‘Environmentally Friendly 1000 Schools’ project from the Ministry of National Education!

Ministry of National Education initiated the Environmentally Friendly 1000 Schools Project. The project was introduced at a ceremony attended …

Ministry of National Education initiated the Environmentally Friendly 1000 Schools Project. The project was introduced at a ceremony attended by the Minister of National Education Mahmut Özer and the Minister of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change Murat Kurum.

Minister of National Education Mahmut Özer stated that they are carrying out projects together with the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change in order to instill a sustainable world and environmental awareness in students. Minister Özer said that the subject of climate change has been added to the curriculum and that, for the first time, trainings on environment and climate change were given with the contents created in the Teacher Information Network (ÖBA), which started to serve teachers during the break. Özer stated that although there is no compulsory education, nearly 100 thousand teachers benefit from it. He emphasized that the ‘Environmentally Friendly 1000 Schools Project’ is one of the steps taken by the two ministries together.

Minister of Environment and Urbanization Murat Kurum


Within the scope of the project, they have determined a thousand schools, at least one in all districts. Minister Özer said, “We wanted to have at least one environmentally friendly school in every district. Administrators, teachers and students from other schools in that district will come here, see the applications and transfer them to their own schools. Our goal is to start

Stating that solar energy panels and rainwater storage units will be installed in the designated schools, Özer continued his words as follows:

“Libraries will be zero waste. Organic wastes in cafeterias and canteens will be converted into compost and our children will grow plants with these composts. will grow.”

Emine Erdogan


President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s wife, Emine Erdogan, who pioneered many sustainable projects social media He announced the “Environmentally Friendly 1000 Schools Project” of the Ministry of National Education to the citizens with the following words.

“The “Environmentally Friendly 1,000 Schools” project, which aims to make our children experience environmental and nature awareness at an early age, is extremely valuable.
I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who contributed to the project where the proverb “The tree bends when it is wet” is fully met.”

Get inspired by the dopamine clothing trend

With the arrival of spring in the fashion world, another trend started: “Dopamine colors” or “Dopamine dressing” with its morale-boosting effect …

With the arrival of spring in the fashion world, another trend started: “Dopamine colors” or “Dopamine dressing” with its morale-boosting effect. These strong dopamine colors inspire the street styles that stand out in the collections of the designers we see at fashion weeks this year.

Another harbinger of the dopamine style trend going to be very popular comes from Pinterest, which is reporting on the trend. The most sought after trends and colors of the season are fuchsia dresses, emerald dresses and pink shoes.

What is dopamine?

Known as the “feel-good” hormone, dopamine can make people happy when secreted in the body, and thanks to this happiness, it is defined as the hormone that keeps people alive in the medical world. This chemical, which is naturally produced in the body and responsible for our enjoyment, increases or decreases according to our mood.

Dopamine colors are also inspired by this hormone. Thanks to the effect of colors on psychology, the colors chosen in the combinations activate the dopamine hormone and make the person wearing the outfit feel happier.

Although briefly summarized as vivid and eye-catching, each dopamine color has a different perception and this perception can vary from person to person. In the dopamine colors trend, the goal is to think about colors more than the pieces in the combination and to use colors that instill positive emotions.

What is chromotherapy?

One of the therapy methods still continuing since Ancient Egypt is “Chromotherapy”, in other words color therapy. Color therapy is based on the idea that different colors cause different reactions in different people, and each color is believed to be individually soothing or energizing.

According to chromotherapy, colors can also help in the treatment of diseases according to the effect they leave on people. In this way, they differentiate the perception according to the energy they represent and provide physiological and psychological balance.

According to this theory, orange; It creates joyful feelings and can increase brain activity. blue; used by chromotherapists to treat depression and pain; Dark blues, on the other hand, improve insomnia and sleep problems thanks to their soothing properties.

Which colors are dopamine colors?

It is not possible to limit dopamine colors to a few colors and tones. However, as a reference to dopamine, vivid yellows, apple green, emerald green, oranges, assertive reds, fuchsia, electric blue and slightly calmer neon pastels are the main colors that stand out in this summer’s collections. These colors can be worn from head to toe, different shades of the same color can be combined or two opposite colors can be used in the same combination.

On the catwalks, we saw bold and stimulating dopamine colors with combinations that refer to color blocks. Contrasting colors such as fuchsia and red, apple green and fuchsia are among the most common to be used together.

Dopamine colored samples

Using assertive colors may not be easy and relaxing for everyone. If you don’t like to wear fuchsia from head to toe, you can support a combination you create from your favorite colors with accessories that can bring you happiness, or you can turn to pastels, which are calmer, instead of choosing very vibrant colors . The important thing is how you will feel better with your clothing choices. Another detail that should not be forgotten about dopamine is this: Instead of saying “I love this color”, leaving our comfort zone with the thought “I want to be happy today” is one of the first rules of dopamine clothing.


Posing for photographer Ronan Gallagher’s lens, Griezmann presents the new trends of Mango Man: comfortable, contemporary, straight-cut …

Posing for photographer Ronan Gallagher’s lens, Griezmann presents the new trends of Mango Man: comfortable, contemporary, straight-cut trousers made of poplin and linen; return to tailoring with iconic summer suits and a new interpretation of the double-breasted jacket; Light-toned cotton and linen jackets for summer nights; Suits with minimal aesthetics that stand out with their pure and clean silhouettes.

“It is a great honor for me to collaborate with Mango, a brand with which I share many values. The styles of the collections are very contemporary, versatile, easy to wear and have pieces that fit everyone’s style. The brand is very much inspired by the Mediterranean spirit and values. I think I’m fit. It’s been a very enjoyable job, the team made sure everything went smoothly and I was proud of the results.” uses the expression football player.

Antoine Griezmann In France, many organizations such as Un Rien C’est Tout, an NGO that cooperates with affiliates and their affiliates, focusing on supporting projects that have a positive impact on people A football player affiliated with numerous charities. She is also aware of many values, including LGTBIQ+ rights or gender equality in sports.

Mango has collaborated with great talents such as Gerard Piqué, Zinedine Zidane, Adrien Brody and Andrés Velencoso in their past campaigns.

How to decorate the garden? Decoration suitable suggestions for gardens

The decoration of the gardens, which welcomes us with a different beauty in every season, started to gain importance with the emergence of the …

The decoration of the gardens, which welcomes us with a different beauty in every season, started to gain importance with the emergence of the sun. We can build a spacious area with minor changes in our gardens, which we use more especially in the spring months. So what should be done to create a unique garden decoration? Here are the most beautiful decoration suggestions that will add joy to your gardens…

Gardens, one of the most popular areas of spring months, have become an The inevitable option with the warming of the weather. You can enjoy reading a book in your garden as the first rays of the sun fall on the ground in the morning, or watch the stars with the warm wind blowing when it gets dark. The decoration of the gardens, which host peaceful moments, is much more important than you think. So what do you need to do to have a comfortable and stylish garden? Let’s examine together the decoration suggestions where you can create a completely different atmosphere in your gardens.


If you want to include different and original ideas when creating garden decorations, you will love this idea! You can paint the big car wheels in the colors you want and use them as flower pots in your garden.

Garden decoration suggestions

You can also design a stylish and unique coffee table or table with car wheels. The idea of ​​making garden furniture from wheels that you will paint in color will suit both your budget and your taste!

You can double the pleasure of your children by making a swing with car wheels

or car wheels.

Making a swing from car wheels

If we think that our imagination is limitless; You can sign many more fun designs.

Garden decoration from the car wheel


Garden lighting is not only a necessity but also an accessory. If you want to use a different lighting, you can give flower watering cans a chance.

Garden lighting

You can get a dim atmosphere in the evenings by placing led lights inside the flower watering cans that you will choose especially steel.


By placing small scented candles in jars, you can both welcome a pleasant scent in your garden and create a peaceful environment.


How about using old wheelbarrows for garden decoration?

Making a pot from a wheelbarrow

You can create a magnificent decoration by placing your fragrant colorful flowers inside the wheelbarrow.

You can also make a difference in your garden from bicycles that you do not use or that are sold as decorative.

Bicycle and flower pot

You can place it as a flower pot or you can get an original look on your walls.

You can place benches in vibrant colors that will harmonize with the colors of the flowers in your garden. Remarkable colors such as purple, turquoise, green and red will create a different atmosphere in your garden.

Use of benches in garden decoration


How to decorate the balcony? How are accessories used in balcony decoration?

Especially with the arrival of spring, balconies offer a wonderful comfort zone. A unique look can be shaped in the decoration of the balconies …

Especially with the arrival of spring, balconies offer a wonderful comfort zone. A unique look can be shaped in the decoration of the balconies, which sometimes accompany dinners and sometimes a pleasure coffee. So, how to decorate the balcony? Which accessories should be used on balconies? Here, we have detailed the answers to all the questions you are looking for in our news.

While the warm effect of the spring season is felt all around, it’s time to use the balconies in our homes. We can make minor changes in the decoration of the balconies in order to have a pleasant time with our loved ones and to inhale the fragrant scent of nature. Especially at iftar tables, balconies are a great option for enjoying pleasant meals. Rich touches can be made, from furniture selections to accessories, to create a stylish and comfortable living space on the balconies. Let’s take a closer look at the most beautiful decoration suggestions that will add joy to the balconies in Ramadan.



Using shelves on balcony walls not only creates a functional appearance, but also allows you to save space. By placing flower pots on these decorative shelves; You can get the opportunity to be in touch with nature. If you prefer to use plain and neutral colors on the balcony walls; You can create a lively effect with colorful flowers. If you wish; You can embrace a wonderful view on the walls with ivy.

Balcony decoration

Wooden stairs, which are frequently encountered in decoration, can also be used on balconies. You can display your plants in a ladder planter where you will lean against the balcony wall.

Use of plants in balcony decoration

You can also use balcony irons in balcony decoration. The flower pots you will hang on the balcony irons will change the atmosphere of the environment in an instant.

Ways to decorate the balcony


If you have a large balcony, you can include garden furniture on your balconies. considering the needs of your balcony; You can use furniture that appeals to your personal taste. You can create a lively effect on your furniture with colorful cushions and shawls.

Use of furniture in balcony decoration


You can use different types of lighting on your balconies to create a dim atmosphere, especially in the evening hours. While making elegant touches on your walls with LED lights; You can place lanterns on the floors.

Lighting in balcony decoration

With unique scented candles, you can both get a dim environment and embrace pleasant scents.

Use of accessories in balcony decoration


In these days when the sun is high, you can rest a lot by placing a hammock on your balconies. It’s up to you to create a space where you can read a book or take a nap while adding a lively effect to your balcony with colorful hammocks!

Use of hammock in balcony decoration


The autopsy report of Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins has been released! His heart was 600 grams

Taylor Hawkins, drummer and vocalist of Grammy-winning American rock band Foo Fighters, passed away in the previous days. The heart of the …

Taylor Hawkins, drummer and vocalist of Grammy-winning American rock band Foo Fighters, passed away in the previous days. The heart of the famous star, whose first autopsy report was released, turned out to be twice as large as that of other adult men.

World-famous rock band Foo Fighters announced that Taylor Hawkins passed away in a statement on its official website recently. After the news that shocked the fans, the first autopsy report was announced. It was determined that the heart of the famous star, whose body was found to contain the remains of 10 different drugs, including antidepressants, was 600 grams when he died.

Taylor Hawkins

This means Hawkins’ heart is twice as large as any other adult male.

Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins passed away


A sad news came from the 90’s music group Foo Fighters. It was learned that the vocalist and drummer of the famous band, Taylor Hawkins, died at the age of 50 in the hotel room where he stayed. While the cause of the artist’s death has not been disclosed, it was stated that the death was a “tragic and untimely loss”.

Taylor Hawkins

In a statement on Foo Fighters’ official website, “His musical spirit and contagious smile will live with us forever. Our hearts are with his wife, children and family and this We ask that you give importance to the privacy of his family during unpredictably difficult times​”.

Foo Fighters

Tuba Ünsal: I don’t care about the reactions!

Famous actress Tuba Ünsal, who recently came to the fore by saying that she prayed, brought Ayşe Kulin’s best-selling novel ‘Her Name is Aylin …

Famous actress Tuba Ünsal, who recently came to the fore by saying that she prayed, brought Ayşe Kulin’s best-selling novel ‘Her Name is Aylin’ to the stage. After the gala, Ünsal became the focus of the targets with the statements he made.

Ayşe Kulin’s bestselling novel named Aylin was moved to the theater stages. Tuba Ünsal also takes the stage in this theater play, which has a large cast. The statements he made at the premiere of the play named Aylin, which Ünsal said that he had allocated a budget by taking a loan, created a bombshell effect on the agenda. The actor, who said that he was a Muslim and fulfilled his prayers, caused reactions when he put prayer together with yoga and meditation. The actor responded to the reactions as “I don’t care”.

Tuba Ünsal


Upon the questions from the members of the press on the prayer statement made by the player before, Ünsal said, “When I am bad, I lose my spirituality. “I said that I was doing something like this to empower people. And I got thousands of messages. I don’t see a problem with this statement. If my friend in France can go to church and pray, why should I hesitate to explain it. I don’t care what people think,” he replied.

Tuba Ünsal didn’t care about the reactions


Tuba Ünsal’s play also cost 4 million TL property is known. Ünsal said about the play named Aylin, for which she took out a loan and allocated a budget: “I am a professional business woman. I have been making films and theater in my own production company for about 8 years. I am the producer of most of the projects I play. I invested the money I earned from the theater into the theater again. That’s why people looked at me like crazy. But this is “It’s one of the things I’m happy with,” he said.

Kayahan is not forgotten! The master artist was commemorated on his birthday …

Artist Kayahan, one of the masters of Turkish pop music, was not forgotten. The master artist was commemorated on the 7th anniversary of his …

Artist Kayahan, one of the masters of Turkish pop music, was not forgotten. The master artist was commemorated on the 7th anniversary of his death in the birthday organization organized by his daughter Beste Açar. k

The master artist Kayahan, who set a throne in the hearts with works such as ‘I’m All for You’, ‘A Love Story’, ‘My Heart Page’, passed away in 2015. hung up. The master name, who was remembered with the works he sang, was commemorated on the 7th anniversary of his death, at the birthday organization organized by his daughter Beste Açar. In the night of emotional moments, famous singers sang the works of the master artist. The night that Açar called ‘Compositions in Heaven’ was attended by singer friends and fans such as Hakan Peker and Kerem Cem. In the night, the unforgettable works of the master artist were performed.

hakan peker


Sharing his feelings during the night, Beste Açar said, “When we first arrived at our place, I sat here. Opposite. I looked in the direction. I said where is the white lighthouse over there. Could it be Kanlıca? Yes, that’s the Kanlıca cemetery. We all had goosebumps at that moment. name of the project is Compositions to Heaven. My father will be right in front of us tonight. My father’s artist friends, my friends, they will sing my father’s songs soon. We will tell you,” he said. )



Açar continued his words in the night as follows:


Kayahan and Beste Açar

“I will sing my father’s songs too. We will celebrate his birthday. I miss my father so much. I can’t believe they say. It’s like it’s always there. There is still that feeling. Everyday he is there. It feels like every death is early, but my father died very early. On April 3, we will go and pray with his loved ones and friends.”

Queen Elizabeth’s eyes turned bloodshot! After Prince Philip’s death…

Queen of England II, who has not been on the agenda for a while with her health problems. Elizabeth appeared in public for the first time in 5 …

Queen of England II, who has not been on the agenda for a while with her health problems. Elizabeth appeared in public for the first time in 5 months. The Queen, who attended the memorial service of her husband, Prince Philip, who died in April 2021, had a hard time standing.


Queen of England Elizabeth II has been ruling both England and a remarkable part of the world for over half a century. The Queen, who is the longest reigning monarch in the world, has recently come to the fore with her health problems. In addition to the scandalous events in the royal family, the Queen, who had a difficult time after the death of her husband, Prince Philip, did not participate in many events.

Queen II. Elizabeth

Queen Elizabeth II, who canceled almost all her events. Elizabeth gathered her strength for her life partner of 74 years and attended a memorial service for Prince Philip held at London’s Westminster Abbey. The Queen, who appeared in public for the first time in 5 months, came to the ceremony with her middle son, Prince Andrew.

Sharing the same vehicle, mother and son did not neglect to greet the people along the way. Andrew, who survived the sexual harassment lawsuit filed by Virginia Giuffrey from the USA by paying money, was interpreted as ‘his mother’s disgrace’ to be seen next to Elizabeth.

Queen II. Elizabeth’s wife, Prince Philip

The Queen, who was walking using a cane, had difficulty standing during the ceremony and her eyes almost turned bloodshot. The Queen, who could not control her feelings with the loss of her life partner, was accompanied by 30 royal family members, including Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands and Spain, during the ceremony.

Queen II. Elizabeth


The 95-year-old Queen, who survived the coronavirus she caught on February 20, had to cancel another program. According to this; Prince Charles will represent Elizabeth on the show. “After discussing arrangements with the Royal Family, the Queen has asked the Prince of Wales to represent Her Majesty at St Peter’s Church in Westminster on Monday,” Buckingham Palace said in a statement to the Huffington Post. statements were included.

Queen II. Elizabeth

, who saw more than 150 prime ministers during her reign, is said to be in critical condition of the Queen.

Queen II. Elizabeth and Prince Philip


The Queen, who caught Covid in the past days, made a radical decision and announced that she would now live in Windsor Castle. The Queen, who has been doing her work remotely for two years due to the coronavirus epidemic, spent the quarantine period at Windsor Castle with her husband, Prince Philip, who died last year.

Buckingham Palace


The most important reason why the Queen, who left Buckingham Palace permanently, took this decision is the renovation works to be done in the palace. Buckingham Palace, the official seat of the monarchy since 1837, is currently undergoing a 10-year refurbishment costing £369m to renovate and replace some of its technical systems.

Queen II. Elizabeth Windsor Castle


The health of the Queen, who tested positive for the coronavirus on February 20, caused great concern in England. The Queen, who was spotted for the first time since being diagnosed with Covid-19, is back at work. The Queen, who avoids being with people physically, continues her work at Windsor Castle by making video calls.

Queen II. Elizabeth made a virtual call

Queen II, who did not quit her job even when she was sick. Elizabeth had a virtual meeting with Andorra Ambassador Carles Jordan Madero, Chad Ambassador Kedella Younous Hamidi and his wife Soraia Maria Valls Pinilla.

Queen II. While Elizabeth was making a video call

, it was learned that the Queen, who hosted her visitors at Buckingham Palace with her image on the computer screen, completely recovered from the coronavirus and will meet with Prince William , his wife Kate Middleton and their children at the weekend.

Queen of England II. Elizabeth


According to the new statements made from the palace; Queen Elizabeth II of England has fully recovered from the coronavirus. The 95-year-old Queen Prince William, who spent the weekend at Frogmore with his friends and family, had a pleasant time with Kate Middleton, Princess Beatrice and her baby.

Queen II. Elizabeth survived the coronavirus

No official statement has yet been made from Buckingham Palace that the Queen has survived the coronavirus.

Queen Elizabeth met with her family


It was learned that the Queen, who had difficulty walking, had recently caught the coronavirus. After the frightening news, it was announced that the 95-year-old Queen Elizabeth of Buckingham palace showed symptoms similar to the common cold.

Queen Elizabeth II


After Prince Charles and his wife Camilla, Queen Elizabeth’s catching coronavirus caused great concern all over the world. According to new information from the palace, the Queen’s condition is getting worse and worse. The owner of the British throne, who had bad days, canceled all phone and internet calls.

Queen of England Elizabeth II caught coronavirus

At the same time, it was learned that there was an epidemic in Windsor Castle, where the Queen was staying , but the number of people infected with the virus was kept secret.

Queen Elizabeth fell ill


The 95-year-old Queen sighed with relief after the ongoing lawsuit between her middle son Prince Andrew and the American Virginia Giuffre was resolved. Queen Elizabeth was spotted at Windsor Castle after sexual harassment ended in a £13m deal.

The Queen of England

met with the new Secretary of Defense Services Major General Eldon Millar and his predecessor Rear Admiral James Macleod for a while, on Elizabeth’s flowery dress and doctor’s advice. The walking stick he used did not go unnoticed. Welcoming her guests by saying “Good morning”, the Queen pointed to her left leg and said, “As you can see, I ca n’t move.”

Queen of England Elizabeth II

The weight of the Queen, who had a difficult time with her health, and the change in her stance upset the British .



Queen of England II. Elizabeth announced that she was canceling her traditional annual lunch at Windsor Castle. It has been claimed that the Queen, who said she canceled the Christmas dinner for 50 people with her family members “with great regret”, took this decision as a precaution for the spread of the Omicron variant.

According to the plan; After this special meal at Windsor Castle, the Queen would fly to Sandringham by helicopter and stay there on Christmas Day. The Queen’s cancellation of her plan, which attaches great importance to the Christmas dinner, brought up the health problems she had been experiencing for a while.


Queen of England, Elizabeth II, who has been away from the public for a long time due to her alleged health problems, was photographed at Windsor Castle the previous day, as if denying the news. In the footage, the Queen had a meeting with the British Chief of Staff, Nick Carter.

However, in the photos released to the public, the truth emerged. While the Queen’s hands were seen to be purple, it was said that her condition was not good at all. In the news in the British media, Queen II. One of the reasons Elizabeth’s hands were purple was explained as her poor blood circulation.

Doctor Bertel Berendes, speaking to the German newspaper Bild, said, “These scars may have been caused by a shock or blood thinning method.” However, social media users started to worry after seeing the Queen’s black hands.


Queen of England Elizabeth II, who is in the focus of the whole world, has been struggling with health problems for a while after the death of her husband, Prince Philip. The Queen, who had health problems, did not attend the Climate Summit held in Glasgow, which worried everyone.

Queen Elizabeth was unable to attend the traditional “Rememberance Sunday” commemoration ceremony held in London in memory of soldiers who lost their lives in the First World War on the grounds that she had hurt her back recently.

The Queen’s absence from the events worried many and asked, “Is the Queen dead?” she raised questions. The 96-year-old Queen has been spotted at Windsor Castle for the first time in a long time.

The Queen, who received British Chief of Staff Nick Carter at Windsor Castle, was found to be healthy. On the other hand, the fact that the queen, who used a cane on the advice of doctors, did not have a cane in her hands, did not go unnoticed.


Queen Elizabeth II’s cook, who has been acting under the supervision of doctors for a while due to health problems, Graham Tinsley made surprising statements in an interview he gave to a magazine.

Explaining that the dishes prepared for the queens were X-rayed at the dinners attended by high-ranking officials, Tinsley said, “We were not always aware of security when we cooked only for the royal family. But “When the heads of state came, things were changing and security was getting very tight. If we were preparing a meal for the heads of state, the whole kitchen team was asked to meet at the police station and go to the castle by motorcycle,” he said.


Tinsley continued:

“For higher caliber banquets, we had to X-Ray all the food, utensils, knives and kitchen equipment. For security reasons, some dishes were even codenamed”


Queen II, who is the longest reigning monarch in the world. Elizabeth has been struggling with health issues for a The Queen, who suffered from deterioration in her health after the death of her husband, Prince Philip, began to be unable to attend many events. learned that Queen Elizabeth, who seems to have changed some of her programs, will not be able to attend the traditional “Rememberance Sunday” commemoration ceremony held in memory of the soldiers who lost their lives in the First World War. )

The reason why the Queen could not attend this ceremony, which was very important, was explained as hurting her back. “The Queen is disappointed that she will not be able to attend the ceremony,” the statement said.

(9800 736)

Rememberance Sunday was important as it was the first ceremony that the Queen, who had health problems, would attend in 1 month.

The Queen had only been able to attend the ceremony 6 times so far. These were due to her overseas visits to Ghana in 1961, Brazil in 1968, Kenya in 1983 and South Africa in 1999, and being pregnant in 1959 and 1963.


The most outstanding part of the commemoration at Whitehall was the row of balconies. All members of the family attended the ceremony, which Queen Elizabeth did not attend. It surprised everyone that Prince William’s wife, Kate Middleton, was replaced by her bride Camilla Parker Bowles in the place of the Queen in the hierarchical balcony order.


Queen of England Elizabeth II is among the most talked about names on the agenda due to her health problems for a while. The Queen, who started using a cane with the warning of doctors, had recently canceled her trip to Ireland.

After 8 years, Elizabeth II, who also spent a night in the hospital, will no longer attend royal duties alone after these events. According to this; The Queen will participate in the prepared programs on the condition that she is one of the senior family members.

A new work schedule will be established for Queen Elizabeth II, who has decided to do her lighter duties via online links from her residence in Windsor Castle.

What is the subject of the Uysallar series? When will the Uysallar series start?

Ay Yapım’s Uysallar series will start broadcasting on a digital platform. Haluk Bilginer, Öner Erkan and Uğur Yücel share the lead roles in the …

Ay Yapım’s Uysallar series will start broadcasting on a digital platform. Haluk Bilginer, Öner Erkan and Uğur Yücel share the lead roles in the psychological drama and comedy series. So what is the subject of the Uysallar series? When will the meeks start?

The “Uysallar” series starring Haluk Bilginer, Öner Erkan and Uğur Yücel meets the audience on Netflix, produced by Ay Yapım. ‘Uysallar’, a psychological drama and comedy mini-series, meets those who are waiting with its strong cast and different story.

Uysallar TV series cast

Uysallar TV series cast!

In addition to the lead roles of Öner Erkan, Songül Öden, Haluk Bilginer and Uğur Yücel, the series also stars names such as Umut Yeşildağ, Nilay Yeral, Bilyana Jovanovska, Serkan Altunorak, İbrahim Selim, Nezaket Erden.

What is the plot of Uysallar series

WHAT IS THE TOPIC of Uysallar series?

A story of awakening, Uysallar questions the identity of upper-middle-class architect Oktay Uysal and his extended family, set in the unexplored streets and rising plazas of Istanbul in 2020 with crooked urban transformation. Although the Uysal family seems like an ideal family, they each have double lives that they hide from each other. The series introduces us to the tragic, funny and dark sides of family members as they live the lives they dream of unaware of each other. While Uysallar presents an alternative family story to the audience with the unidentified city visual of Istanbul in the background, “When was the last time I was happy?” he will ask.

Haluk Bilginer


Uysallar series with its strong cast is meeting with those waiting on Netflix today, Wednesday, March 30.