Hosted by GSK Consumer Health Marketing Director Gülden Duykan, moderated by Ece Vahapoğlu and Prof. Dr. A special meeting was held where …

Hosted by GSK Consumer Health Marketing Director Gülden Duykan, moderated by Ece Vahapoğlu and Prof. Dr. A special meeting was held where Osman Müftüoğlu gave important information on “The Importance of Vitamins in a Healthy Life”.

Prof. Dr. In his speech, Osman Müftüoğlu stated that multivitamins should be used on time and in place for a healthy life, and he cleared the question marks in mind about what we should pay attention to when choosing the right multivitamin.

GSK Consumer Health Marketing Director Gülden Duykan emphasized that there is over 1 million hours of R&D work behind each tablet of Centrum, which is preferred by millions of people around the world, and emphasized that Centrum’s is not limited to the Earth, but that astronauts use it in space. He mentioned that it is the only multivitamin that has passed NASA tests to be used.

“There is more than one million hours of R&D work behind each tablet”
In the global Healthy Living and Nutritional Habits Research conducted with IPSOS, the rate of use of supplements has increased by 71 percent in the last 2 years. GSK Consumer Health Marketing Director Gülden Duykan noted that 3 out of 5 people started to use food supplements during this period, and said that consumers started to give more importance to expert advice in order to determine their needs and choose the products that are suitable for them .

Stating that they attach great importance to the insights of consumers, Gülden Duykan noted that Centrum plays an important role in the lives of consumers as a multivitamin brand preferred by millions of people in more than 60 countries around the world.

Duykan continued: “Behind the formula of Centrum, there is research for different needs, from scientists to doctors, pharmacists and dietitians. The science behind Centrum was founded in the 1950s by young scientist Dr. It began with Leon Ellenbogen’s study in New York on the use of nutritional support in cancer patients. Later, with his increasing interest in vitamins, he focused on the effects of vitamins on human metabolism, and as a result of his research, the idea of ​​Centrum multivitamin was born. In the early 1970s he decided to develop a complete multivitamin and multimineral supplement to support healthy living. As a result of all these researches, the first Centrum multivitamin was introduced to consumers in 1978. Multivitamin Centrum, preferred by millions of people around the world, provides multi-support to its users with each tablet. The vitamins and minerals in Centrum support skin, muscle and bone health as well as having a positive effect on the energy, nervous and immune system. In addition, with its holistic nutrition perspective, it provides multi-support to those who give importance to their physical and mental health in the adventure of a good life. Used in research by leading scientists around the world, Centrum offers reliable multivitamin support in nutrition science, from doctors in Antarctica to NASA astronauts in space. In 2011, NASA measured the stability of multivitamins in space and tested whether they could be used by astronauts. As a result of long and detailed research, it was revealed that Centrum is the only multivitamin brand that maintains its stability even in space and can be used by astronauts. In addition, more than 14,000 doctors used Centrum over 11 years, according to Physician’s Health Study II, the largest multivitamin study ever done.”

“The correct and appropriate use of multivitamins is important for a healthy life.”
Expressing that choosing the right vitamin is very important for a quality life, Prof. Dr. Osman Müftüoğlu stated that unconscious use of vitamins can cause problems in the body and said, “The correct and appropriate use of vitamins and multivitamins is indispensable for a healthy life.” he said.

Prof. Dr. Osman Müftüoğlu made the following statements regarding the use of multivitamins:
“Multivitamins, known as multi-food supplements, are capsules or tablets consisting of specially Supplement combinations. My personal opinion on multivitamins is as follows; If your doctor deems it necessary, he may want to measure which vitamin you need with some blood tests. Do not use high doses of monovitamins at your own discretion. It should not be forgotten that the use of unconscious and high doses of monovitamin, mineral and antioxidant supplements can cause harm instead of benefit. If you are thinking of becoming a stronger, more energetic, more resistant person in general, you can still benefit from a reliable multivitamin supplement by consulting your doctor or pharmacist. Especially school-age children and teenagers and people aged 50 and over can also benefit from multivitamin supplements.

Centrum can be used from children to advanced age

  • -Centrum Advance is a food supplement containing all 13 essential vitamins and 11 minerals for adults.
  • -Centrum Advance 50+, a food supplement developed specifically for age-related needs for those aged 50 and over.
  • -Centrum Kids, a product developed according to the needs of growing children between the ages of 4-10. Centrum Kids is also liked by children with its natural strawberry and raspberry flavored flavor.


“Our choices are indicative of who we are and where we stand in life.” London-based Queen Victoria’s Vintage, based on its philosophy, offers …

“Our choices are indicative of who we are and where we stand in life.” London-based Queen Victoria’s Vintage, based on its philosophy, offers its customers carefully selected and rare vintage accessories.

After taking part in Clerkenwell Vintage Fashion Fair held in London in March, described as “Most Exquisite Vintage Fair” by Vogue Italy, at TOG Bazaar in Istanbul on April 26-27, Kuruçeşme He meets his distinguished enthusiasts at the Divan.

Established in 2021, Queen Victoria’s believes that the way to create a unique style is to reflect one’s character. For this reason, it offers the opportunity to customize your style with timeless designs that carry the elegant craftsmanship of the past.

Queen Victoria’s brand and collection creator Zeynep Şişmanoğlu explains how the idea for QVS Vintage was born: “For as long as I can remember, antique and vintage objects have attracted me with their beauty that defies years and the stories they convey. I have always found the mystical atmosphere of this world fascinating. Antique shops, second-hand markets and flea markets, where I wandered as if playing an exciting game, filled with items that I tried to imagine the lives they touched, have been places I have visited in all my travels.”

“My Queen Victoria’s, London-based brand emerged from my interest in these authentic, vintage jewelry and my search for original designer accessories. While each piece in my collection is carefully selected, it comes with a memory, a story to share with its new owner. What I am most excited about is that the chosen QVS piece reflects the style and character of its owner. Carrying vintage jewelry is a very personal choice that ultimately sets the person apart and makes them feel special. QVS embodies a sense of heritage that brings elegance, individuality, personality and tradition, offering timeless design and meticulous craftsmanship.”

Şişmanoğlu is also happy to support its sustainable fashion approach that does not harm our planet, by presenting jewelery with different owners before.

“What we wear shows who we are and the values ​​we believe in.” – Zeynep Şişmanoğlu, founder of QVS brand, collector of vintage accessories

Burglar breaks into David Beckham’s £40m home

A thief broke into the house while Harper, the daughter of world-famous former football star David Beckham, was at home. After the incident …

A thief broke into the house while Harper, the daughter of world-famous former football star David Beckham, was at home. After the incident, which took place in the couple’s London home, where some valuables were stolen, the police went into a strict investigation.

A thief broke into the London home of David Beckham, who is married to the famous fashion designer Victoria Beckham. Their 17-year-old recently noticed the incident. At the time, their 10-year-old daughter, Harper, was at home.

david beckham family

The couple took their breath away at the police station, where many valuables were stolen. The police, who detected that one of the upper windows was broken, focused on the fact that a professional thief would have done this.

david beckham family

It was determined that many valuable items were stolen from the house. The Beckham family hastily returned to their New York home.

Confession from singer Atiye for her daughter Ferah! in your ear…

Singer Atiye was caught on camera in Kuruçeşme. Atiye said about her 2-year-old daughter, “She is very talented. She looks like both mom and …

Singer Atiye was caught on camera in Kuruçeşme. Atiye said about her 2-year-old daughter, “She is very talented. She looks like both mom and dad. He is already playing the drums.” she used the phrase.

The singer Atiye, who expressed his satisfaction with the success of his latest single, Allem Kallem, came to the agenda and said, “It has become a trend ten TikTok. 20 million views and thousands of videos were shot. I also shot a funny video at home. It makes me very happy to have such beautiful returns.”



Previously, in interviews Emphasizing the phrase “I am coming to save pop music”, Atiye stated that it is a joke and that we love pop music as a country. While showing the gap created in the industry due to the pandemic, she said, “Many artists stopped their work during the pandemic. We prepared a very good pop album”

. )

atiye and her daughter spacious feza


Ferah Feza, the 2-year-old daughter of the beautiful singer who got married in 2018 with Erol Sebebci “He already plays the darbuka. He is very talented. He is attracted to both mom and dad. I love to do activities with him. We dance together, we do sports. We already grow up with music because there is music at home from morning to night. a child.”


Stating that he saw the troubles between actor Will Smith and presenter Chris Rock at the 94th Oscar Awards, Atiye said, “I was very surprised to see Did I say fiction? I think we can be too protective when it comes to our loved ones. But, of course, the equivalent of this should not be violence. I think he realized that too. The important thing is to own up to your mistake when you make it. Will Smith is a name I’ve loved since I was little. I grew up with his show. We can all make mistakes.”

He saw Feride Nalan and Hayri in The Girl in the Glass! Girl in the Glass 37th new episode trailer

It came to the screen with the 37th episode of the Girl on the Glass. Feride went after Hayri and her daughter Nalan, who was uncomfortable …

It came to the screen with the 37th episode of the Girl on the Glass. Feride went after Hayri and her daughter Nalan, who was uncomfortable with the closeness between them. The duo, who was preparing to ride a bike, froze when they saw Feride in front of them.

Kanal D’s popular TV series ‘Girl in the Glass’ appeared before the audience with its 37th episode this week. Adapted from Gülseren Budaıcıoğlu’s novel of the same name, the Girl in the Glass series premiered on Kanal D with its 37th episode on Thursday, March 31.

Burcu Biricik, Feyyaz Şerifoğlu , Hande Ataizi, Nur Sürer, Enis Arıkan, Tamer Levent, Cihangir Ceyhan, Yüsra Geyik and Devrim Yakutoğlu starring in the new movie Girl in the Glass. As Nalan moves away from Sedat, she begins to find Hayri closer to her.


Feride, seeing that Nalan and Hayri are leaving the house together, chased after them . she fell. Nalan, who was preparing to ride a bike with Hayri in the park where her father died, was shocked when her mother called her.


The soundtrack album of the TV series Girl in the Glass, adapted from Gülseren Budaıcıoğlu’s novel of the same name and telling a real life story, has been released on digital platforms with the signature of Fırat Yukselir. rises, who previously composed the music of many film and TV series projects and was appreciated with the music of the Girl in the Glass; It also makes a name for itself with its fairy-tale music that supports the project’s fairy-tale narrative. Expressing that he analyzes the relationships of the characters in the series with each other, he makes music suitable for the story of each character; He stated that he worked with many different soloists from abroad and Turkey on the soundtrack album, which includes 50 songs and was prepared using a live orchestra.


The Girl on the Glass new episode trailer appeared before the audience. There were remarkable developments in the 8th new episode trailer of the popular and popular TV series The Girl in the Glass dated 3 June. As the eyes turned to Feride as a result of Nalan’s illness, the reaction of the Koroğlu family was a matter of curiosity. One of the striking developments was Muzo’s writing “I have repented of my sins”, which he found in Nalan’s room.


Kanal D’s new and ambitious series ‘Girl in the Glass’, produced by OGM Pictures, became the most watched production of the day in the EU and ABC1 category with its second episode. ‘Girl in the Glass’, adapted from Gülseren Budaıcıoğlu’s novel of the same name and telling a real life story, was also on the agenda of social media.


Adapted from Gülseren Budaıcıoğlu’s novel of the same name and based on a true love story, The Girl in the Glass also impresses with its successful cast. In The Girl in the Glass, where the character of Nalan is played by Burcu Biricik; Revolution Yakut, Feri Baycu Güler, Feyyaz Şerifoğlu, Hamza Yazıcı, Hande Ataizi, Merve Polat, Nihal Menzil, Nur Sürer, Selma Ergeç, Şerif Erol, Tamer Levent, Tuğrul Tülek. Nadim Power is the director of the series, whose script was written by Seda Altaylı Turgutlu.

The crew of Kanal D’s new and ambitious TV series ‘Girl in the Glass’, produced by OGM Pictures, went to the set after preliminary preparations.


Nalan is a beautiful young woman who wins everyone’s love at first sight with her warmth. As the only child in her family, El Bebek Gül Bebek was raised, lived her life in wealth and graduated from the best schools with honors. While working as an architect in the company of Koroğlu, Turkey’s largest hotel chain, Nalan suddenly finds herself on the eve of her marriage to Sedat Koroğlu. Although Nalan and Sedat start to walk hand in hand in this tale with hope, thinking that they are getting away from the dark secrets they have kept in their past; soon their lives will be plunged into real darkness.

The Girl in the Glass will leave the audience with an internal reckoning by making us ask these questions that we have perhaps never asked ourselves before.

Where to buy dates in Istanbul? The best date palms

Dates, which have been known as a source of healing for centuries, add flavor to our tables, especially with the arrival of Ramadan. Consuming …

Dates, which have been known as a source of healing for centuries, add flavor to our tables, especially with the arrival of Ramadan. Consuming dates for the first time with the sound of cannon in iftar also provides positive effects in terms of health. So where to buy dates in Istanbul? If you have any questions about reaching the best date, we have great suggestions for you. Here are the best places to buy dates in Istanbul…

As we enter the blessed month of Ramadan, dates, which are indispensable for iftar and sahur tables, are also guests on our dinner tables. Date, which strengthens the immune system and especially reduces the risk of cancer, is a healing store with its delicious taste. It is very beneficial for health to fast with dates, which have many varieties, especially after being hungry for a long time. Before you buy dates, which are widely consumed around the world, you should do a good research and take care to go to the right places to reach the freshest, highest quality product. So where do you get dates? Let’s learn together.


It is very important for a healthy life to consume dates, which is the subject of even hadiths, in sufficient quantities.


The first address in Istanbul where you can buy dates, which has benefits from heart health to liver, bones to digestive system, is of course the Spice Bazaar. You can find almost everything you are looking for in the Spice Bazaar, where various spices and sweets are offered for sale.

Egyptian Bazaar dates

If you want to buy both quality and delicious dates, you can come to the Spice Bazaar and shop among dozens of stalls to suit your taste and budget.


If you say “I don’t want to step into the crowded atmosphere of the Egyptian Bazaar”, you can of course consider other alternatives . Especially Beyazıt Grand Bazaar, located in Beyazıt, can be one of the best addresses for delicious dates.

Beyazıt Grand Bazaar dates

You can shop for Ramadan as you wish in Beyazıt Grand Bazaar where you can see many varieties from Iranian dates to Tunisian dates, from Medina dates to Sugai dates.

Date types

On the other hand, it is quite easy to find dates in Eyüp Çarşı, located near Eyüp Sultan. You can buy your dates at affordable prices from the distributors where you can reach the date types you want.

Eyüp Çarşı date vendors

If you want to buy dates in different flavors, you can browse other cities outside of Istanbul and shop online.

The best dates


How to decorate a house before entering the month of Ramadan?

As we slowly approach the month of Ramadan, the sultan of eleven months, we need to make some changes in our homes, which are the center of our …

As we slowly approach the month of Ramadan, the sultan of eleven months, we need to make some changes in our homes, which are the center of our lives. We have great decoration suggestions for you to build a peaceful and eye-catching space. So, how should the home decoration be before the month of Ramadan? Here are the answers to all the questions we wondered in our news…

With the number of days before Ramadan, we started to prepare ourselves and our environment , both mentally and physically. It is time to make room for many changes, from our diet to the decoration of our home, in this month of increased abundance and abundance. It is very important that our living spaces are comfortable during Ramadan, when we will be hungry for long hours. For this, we can make room for many different details from kitchens to living rooms, from bedrooms to balconies. Let’s take a look at the decorative suggestions we should make in our house before the month of Ramadan.


With the arrival of Ramadan, we are transitioning to a time period where we will spend more time in our homes. If you want to prepare your home properly for the month of Ramadan, where peace is the focus, your keyword should first be “calm and simple”.

Ramadan home decoration

It should not be tiring in the area we are in at this special time where we worship a lot and relax internally.

Ramadan living room decoration

If you have used lively, bright and dynamic colors in the decoration of your home, you can make some changes this month. Cream, beige, white and gray tones can invite a heartwarming perspective to your home. At the same time, you can add a stylish but timeless touch to your decoration with earth tones that are representative of nature.

Modern and lightly furnished living room

We recommend that you make choices for both the season and your needs in terms of textures as well as colors. Since evenings can be cool, you can keep your comfort at the highest level with fine-textured shawls and covers.

Living room decoration

On the other hand, since spouses, friends and relatives gather at crowded fast-breaking tables in Ramadan, we a suitable dinner table and sufficient amount of dinnerware in advance. Need to prepare. It is also very important that the seating groups are comfortable and convenient.

Dinner table decoration

Another of the decoration suggestions before Ramadan is for the entree. You should take care to get a large and stylish coat rack in order to place the belongings of crowded guests avoiding a bad image.

The use of coat rack in entrance decoration


Considering that Ramadan this year coincides with the spring season, balconies are also included in our living spaces. it’s time to do it. If you want to sip tea and coffee on the balconies after iftar, you have the chance to experience beautiful decoration suggestions.

Balcony decoration in Ramadan

You can easily turn this place into a special area for you by purchasing sitting groups suitable for balconies or swinging armchairs. At the same time, you can prepare your balconies for Ramadan with led lights and fragrant spring flowers.

Balcony decoration


What to eat for iftar? What should be considered when opening iftar?

The blessed month of Ramadan has arrived. The first question that came to mind was what should be considered in nutrition and how to have a …

The blessed month of Ramadan has arrived. The first question that came to mind was what should be considered in nutrition and how to have a balanced diet. After being hungry all day, we have searched for you who are wondering how to eat a meal without tiring the stomach. Details are in our news…


The sultan of eleven months, nutrition is very important in Ramadan. In order to be more resistant to hunger and thirst experienced during the day, it is necessary to pay attention to the foods consumed at sahur and iftar.

The month of Ramadan, as the most precious month for Muslims, is a precious time period in which spiritual satisfaction is achieved, unlike physical hunger. In order to endure all this hunger and thirst comfortably, iftar is as important as the sahur meal. We, as team, visited İşkembahçe in Göktürk to research how an exemplary iftar menu should be for you, and we made an interview with Business Owner Hüseyin Duran.


  • Drink 1 glass of water after breaking your fast with dates or olives at iftar.
  • When you break your fast, eat a bowl of soup.
  • Do not immediately take food on your plate after soup. Have a mini breakfast with Ramadan pita and iftar meals.
  • You can choose cheese, olives, honey, jam, walnuts, any variety of delicatessen products for your iftar meals.
  • As opposed to fast food at iftar, a slow dinner divided into several meals should be eaten.
  • If you wish, you can take a break from your meal for 10-15 minutes after drinking your soup, and after a little chat, you can have your meal cooked with healthy methods on your plate.
  • Water need in Ramadan; It should be met with beverages and foods such as homemade fruit juice, seasonal fruits, soup, yoghurt, and 2-2.5 liters of water should be drunk at intervals after iftar.
  • During Ramadan, it is necessary to activate the digestive system, which remains inactive during the day. Fibrous foods such as nuts, oatmeal, prunes, apples, peaches, and bananas that regulate bowel movements should be consumed between iftar and sahur.


  • Iftar
  • Dates
  • Dates
  • Olive
  • Cheese
  • Pita
  • Paçanga Pastry
  • Sliced ​​Salad
  • Lentil Soup
  • Rice
  • Fried Tomato Peppers
  • Roast Beef
  • Lamb Stew (Alternative)

Surprising departure from Demet Akalın against Ramadan programs!

Singer Demet Akalın, who actively uses social media and often comes to the fore with typos that make her laugh, this time became the agenda with …

Singer Demet Akalın, who actively uses social media and often comes to the fore with typos that make her laugh, this time became the agenda with her sharing on her Instagram account.

“Distribute the hundreds of thousands of liras you will give to the teachers you will broadcast on TV channels in Ramadan to the poor, I am willing to watch last year’s programs. Anyway, new verses don’t come down every year.”

Let’s look at the offer of the famous song, which reproaches the teachers who appear on television in the month of Ramadan with its written post, will there be an answer?

Aziz series 20th episode 2 trailer has been released!

The 20th episode 2 trailer of the “Aziz” series, which has become the center of attention with its gripping subject and strong cast, excited …

The 20th episode 2 trailer of the “Aziz” series, which has become the center of attention with its gripping subject and strong cast, excited everyone.

The “Saint” series, which met with the audience on Show TV screens, entered the radar of series lovers with its striking subject and star cast. The 20th episode of the Aziz series, which received full marks from the series lovers with its first episode, was released. Murat Yıldırım, who recently appeared in front of the audience with the “Ramo” series, appears as the leading role in the “Aziz” series. The second episode of the 20th episode of the series, the nineteenth episode of which was broadcast on Show TV screens on Friday, March 25 at 20.00, was talked widely about.

Here is the 20th episode 2. Trailer of the very curious Aziz series;


Stars such as Damla Sönmez, Simay Barlas, Ahmet Mümtaz Taylan, Fırat Tanış, Güven Murat Akpınar, Eren Hacısalihoğlu, Suzan Kardeş, Ayten Soykök, Elif Sönmez and Füsun Demirel and Meral Çetinkaya in the series starring Murat Yıldırım players are also included.

While Recai Karagöz sits in the director’s chair of Aziz, a period drama; The script of the series is written by Eda Tezcan. It has been learned that the production of the series, which plans to make an ambitious start in the new season, will be produced by O3 Medya, and the project consultant of Aziz, whose producer is Saner Ayar, will be Zeynep Günay Tan.


Aziz Payidar, son of the Payidar family, the most important carpet producer of Antakya, the apple of the eye of Hatay, continues his life in abundance. Aziz’s life changes completely when the French delegate, Monsieur Pierre, takes the life of his son, Lieutenant Andre.

Aziz, who had to leave Antakya after two years, sees that nothing is the same when he comes to the land where he was born and raised. Aziz’s life will change completely when he meets the peasant girl Efnan, who sees that the woman he loves is engaged to someone else and the bad state of Antakya under the French occupation.