pregnancy in 1963, when abortion is not legal in France, is striking, powerful, A hard and thought provoking drama. Preparing for the exams in order to win the school she wants and get out of the small city she lives in, Anne tries various ways to have an abortion secretly because it is illegal, and tries to find someone to come to her aid in some way when she unexpectedly becomes pregnant. Abortion, which conveys the experiences of Anne at the turning point of her life without judgment, focuses on the possible effects of the abortion ban on a young woman’s life. Adapted to the cinema from the memoirs of French writer Annie Ernaux, translated into Turkish, the film certifies the success of the new generation of female directors by winning the Golden Lion, the grand prize at the Venice Cinema Festival.


Moonfall is about a former astronaut who has an idea about how to prevent the event that will bring the end of life on earth, and the efforts of a few people who believe in him to stop this disaster.