Eda Ece’s parents caught coronavirus!

Eda Ece’s parents, who are on the agenda every day with the Forbidden Apple series, caught the coronavirus. Eda Ece’s family caught …

Eda Ece’s parents, who are on the agenda every day with the Forbidden Apple series, caught the coronavirus.

Eda Ece’s family caught coronavirus. The actress, who experienced great sadness, shared on her social media account and gave information about her family’s health status.


Eda Ece, who shared a photo of her with her parents from her 6.2 million followers on her Instagram account, said, “My mom and dad are my most precious assets in this life. Thank you to everyone who called and asked. My mother will be fine and my father will be fine too. I love you very much.”


The successful player received support comments from names such as Seda Sayan, Eylem İpek, Gizem Hatipoğlu, Barış Kılıç, Erdal Ozyagcilar and Larissa Gacamer.

Let’s get ahead of the dandruff problem together

Dandruff is among the annoying hair problems. It’s really annoying for both men and women. And various methods are being tried to get rid of …

Dandruff is among the annoying hair problems. It’s really annoying for both men and women. And various methods are being tried to get rid of dandruff. Most of these methods do not give effective results. Dandruff formation depends on age and climate. Too little exposure to light, especially UV rays in winter, increases the production of dandruff. Hair care routine also plays an important role. Dandruff formation becomes evident if the hair is not washed often enough. We will give you a few tips to get rid of dandruff in your hair.

Lemon juice

Apply lemon juice to your scalp and feed it thoroughly. Wait 20-25 minutes. After waiting, wash the hair thoroughly.

Olive Oil

Apply olive oil all over your hair before washing your hair. The longer you keep the olive oil on your head in your hair, the more beneficial it will be. Before going to sleep, you can apply oil to your hair and wrap your head with a towel. Wash your hair thoroughly after waking up. Thanks to olive oil, you will have shiny, nourished and dandruff-free hair.

Egg yolk

Mix the egg yolk well and apply to your hair. After applying it to your hair, you can wear a cap. After keeping the egg in your hair for 1 hour, wash it thoroughly.

Fenugreek seeds

Crush 1 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds. Brew the crumbled seeds in two cups of hot water. Leave this mixture overnight. Strain the waiting mixture. Rub the filtered water into your hair thoroughly. Wash after 1 hour.

Apple cider vinegar

Dilute a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar with a quarter cup of water. Apply this mixture to your hair. Wait 1 hour. Then rinse thoroughly. Apple cider vinegar will both help you get rid of your dandruff and make your hair brighter.


Crush garlic and rub your scalp with it. Massage your scalp liberally. Rinse the garlic thoroughly after keeping it in your hair.

Tea tree oil

Add a few drops of tea tree oil to your shampoo. In this way, you can get rid of dandruff much more effectively.

Summer is coming! Here are the foods that will make you smell good!

The smell of sweat, which is the fearful dream of social life, is one of the problems we are most disturbed by, especially in summer. You may …

The smell of sweat, which is the fearful dream of social life, is one of the problems we are most disturbed by, especially in summer. You may be exposed to stress or move too much during the day. For such reasons, your skin may smell bad. Don’t worry! Because we have a great solution for you. Did you know that you can prevent your sweat odor by consuming certain foods? You read it right, it is possible to prevent your sweat smell with foods. Let’s take a look at the details of the news right away!

Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits, which are rich in antioxidants with both fresh and lively scents, are also perfect for preventing the smell of sweat ! It is beneficial to consume orange, tangerine or grapefruit at least once a week.

Jasmine tea

We’ve all heard of the positive effects of herbal teas on health. Jasmine tea has a wonderful effect on expelling harmful substances and emitting a pleasant smell to the body!


Rosemary is known to be good for skin problems as well as for removing bad odors from the body. Rosemary will be good for you if you have oily skin problems and the smell of sweat.

Lemon water

Take care to consume plenty of water during the day! If you don’t mind or don’t like to drink water, make it colorful. Lemon water will benefit both refreshing and cleansing your body. A simple and effective solution!


You should definitely consume yogurt, especially when you eat very heavy meals. While yoghurt cleanses the body of toxins, it will also make you stink less because you are purified from toxins.

Let’s get beautiful the easy way!

It is possible to beautify easily at home. How do I hear you ask? Let me explain right away with the apple sauce mask. We know that apples …

It is possible to beautify easily at home. How do I hear you ask? Let me explain right away with the apple sauce mask. We know that apples have many benefits. Apples are a naturally strong source of malic acid. For this reason, it is very useful to use apples in skin care masks.

Exfoliate dead skin

Antioxidants will provide power to prevent premature aging. In apples, it helps brighten a dull complexion and contributes to skin irritation and acne formation. It removes dead skin cell accumulation.

Ingredients for apple mask

  • 2 tablespoons organic applesauce
  • 1 tablespoon oats
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 2 teaspoons of lemon

Oh, if you have sensitive skin, of course, do not use lemon juice.

Combine all ingredients in a bowl and apply on face and neck. Wait 10 minutes. While washing off the mask, feel free to gently rub the skin in circular motions. Dry with a towel and apply moisturizer.

Try yoga on your face too!

Along with the pandemic, yoga has been included in the lives of many of us. Sometimes we started doing yoga to relieve stress and sometimes to …

Along with the pandemic, yoga has been included in the lives of many of us. Sometimes we started doing yoga to relieve stress and sometimes to stretch. But did you know that yoga can be done not only for the body but also for our face? Face yoga is a method that makes your skin look younger and healthier. I’m telling you right now!

Let’s moisturize our skin before we start

To prevent our actions from irritating our skin, it is essential to moisturize our skin! After moisturizing and softening our skin, we are now ready to start!

Let’s get rid of crow’s feet

First, open your eyes wide, then place your thumb on the corner of your eye and gently stretch. Look straight ahead while doing this move. It is beneficial to do this exercise twice a day.

Higher eyebrows

If you have low eyebrows, this move is for you! Touch your eyebrows with your fingers and gently pull them up. During the upward pull, frown and release your eyebrows. Repeat the movement three times. If you do it regularly, your eyebrows will reach the look you want.

Goodbye to the tickles

We all have nightmares about tickles.. Let’s destroy them! Lift your chin up and look at the ceiling. Move your chin back and forth as you feel your neck tense. Repeat this movement for three minutes. It is known that the most effective result in face yoga is obtained from this yoga movement.

Let’s make the cheeks thinner

Those who don’t want to have bun cheeks are here! Plump cheeks are a bit of a structural issue, but don’t worry, it has a solution. In order to thin your cheeks, you need to work your facial muscles as much as possible. For this, inflate your face as if you are filling your mouth with air, wait like this for five seconds, and then exhale. Repeat the movement five times. If you do it regularly, your cheeks will become thinner.

Take care of yourself at home without spending money on cosmetics!

Girls, you know that the prices of cosmetic products are increasing day by day. While prices are increasing so much, it is not possible to keep …

Girls, you know that the prices of cosmetic products are increasing day by day. While prices are increasing so much, it is not possible to keep up with care products. Did you know that you can do your own skin care at home without investing your fortune in cosmetics? I have some care suggestions for you that you can easily apply at home. Let’s go to the details…

Skin cleansing

No matter what skin care method you apply, the first thing you will do is to purify your skin from dirt. If you want to do this job without spending a lot of money on skin cleansing products, soda will be beneficial for your skin in terms of the minerals it contains. After washing your face, moisten a cotton ball with baking soda and rub it gently into your skin. While this method cleanses your skin of dirt, minerals will be good for your skin.

Friendly milk for all skin types

Another skin cleansing method: Milk. Whether you have combination or dry skin, milk is a great cleanser. Soak a cotton ball in warm or cold milk, and then rub this cotton wool soaked in milk on your skin. Repeat this process twice a week!

Fight the black dots!

The black spots that disturb us with their appearance are quite annoying. Get your supplies ready because we’re waging war on them! What you need for this: One tablespoon of cocoa, one teaspoon of honey and two tablespoons of yogurt. That’s it! Application: Put all the ingredients in a bowl, taking into account the measurements given, mix and apply to your skin. I recommend applying this method before going to sleep at night. You will wake up like a baby in the morning!

Let your skin shine with Aloe Vera!

Would you like to grow herbs for your skin care? The magnificent aloe plant, which is used especially in medical fields, has recently come to our ears. In the field of cosmetics, this plant is used for various creams and skin cleansing products. Instead of buying these very expensive products, you can grow your own aloe vera plant at home. Its application is quite simple. Cut the leaves from the root. Gently peel off the green layer on top with a knife and remove the gel inside. Finally, apply the gel to your skin with the help of cotton. After waiting for half an hour, you can wash your skin. Here is a clean glowing skin!

Coffee grounds for exfoliation

High caffeine content of coffee has the effect of rejuvenating your skin. did you know? You can use the coffee you drink with great pleasure, which is indispensable for conversations, as a peeling to purify your skin from dead skin. What you need to do for this: first prepare yourself a nice foamy Turkish coffee, then massage the coffee grounds into your skin. After waiting for a while, wash your skin with warm water. It’s done!

Purifying clay mask

Today we have a purifying clay mask recipe in our natural beauty recipes series. The clay mask contains plenty of minerals due to the lava that …

Today we have a purifying clay mask recipe in our natural beauty recipes series. The clay mask contains plenty of minerals due to the lava that came out of the volcanoes, one of the beneficial minerals of the soil.

The color of the clay is usually determined by the color of the soil. Therefore, for this reason, clay masks are also divided into certain groups within themselves. There are groups of these clay masks as green, pink, white, yellow. We will make this recipe together with white clay.

Here is the recipe you can easily apply at home…


  • 1 teaspoon sesame oil
  • 1 teaspoon apricot oil
  • 1 teaspoon wheat oil
  • 1 teaspoon carrot oil
  • 1 teaspoon jojoba oil
  • 1 teaspoon royal jelly
  • 1 teaspoon rose water
  • White clay as much as it can take


  • All oils and Mix the royal jelly.
  • Put white clay until it reaches the consistency of boza.
  • Mix with rose water.
  • Put in a jar.
  • Take a teaspoon every week and apply it to your face for 20 minutes, excluding the eye area.
  • Wash off with plenty of water.
  • Then apply moisturizer suitable for your skin.

care beauty mask

The secret to healthy and youthful skin: Probiotics

Who wouldn’t want to have a healthy and youthful skin? Well, do you know that there is a huge army to help you? Dermocosmetics containing good …

Who wouldn’t want to have a healthy and youthful skin? Well, do you know that there is a huge army to help you? Dermocosmetics containing good bacteria, namely probiotics.

Probiotic products, from food supplements to yogurt, have been in our lives for many years. But recently, eyes have turned to another area containing probiotics, dermocosmetics containing probiotics! Because researches have revealed that probiotics, which were known for their effect on the digestive system until a while ago, provide important benefits for skin health when applied to the skin.

The dermatologists of Sebamed, a half-century-old German brand, point out that probiotics are good bacteria that are beneficial for our health, and they say that probiotic-containing dermocosmetics are as beneficial for the skin as the probiotics we take with food.

So what kind of benefit does the probiotic content in dermocosmetic products provide?

Here are the answers from the experts…

The fountain of youth: Probiotics, which act as a shield against free radicals, prevent the skin from wrinkling and aging.

Moisturizes the skin: Probiotics help moisturize the skin, thus providing a glowing skin.

Natural antibiotic: Probiotics in dermocosmetics fight against viruses that infect our skin due to environmental factors.

Protects against irritations: Probiotics help balance the microflora on the skin, which is effective in preventing skin irritations.

Anti-acne: In addition, probiotics have a detoxifying effect. Skin care products containing probiotics are especially recommended for the treatment of acne-prone skin.

Let the good bacteria keep your skin healthy and youthful!


skin beauty health

You may be harming your skin while trying to protect it.

In this period when everyone produces content easily, there are many false and false information around, and various skin care techniques are in …

In this period when everyone produces content easily, there are many false and false information around, and various skin care techniques are in trend, especially on social media. The care techniques you use, thinking it right, may be damaging your skin. Let’s learn these mistakes together to protect your skin.

Well known wrong skin care techniques

Maybe you are using the care techniques we will count now. And you think it is good for your face, so we have compiled the care techniques that you think are right for you but are wrong, let’s look together..

Gua sha stone

Did you know that this technique, which is extremely popular especially in tiktok, can do more harm than good to your skin? Gua sha stone is known for its ability to accelerate blood flow and balance facial swelling. Especially in social media, we see that this technique is used to reveal the jaw muscles. This technique, which is applied by rubbing the skin, can cause the blood vessels close to the skin surface to burst as a result of uncontrolled use. We recommend that you do not use this technique, especially if you have sensitive skin.

Blackhead tapes

Blackhead tapes, which are the most widely used product when it comes to skin care, help us to get rid of blackheads, but due to its adhesive surface that comes into contact with our skin, it balances the oil balance. It can damage our skin by eroding the protective layer.

Peeling process

damages the skin barrier. It is also beneficial to use the peeling application once a week, at most twice a week.

Use of body shampoo

Do you use products such as soap, body shampoo while shaving your legs? Body shampoos do not provide any protection to your skin during shaving. If you don’t want to irritate your skin, you should stop using body shampoos and use shaving cream.


care skincare beauty

Homemade mask for under eye puffiness

There are many reasons for under-eye puffiness; There may be many reasons such as insomnia, stress and staring at the screen for a long time …

There are many reasons for under-eye puffiness; There may be many reasons such as insomnia, stress and staring at the screen for a long time. With Suna Dumankaya’s special recipe, you can quickly get rid of this situation that gives you a tired look, with a method you can easily apply at home instead of complaining.


  • 1 tablespoon of rye flour
  • 1 teaspoon of carob powder
  • 4 pieces fresh Black grape juice
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice


  • Mix all the ingredients to make a special paste do it.
  • Apply the paste around your eyes with vertical movements.
  • Let sit for 15 minutes.
  • Then wash your face.
  • If your skin is not very sensitive, it will be beneficial to apply this mask twice a week.


For wrinkles and bruises under your eyes, apply a kiwi peel or apple compress around your eyes. Against the drooping and wrinkling of your eyelids, put 4 fingers under your eyebrows every day and move your forehead downwards and repeat this 10 times.


care under eye mask