Bulent Ersoy went to fabric shopping! Fortune paid

Bülent Ersoy recently went out for fabric shopping with fashion designer Gülşah Saraçoğlu in Nişantaşı. Known for his different clothes and …

Bülent Ersoy recently went out for fabric shopping with fashion designer Gülşah Saraçoğlu in Nişantaşı. Known for his different clothes and jewelery preferences, Ersoy was astonished with his wealth worth shopping.

Bulent Ersoy, who came to the agenda by being stranded abroad due to the result of the invalid PCR test of the team next to him, this time surprised everyone with the money he spent in a store in Nişantaşı. Cenk Tezer and Gülşah Saraçoğlu accompanied by the famous name, who chose fabrics for their designer clothes before their concerts, during their 3-hour shopping.

Bülent Ersoy

Spent 250 Thousand TL in 3 HOURS

With Cenk Tezer’s guidance, completing his shopping within 3 hours and having many clothes It has been learned that the famous name, who bought 200 meters of fabric, paid approximately 250 thousand liras to the store.

Famous name spent a fortune


Tezer, “Geometric block, with extraordinary vibrant color combinations “The patterns reflecting luxury and magnificence are once again included in sustainable fashion. It means that we can see these patterns, which are both cult and timeless fashion, not only this summer, but all the time.”

Bülent Ersoy spent 250 thousand TL on fabric shopping

Mehmet Dinçerler opened the mouth of the bag! The price of the bracelet she wore on her engagement to Hadise was shocking.

Business person Mehmet Dinçerler, who has been on the agenda of the magazine with his marriage proposal in the past days, became the agenda …

Business person Mehmet Dinçerler, who has been on the agenda of the magazine with his marriage proposal in the past days, became the agenda again with the diamond bracelet he wore to Hadise at the engagement. The price of the diamond bracelet he wore to the famous musician was jaw-dropping.

The popular musician Hadise became the scene with her marriage proposal. The famous pop singer, who took the first step in marriage with Dinçerler at his home in Göktürk last week, had all employees sign an implied contract before the engagement.

The groom, who wore a Marisa Perry ring worth 3 million TL while making a marriage proposal, opened his mouth at the engagement.


According to the news of Aydın Hamza from Calendar; Mehmet Dinçerler and his family gave Hadise a diamond bracelet worth 75 thousand dollars, approximately 1 million 100 thousand TL, this time. The pretty pop singer, who also wore a diamond necklace by the Dinçerler Family, made her say “Million Bride”.

mehmet dincerler and hadith engagement

Hadise, who was prepared for marriage, was shown at the hospital exit! The reports in hand drew attention

Businessperson Mehmet Dinçerler’s marriage proposal did not fall off the agenda, Hadise’s hospital exit was viewed. The reports in the hands of …

Businessperson Mehmet Dinçerler’s marriage proposal did not fall off the agenda, Hadise’s hospital exit was viewed. The reports in the hands of the famous musician, which were reflected in the lenses, drew attention.

Hadise-Mehmet Dinçerler couple, who had been in love for about a year, decided to get married. Hadise, who is getting ready to sit at the wedding table with Mehmet Dinçerler, was reflected in the lenses the previous day when she left a hospital in Fulya with her mother Gülnihal Açıkgöz. The reports of the mother and daughter, who were seen to be in a bad mood, drew attention.

The mother of the incident fell ill


The 36-year-old musician, ” How is your mother’s health status?” He dismissed his question by saying, “Thank you.” It did not go unnoticed that Gülnihal Açıkgöz took her daughter Hadise’s arm while she was walking and took her as a support

Who was eliminated in Survivor? March 23 Survivor All Star with the least votes…

Who was eliminated in Survivor, who left? Who was the name who was eliminated from the Survivor All Star on March 23? question was asked …

Who was eliminated in Survivor, who left? Who was the name who was eliminated from the Survivor All Star on March 23? question was asked. There was the excitement of the elimination night in Survivor All Star. After this week’s elimination candidates Barış and Evrim, the third names were Bora and Adem. The last candidate elimination was Gizem, with Atakan’s choice. It was the name that said goodbye to the island in a breathtaking week.

Survivor All Star 2022 came to the screen with its new episode this evening. There was another excitement in the popular competition Survivor. The board convened in Survivor and at the end of the night, one more person said goodbye to the island.

In the new part published in Survivor All Star, the excitement of the immunity game was experienced in the middle of the contestants. The third immunity game took place in the phenomenon racing program Survivor. The race between men and women was breathtaking in the struggle between celebrities and volunteers.

Volunteers won the women’s race of the immunity game, and the men’s race was won by the volunteers, and they won the third immunity. The winner of the game also got the prize at the same time. The award was the cutlet, salad and bread trio along with 10 thousand TL of fuel points.

When the volunteers won the last immunity game of the week in Survivor All Star, the celebrities group went to the board to nominate candidates. There were important discussions about strategy in the celebrity team at the council.


The first elimination candidate of the celebrities was Barış, and the volunteers were Evrim. Bora and Adem were the third and fourth candidates to go in today’s assembly. Atakan, who came first in performance, chose the last elimination candidate.

Gizem became the last candidate with Atakan’s election. Acun Ilıcalı announced the name that he said goodbye to Survivor at the board.

According to the results of the SMS ranking, Bora said goodbye to Survivor.

The old version of Kadir Ezildi has appeared! Those who saw were stunned

Kadir Ezildi, who is remembered with his obsession with pacity, continues to be one of the most talked about names in the magazine’s agenda …

Kadir Ezildi, who is remembered with his obsession with pacity, continues to be one of the most talked about names in the magazine’s agenda. While Crushed’s fans were wondering about her private life, her old photos came to light. Those who saw the old version of the famous name could not hide their surprise.

Kadir Crushed, who previously appeared in the Paklık Hunters program, is now the presenter of the Energetic My program broadcast on Fox TV screens. In addition to drawing attention with his speeches and cleaning, he continues to be at the top of the agenda with his social media posts. Celebrating his birthday in the company of Tarık Mengüç in a wedding hall in the past days, the phenomenon was on the agenda of the magazine with a jewelry ceremony.

kadir crushed


Those who saw the old photos that emerged during the ceremony could not hide their astonishment.

the old version of the power crushed

the old version of the power crushed

A surprising confession from Selami Şahin: I wrote “I Missed” to my wife!

Selami Şahin, one of the popular names of the music world, was the guest of the program “Tege Bir with Fatih Altaylı” recently. The famous …

Selami Şahin, one of the popular names of the music world, was the guest of the program “Tege Bir with Fatih Altaylı” recently. The famous artist, who made candid statements about his professional life and private life, told the story of the unforgettable music I Missed. Musician Selami Şahin, who made a name for himself with modules such as

“I Loved a Single Lady”, “I’m in Trouble with You”, “I Don’t Know You” and “I Miss You”, He was the guest of the program “Tege Bir with Fatih Altaylı” the previous day.

Selami Şahin

Making statements about his music profession, Şahin said, “I have 350 compositions, 150 of them are hits… . I can compose any kind of composition for a musician who asks me to compose. From Roman to black sea air… I can also do opera if they want, I mean, I can get into that mood.” he used his words.

Selami Şahin “One to One with Fatih Altaylı”


The master artist explained that he actually wrote the phenomenon song for his wife with these words:

“There is a concert in Silivri. Get off the stage, have your soup, get dressed, go, come, it’s 04:30. I ring the bell For a while Then he opened the door and said, “Where were you? If you had stayed there.” I woke up in the morning, I looked and I’m not with me. I always keep a pen and paper at the bedside. Then I wrote ‘I miss you’. Then he said, ‘Read it to whoever you wrote it to.’ After reading the words, he said, ‘I forgive’ I said, ‘My wife, these are the benefits of being late at work.’ I wrote the songs ‘The Sweet Trouble of My Head’ and ‘Come Before Evening’ for my wife.

Shocking sharing from Fahriye Evcen!

Fahriye Evcen, who got married to Burak Özçivit in 2017, became the agenda with her social media account recently. Evcen shared the photo he …

Fahriye Evcen, who got married to Burak Özçivit in 2017, became the agenda with her social media account recently. Evcen shared the photo he took in the mirror with the note ‘Good morning’. Fahriye Evcen, who took the leading roles in productions such as

‘Wren’, ‘Leaf Cast’, ‘Aşk Sana Misal’, is now in the TV series Alparslan: The Great Seljuk. Akça Hatun gives life to her character. Evcen does not fall off the agenda with her social media posts as well as her acting. The detail on the make-up table of actress Evcen, who took her photo in the mirror and shared it with the “Good morning” note on her Instagram account, shook the agenda.

Fahriye Evcen


The successful actress, who made a name for herself with every post she made, shocked everyone with a detail in her last post that she presented to her fans. . Those who saw the cross symbol necklace on the player’s make-up table could not hide their surprise.

The detail on the table did not go unnoticed

Ömür Gedik, happy with the increase in meat prices, received a reaction

Famous musician Ömür Gedik got the reaction of a large audience with his comment on the increase in red meat. Gedik’s statement “Let red meat …

Famous musician Ömür Gedik got the reaction of a large audience with his comment on the increase in red meat. Gedik’s statement “Let red meat become more expensive, animals will be saved, people will be healthier” received a huge lynching in the social media.

Musician Ömür Gedik made a reactionary statement after the Meat and Dairy Corporation made a 48 percent increase in meat prices. Upon the increase, the weight of 1 kg of ground meat increased from 56 liras to 83 liras, and the price of 1 kg of cubed meat increased from 62.50 liras to 92 liras. While the increase caused repercussions, Ömür Gedik shared about the issue.


Gedik, in his post on his Twitter page, used the words “Let red meat become more expensive, animals will be saved , people will be healthier”. Social media reacted to Gedik’s post.

Precedent decision from the Supreme Court! Persistent stalking counted as sexual harassment

Hakan Işık, who was on trial for harassing and injuring a woman in Şişli, was imprisoned for 2 years and 9 months. Persistent pursuit of the …

Hakan Işık, who was on trial for harassing and injuring a woman in Şişli, was imprisoned for 2 years and 9 months. Persistent pursuit of the accused was considered sexual harassment.

A precedent has been signed in the recent increase in sexual harassment cases. On November 14, 2021 in Şişli, Hakan Işık went to Meryem B., who was waiting for a taxi with his friend, and talked. Later, Hakan Işık started to follow the taxi that was taken by the friends who did not respond to him. Işık, who took advantage of the friends getting out of the taxi, forcibly grabbed Meryem B.’s arm. In the brawl, Meryem B. was injured by the blow she received. The trial of Işık, who was prosecuted on the basis of the complaint, continued.

persistent pursuit counted as sexual harassment

In the hearing at the Istanbul 8th Criminal Court of First Instance, the accused Light was acquitted of the “sexual assault ” misdemeanor because there was not sufficient and convincing evidence. It was decided. The court deferred the announcement of the decision by sentencing the accused to 2 years, 9 months and 10 days in prison for the misdemeanor of “deliberate injury” and “sexual harassment”

. It was stated that both sexual harassment and the fact that the injury was committed against the complainant who was intoxicated at night was considered as a reason for temptation (aggravating the punishment).

How many calories in 1 quarter Ramadan pita? Does Ramadan pita make you gain weight? Eating pita in the sahur..

Ramadan pita, which we can’t get enough of at Ramadan tables and is indispensable with its delicious taste, unfortunately causes weight gain …

Ramadan pita, which we can’t get enough of at Ramadan tables and is indispensable with its delicious taste, unfortunately causes weight gain. But don’t worry, when you think of it while fasting, we have explained the definition of diet Ramadan pita that you can eat at iftar without forcing your soul. How to make easy Ramadan pita at home? Does eating pita bread in sahur make you gain weight? Calorie prices compared to Ramadan pita type:

Ramadan pita, which is the crown jewel of our Ramadan tables, is one of the most popular flavors of the iftar table . It is a great pleasure for fasting Muslims to have iftar with the delicious taste of Ramadan pita. However, while enjoying this pleasure, it should not be forgotten that Ramadan pita is ultimately a pastry. Ramadan pita, which has a valuable position in terms of both diet and health, will trigger excessive weight gain in a short time if consumed excessively. The point that will be reflected on health is some diseases that can come with excess weight, such as obesity. Ramadan pita is one of the foods with high calorie value, which should be consumed very carefully by people who have weight problems or who are at risk.

Ramadan pitas; From plain to sesame, from sesame to whole wheat, there are all kinds of varieties. Well, how many calories are in each pita? Does eating ramadan pita in sahur make you gain weight? Here is the answer…

Ramadan pita types and calories


Ramadan pitas, which cause blood sugar to rise and fall suddenly due to the fact that it has the highest glycemic index, can therefore carry a risk for a hungry body when eaten. The desire to eat sweets, which will be aroused by suddenly changing imbalances, causes excess weight gain. In addition, insulin secretion increases the blood sugar level and causes what we call regional lubrication.

A 1-hour walk or 1-hour training is recommended when the measure is missed in the consumption of Ramadan pita that cannot be controlled by the hunger caused by fasting at the iftar table. In order not to gain weight, it is ideal to consume 1 slice of pita and a portion of vegetable food with a high fiber content.


  • 100 grams of ramadan pita 260 kcal
  • 100 grams of pita bread without sesame 230 kcal
  • 100 grams of pita for residential use 504 kcal (800
  • )100 grams of wholemeal pita bread 273 kcal



How much Ramadan pita should you eat in order not to gain weight

  • What size you prefer when eating Ramadan pitas, which unfortunately leads to weight gaining foods, is very valuable.
  • 1 the calorie of a whole Ramadan pita is equivalent to an average of 16-18 slices of bread. You should not start consuming extra bread, which we try not to eat more than 2-3 slices per day, together with pita during Ramadan.
  • Gaining weight in this month when you plan to lose weight can be a big disappointment for you.
  • Also, experts emphasized that Ramadan pita with white flour is appetizing like pasta and rice. If you consume a lot of pita at sahur, your chances of getting hungry will increase.