Why should sunscreen be used in winter?

Sunscreens, which are indisputable in summer, do not belong to only one season. Professor, who works at the American Hospital Dermatology …

Sunscreens, which are indisputable in summer, do not belong to only one season. Professor, who works at the American Hospital Dermatology Department, explains the importance of sunscreens from their effects on our skin to their seasonal use. Dr. Sibel Alper told me.

Internal and external aging

Skin aging occurs due to internal and external factors. Intrinsic aging depends on genetic characteristics. Collagen production decreases, the elasticity of the skin deteriorates. As a result, fine wrinkles, decrease in subcutaneous adipose tissue, collapse of the cheeks and sagging of the neck are observed. The most important factor in extrinsic aging is exposure to excessive sun rays. UVB is most responsible for skin damage, with the cumulative effect being UVA rays. The result is a yellow, dry and rough skin appearance. Vascularization increases and dark spots occur. Those who work outside, especially those with a tanning addiction, garden workers, farmers, are exposed to excessive sun rays.

Those with fair skin should pay more attention

90% of non-melanoma skin cancers and 60% of melanomas are caused by UV rays. Its incidence has increased by 3% per year in recent years. Melanoma is a type of cancer that can occur in anyone. But people with fair skin and sun sensitivity are more at risk. People with white skin, light-colored eyes, red hair, those who had severe sunburns in childhood, those with a family history of skin cancer, patients who had an organ transplant, those who spent and spent time in the sun without protection for a long time, those who sunbathed for a long time and those who entered the solarium are at risk.

Sunscreen selection

It would be a good idea to consult your dermatologist and choose a product. In addition, product selection should be based on age and purpose. It is necessary to use sunscreen throughout the year to reduce the risk of both aging and skin cancer. Provided the preservative is used properly, its effectiveness can be trusted. Sunscreens should be applied as 20gr per m2 (2 mg per cm2). Water-resistant, broad-spectrum (UVA and UVB) sunscreens with a factor of at least 30 are recommended.

When should sunscreen be applied?

It should be applied half an hour before going out, and it should be renewed every 4 hours on average. Today, there are preservatives in different forms (cream, lotion, spray, colored) according to skin type, healthy or those with dermatological problems. It would be appropriate to consult your dermatologist and choose a product. Product selection should be based on age and purpose. Studies have shown that using sunscreen every day for 4.5 years reduces the risk of skin cancer by 40%, skin thickening and darkening by 40%, and skin aging by 24%.


care sunscreen health

callus reducing cream recipe

In our series of natural beauty recipes, today we have a cream recipe to reduce calls. Calluses usually appear as a result of friction …

In our series of natural beauty recipes, today we have a cream recipe to reduce calls. Calluses usually appear as a result of friction, especially on the hands and feet and the big toes. Although calls do not cause any pain at first, they can become painful over time and make daily activities difficult. For those who are looking for alternative natural solutions to get rid of calls, this recipe by Suna Dumankaya is for you…


  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 shallot
  • 1 bar soap
  • Fresh chard leaves or parsley


  • Roast the garlic and shallots in the oven.
  • Peel the skins and pound them in a mortar.
  • Cut 2 notches 1 cm thick from an unused bar of soap and grate them.
  • Mix it all together and make a cream.
  • Rub it on your callus, wrap it with fresh chard leaves or parsley, cover it with gauze and leave it until morning.
  • You can do it 4-5 times in a row until your callus falls off.

foot care calluses

Instant solution to blackheads

While looking for ways to get rid of blackheads, I came across a woman who said, “A person with a blackhead is a dirty person”. I thought for a …

While looking for ways to get rid of blackheads, I came across a woman who said, “A person with a blackhead is a dirty person”. I thought for a moment, I was disgusted with myself, then I got angry and said what’s the matter. Because I am a woman who takes care of her skin every day, she cares about her hygiene, she only complains about the black dots on the interface. While I was going through these, the woman in my heart continued to tell, saying that the black dots did not come from under the skin, they were formed on the surface. The woman is right here, now blackheads are formed by the accumulation of cavities, dead skin cells and oils in the skin follicle.

Even if blackheads occur outside, cleaning starts from the inside because we will pay attention to our nutrition first, especially if we have an oily skin type, we should be even more careful, as you already know. Let’s leave the general information behind and move on to our recipe 🙂


  • Turkish coffee grounds (sugar free)
  • Toothpaste
  • Rose water


  • First, we clean our skin well.
  • We mix all the ingredients in a bowl with the help of a spoon
  • We apply the mixture to the areas with black spots.
  • We rub the mixture with our fingers for a few minutes as if exfoliating.
  • Finally, we clean our face and apply moisturizer.

I hope this recipe works for you, we are waiting for your comments…


beauty mask peeling

The miracle of ant egg oil

As an urban legend, it is said that ant egg oil is the definitive solution to hair. Solutions for the hair problem, which is the common problem …

As an urban legend, it is said that ant egg oil is the definitive solution to hair. Solutions for the hair problem, which is the common problem of all humanity, especially women, can be short-term and painful. Although epilation applications that have entered our lives in recent years seem to be almost permanent solutions, they are not a preferable option for everyone due to the pain.

Is ant egg oil the definitive solution for feathers?

Although there is no definitively proven scientific explanation, 86% of users say that their hair problems are almost eliminated with regular use. In fact, I heard a woman say that her grandmother used this procedure when she was newly born and she never had any hair problems in her life. Could this be true? When I did a little more research, I saw that it is a method used by Iranian women to get rid of unwanted hair, dating back centuries.

Is ant egg oil banned?

Ant egg oil, which does not pose any problem when produced in accordance with the rules by the Ministry of Health, is banned on the grounds that it poses a health hazard if it is produced differently than it should be.

Are there any side effects?

Ant egg oil, which is normally obtained under completely natural conditions, has no side effects that have been heard until now. But be careful, if the oil you take is far from natural, side effects may occur.

Here are the possible side effects you may encounter in such a case;

  • Itching
  • Burning sensation
  • Hair follicle inflammation
  • Unexpected increase in hair

Expected effects and benefits

  • A smooth skin free of hairs
  • Reduces the appearance of hair follicles
  • Revitalizes the skin
  • Brightens the skin Qatar
  • Moisturizes and nourishes the skin
  • Reduces dark appearances and whitens the skin

Use of ant egg oil

If you want to apply this method, first of all, you should know that the area to be applied should be clean before using the oil. The most recommended method is waxing because the closest contact to the hair root is after waxing. You can also choose a razor, but your treatment may take a little longer.

Where did it come from, on this net now, I can hear you saying razor again. I’m sorry, no beauty is without problems, but don’t be afraid, this process is only during the treatment, you will not remember it when you realize that your hair has already decreased.

Let’s get back to our topic, we cleaned the hairs, then we massage the oil into our skin for at least 20 minutes and half an hour, massage is important in terms of penetration, don’t be lazy. You should apply this process for 4 days from the day you remove the hairs and stay away from water for 6 hours after applying the oil. Therefore, it is more logical to apply it at night while sleeping.

It’s actually a very simple application, to explain it more simply, let me give you 3 steps:

  1. Cleanse hairs
  2. Massage oil
  3. This process Apply for 4 days

After that, no touching until the hairs come out and take them back, then repeat the same process. How long? Until the feathers say goodbye to you. I’m curious, even in the first application, there were people who got results, but they say that the generally accepted treatment period is about 1 year.

If you have applied or want to apply, you can share your results and advise us 🙂


female treatment hair problem

Tension rises between Midyeci Ahmet and his ex-wife

Ahmet Çiçek, known as Midyeci Ahmet, opened his first branch in Beşiktaş, and later his reputation spread all over Turkey. One of the biggest …

Ahmet Çiçek, known as Midyeci Ahmet, opened his first branch in Beşiktaş, and later his reputation spread all over Turkey. One of the biggest reasons why the mussel maker Ahmet got sick was the mussels prepared by his wife Deniz Çelebi. However, Midyeci Ahmet and his ex-wife Deniz Çelebi got into each other and the couple, who could not get along, recently ended their marriage. Ahmet Çiçek transferred the central branch in Beşiktaş to his ex-wife.

However, Midyeci Ahmet opened another shop in front of this branch and said, “Our brand has no connection with our Beşiktaş main branch. The control of both the products sold and the service quality is out of our structure. The products supplied such as mussels and kokoreç are definitely not provided by us.”

“This brand was created by selling my necklace!”

Deniz Çelebi briefly said the following: “This brand was created by selling my necklace. When I was divorced, Beşiktaş gave the central branch to me. But me and my children are being victimized today. Central branch is the only place I bought with a court order. It has 25 branches. Beşiktaş is trying to take the branch from me. Because she doesn’t want me to try to stand up as a woman. A branch was opened in front of me in 9 days.”

“He started to see me as an employee rather than a wife”

Deniz Çelebi “After the divorce, he had to sign a franchise agreement with me within 15 days. He was supposed to give goods to this branch. He stopped giving property on the ninth day after the divorce. He opened a shop for me. She doesn’t want me to stand strong as a woman. He doesn’t want me to start. He wants me to need him. On social media, they say, ‘You are already receiving child support for your children’. I’ve been taking my children’s alimony by force for three months. Midyeci Ahmet brand is not a place inherited from grandfather or father. We created this brand by working with Mr. Ahmet. The taste of Midyeci Ahmet is in my hands, all the recipes are mine. Right now, I make the mussels, and I get the kokorec from the same place. It did not suit Midyeci Ahmet. He started to see me as an employee rather than a wife.”

After his wife’s reaction to the situation, Midyeci Ahmet posted a video on his social media account. It was noteworthy that mussels Ahmet was angry, punching the table and crying. Is that video????

Deniz Çelebi made a statement on his Instagram account after Midyeci Ahmet’s statement. It looks like it will go like this, what do you think?

No way! “We had a threesome on the anniversary, the other woman got pregnant from my wife”

Clique Bait, who has 623 thousand followers on TikTok, often shares posts about her sexual life with her husband on social media. Expressing …

Clique Bait, who has 623 thousand followers on TikTok, often shares posts about her sexual life with her husband on social media. Expressing that they have adopted a polygamous lifestyle, Bait admitted that a woman got pregnant from her husband in her post, which reached 4.7 million views. Bait said, “For our first anniversary, I gifted my husband a threesome. The woman is pregnant with my wife and is considering giving birth. We don’t have any children yet. This situation is very strange,” she said.

Although Bait stated that he was satisfied with his situation, social media users did not neglect to comment on what happened. The users were very surprised and commented, “This is my biggest fear”, “I don’t know why women put themselves in this situation”, “You couldn’t give the man a child, the woman got pregnant in one night” .

The eliminated name of Survivor 2022 All Star has been announced

On the last qualifying day of Survivor All Star, Yasin was eliminated by surprise. After the unification party and Yasin’s farewell, the …

On the last qualifying day of Survivor All Star, Yasin was eliminated by surprise. After the unification party and Yasin’s farewell, the celebrities won the first immunity game of the week and Ardahan was the first elimination candidate. Look what happened when Ardahan was the first to go to the island of absence and the vote potential would rise…

Volunteers won the second untouchable game and as a result of the voting , the name who went to the island of none as the 2nd elimination candidate of the week, Barış it happened.

In the Celebrities team, which lost the 3rd Immunity in Survivor, the name with the most written name, Gizem became the 3rd Elimination candidate.

Gökhan and Yağmur got equal votes in the voting of the Volunteers in the final elimination council. Then, open voting was started and when there was equal votes here, the performance winner Anıl named Gökhan and the four-pot was clear.

Acun Ilıcalı announced the contestant who received the least votes according to the voting result. According to the results, the contestant who was eliminated from Survivor this week was Ardahan.

Ardahan, who made a farewell speech, said, “I said goodbye to my dreams, I’m sorry. I competed with champions. I love all my friends very much, I am satisfied with them, and they should be pleased with me too,” he said.

Events are happening at the Survivor All Star reunion party!

The highly anticipated reunion party was held at Survivor 2022 All Star. At the reunion party, the contestants had fun with the Edis concert …

The highly anticipated reunion party was held at Survivor 2022 All Star. At the reunion party, the contestants had fun with the Edis concert. Survivor celebrities and volunteers teams performed with the songs they chose in the reunion party song contest.

Survivor continues at full speed. Survivor All Star male contestants washed and shaved, Ogeday’s shaving made us all sigh. The outfits of the female contestants created a red carpet atmosphere. Stylishly dressed women had colorful moments. One of them was Sude’s dance. Sude, who teaches zumba in her real life, performed her sexy dance. Sude also fell on the social media agenda with the statement she made after singing.

After Sude sang, Barış made a statement, “I listened here while I was coming to the rehearsal and said you chose a good song. I said it reminds me a lot of someone. When I said a thousand mashallah to both his height and his body, I wished he was here. ‘I hope he comes,’ he said. Didn’t you say, ‘He looks even from afar’ and threw the ball to Sude.
Presenter Murat Ceylan told Sude, who laughed and confirmed Barış, saying, “By the way, if you have a message, let’s not keep you.” said. “I hope it’s still the same situation outside,” said Sude. Those moments caused laughter and a jet response came from Mert. Making a statement on his Twitter account, Mert wrote, “I am in the same situation”.

In Survivor, where there was no elimination due to the reunion party, the contestants had a lot of fun. While Nagihan drew attention with her dance, Ayşe surprised her with her voice. rkan was appreciated with his emotional speech, Nisa’s crazy dance and performance had interesting moments.

Gizem Memiç won the grand prize in the karaoke stage competition of the Survivor reunion party. Memic got the chance to go on vacation to Dominik with a friend next year.

Will Smith’s slap on host Chris Rock is real or just a show?

There were shocking moments at the 94th Oscar Awards ceremony. Will Smith slapped Chris Rock, the host of the ceremony. So is it real or just …

There were shocking moments at the 94th Oscar Awards ceremony. Will Smith slapped Chris Rock, the host of the ceremony. So is it real or just part of the show?

‘Do n’t mention my wife’s name’

“I pray Will Smith wins,” Chris Rock joked. He then told his wife, who was sitting next to Smith, “Jada, I love you so much. I look forward to GI Jane 2,” he called out. After these words, the displeasure on Jada Pinkett Smith’s face drew attention. It’s okay that Will Smith laughs at the joke at first. When Jade’s face falls, whatever he says to Will at that moment, he quickly takes the stage.

‘It was a great night for TV history’

As the rock continued to laugh on stage, Will Smith got up and slapped Chris Rock. “Will Smith beat me up,” said Rock after the initial shock was over. “Don’t mention my wife’s name,” said Smith, sitting back and swearing. “Dude it was a GI Jane joke,” said Rock. “Don’t mention my wife’s name!” Smith shouted louder at this. “Okay,” Chris Rock said at the backlash, then added: “This was a great night for television history.”

Will Smith and Sevda Demirel’s slap can compete ????

‘It wasn’t a show, it was reality’ message on Twitter

At first no one could understand what was going on. In fact, everyone thought it was part of the show. The audience started to get nervous and Vanity Fair manager Ramin Setoodeh made a statement on his Twitter account on this surprise.

Setoodeh wrote, “This was not intended to happen. This is real,” he wrote.

Crying, he apologized to the academy but didn’t even mention Rock’s name

After this incident, Will Smith, who took the stage to receive the best actor Oscar he won for the movie King Richard, said this in his thank you speech. also mentioned. Unable to hold back his tears in part of his speech, Smith also apologized to the Academy, which gave the award. “I want to apologize to the Academy, I want to apologize to my fellow nominees. This is a beautiful moment,” he said. He did not apologize to Chris Rock, whom Smith slapped, and finally Will Smith will pay the penalty for this brute force with this scene that will always be remembered in the history of the academy. Will slapped this slap not only on Chris, but also on his career, which he had worked with for years.

Famous names competed in Survivor All Star before the reunion party!

In the Survivor 2022 All Star competition, fun games are taking place before the reunion party. Famous and former Survivor competitors and the …

In the Survivor 2022 All Star competition, fun games are taking place before the reunion party. Famous and former Survivor competitors and the names who tried to know the most words competed for the award. A breathtaking football match was held between Acun Medya and Survivor All Star teams during the unification week. So, who was the winner of the competitions, which were the scene of colorful moments, and which team was it?

Tell me Who won the game?

Celebrities and volunteers team competed with former Survivor competitors to know the most words in the Tell Let’s Go Special game. Tell Let’s Go Special attended by famous guests, was the scene of entertaining matches. The prize of the special game was ice cream. It was the team of celebrities who won the game and the award.

Who won the Unification Football Competition in Survivor?

Acun Medya and Survivor All Star team faced each other in the Unification Football Competition. Sergen Yalçın played in Acun Medya team. Legendary football player Sergen Yalçın scored amazing goals in a row. Ertem Şener talked about the football match that took your breath away. The winner of the match was Acun Medya with a score of 6-2.