Waste move from IMM after the hikes! 400 thousand TL payment to flamenco dancer…

İBB’s payment of 400 thousand TL to Spanish flamenco dancer Patricia Guerrero on 23-24 February was met with great reaction. The …

İBB’s payment of 400 thousand TL to Spanish flamenco dancer Patricia Guerrero on 23-24 February was met with great reaction.

The Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (İBB) spending 400 thousand TL after the increase in water bills and transportation today infuriated the citizens.

Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) spent 400 thousand TL

Spanish flamenco dancer performing at Cemal Reşit Rey Concert Hall by the Municipality on 23-24 February It turned out that 400,000 TL was paid to Patricia Guerrero. Social media users, who saw such an expenditure after the hikes, went crazy with anger. Many people ask İBB, “Is a dancer paid this much at this time?” he was criticised.

Spanish flamenco dancer Patricia Guerrero

There has been no statement from IMM yet after the said expenditure.

Sevval Sam: I always prayed for nine months

Şevval Sam, the Ender of the Forbidden Apple series, was the guest of the program ‘One to One with Fatih Altaylı’ the other day. Speaking about …

Şevval Sam, the Ender of the Forbidden Apple series, was the guest of the program ‘One to One with Fatih Altaylı’ the other day. Speaking about his son Tarık Emir Tekin, the famous actor said, “I prayed for 9 months, ‘He may look like whoever he looks like, but let him be like me inside.’ because ‘I want to be good friends with him when he grows up.’ I was saying. Our souls are very similar, even though they don’t look like me at all.” he said he

Actor Şevval Sam, who made a name for himself with his successful performance in the “Forbidden Apple” TV series, was the guest of this week’s program “One to One with Fatih Altaylı”. Talking about his professional life and private life, the famous actor made statements about his son Tarık Emir Tekin, who plays the character of Selçuk in the TV series Unfaithful.

Şevval Sam


He is the actor of his son Tarık Emir Tekin, who was born from his marriage to football player Metin Tekin. Şevval Sam, who expressed that he liked it very much at every opportunity, said, “He is very similar to his father. I prayed for 9 months. Because ‘I wanted to be good friends with him when he grew up.’ I was saying. He doesn’t look like me at all, but his soul is very similar to me. He is a very intellectual child. He is sincere and real, but at the same time extremely cool. I became a mother at the age of 23, I think I grew up with him. I admire him. He also became an actor. Read and watch about this subject. I also admire the subject. Metin was a football player, but he was more inclined to art.” he used the phrases.

Şevval Sam and his son Tarık Emir Tekin

History will be rewritten in Camlica! Museum of Islamic Civilizations opens tomorrow

The opening of the Museum of Islamic Civilizations in the Büyük Çamlıca Mosque Complex will be held by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan tomorrow …

The opening of the Museum of Islamic Civilizations in the Büyük Çamlıca Mosque Complex will be held by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan tomorrow.

The Museum of Islamic Civilizations, located in the Büyük Çamlıca Mosque Complex, will open its doors to its visitors tomorrow. The Museum of Islamic Civilizations, which will be opened in a 10 thousand square meter closed area to be opened by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, will watch specially selected pieces from the National Palaces Topkapı Palace and Palace Collections Museum, Turkish and Islamic Arts Museum, Istanbul Archeology Museums, Istanbul Tombs Museum and Foundations Museum collections. lay it out.

Museum of Islamic Civilizations

The museum, which hosts nearly 800 works reflecting the development of Islamic art from the 7th to the 19th century; Turkish Weaving Art, Hz. Works Attributed to the Prophet, Architectural and Decorative Elements in Islamic Art, First Temple Kaaba, Damascus Documents, Quran and Its Enclosures, Science in Islam, Berat and Fermans, Hüsn-i Calligraphy, Talismanic Shirts, Clothing in the Ottoman Empire It consists of 15 thematic sections, namely, Destimal Tradition, Coffins, Conquest in Islam, Turkish Tile Art, and Islamic Coins.

Museum of Islamic Civilizations located in the Great Camlica Mosque Complex

Representative footprints of Prophet Muhammad, Kaaba door curtain, talismanic shirts, sultan’s robes, Fatih The museum, which offers the chance to see the childhood notebook of Sultan Mehmet, coins from the Ottoman period, rosaries of dervishes, sultan’s swords and many other artifacts, aroused great curiosity in the citizens with unique works that bear the traces of 1200 years of history and many of which have not been exhibited before.

The most spectacular element of the Surre-i Hümayun Regiment, which the Ottoman Empire sent to Mecca and Medina every year before the pilgrimage season, Mahmel-i Şerif and the Prophet . Hilye-i Şerifler, describing the physical and moral beauties of Muhammad, managed to get his name written among the remarkable works of the collection. On the other hand, in the museum, the Cell-i Saadet curtain, Başmak-ı Şerif, Sakal-i Şerif, Hilye-i Şerif, Kaaba covers, Qurans, Hacer’ül Esved and Cardigan-i Saadet casings, Kaaba lock and key, It is also possible to come across rare examples of caftans and talismanic shirts, coins and tile art.

Sound stations are among the prominent presentation areas of the museum. In this section, the impressive melodies of Turkish musical maqams, which are known for their healing effects on many diseases, can be discovered.

Volunteer high school students are cooking meals for those in need in the school’s kitchen!

A group of volunteer students from Osmangazi Borsa İstanbul Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School in implemented the “Vocational High …

A group of volunteer students from Osmangazi Borsa İstanbul Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School in implemented the “Vocational High Schools Meet with Families” project, which emerged with the support of the Ministry of National Education. Students cooking in the school’s kitchen are delivered to those in need with their meals prepared for iftar.

9 young students studying Food and Beverage Services at Osmangazi Borsa Istanbul Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, with the materials that their teachers collected and provided in Ramadan, prepares food for the needy. Meals cooked in the school kitchen under the supervision of teachers are taken one by one to the addresses of families in need before iftar in the neighborhood where the school is located.

“Vocational High Schools Meet with Families” project


The project, which started as part of the “Vocational High Schools Meet with Families” project of the Ministry of National Education, will continue until the end of Ramadan. Explaining that the families to be helped were determined by the teachers and students in the social assistance team of the high school, by contacting the headman of the neighborhood where the school is located, School Principal Nur Tutkun spoke as follows about the project:

“Our students competed with each other saying, ‘We want to take part in this project’. “This motivated us even more. 9 of our students are working on this project. We obtain the materials by raising money among our school’s staff, teachers, and ourselves. The meals are prepared by our students in the company of our field chef and teachers. The meals are packaged and delivered to families through our teachers and staff.”

Volunteer high school students prepare fast-breaking meals for those in need

Food and Beverage Services Area Chief Ahmet Azizoğlu, who explained that the teachers are very willing to finance, said, “Our budget is completed in one day. “Our teachers provide financial support when they are heartbroken. This gives us and our students a very good energy.” he used the expressions.

Bursa Osmangazi high school students

Azizoğlu stated that with the strength that comes from unity, very good and delicious meals emerge, “Students improve themselves a lot By cooking here, and their food is constantly As they do what they do, their learning becomes more permanent. In this way, their love and belief towards their profession becomes higher.”


11th grade student Tulin Gülen, on the other hand, emphasized that she is very happy to take part in this activity and said, “I brought the project to my family. When I said that, I took an approach like, ‘You should definitely participate, you should help people’, so I took part in this project thinking, ‘I should definitely be in this project, I should have some salt in the soup. ‘ We reinforce what we learned in the department, we cook together. Especially seeing people smile I think it’s the most beautiful thing in the world.” said.

Osmangazi Borsa Istanbul Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School students

Offer to actor Birand Tunca from Italy’s most popular TV series! opens to Europe

Birand Tunca, who is known for his performance in the summer serials in which he starred, also makes a name for himself outside of Turkey. The …

Birand Tunca, who is known for his performance in the summer serials in which he starred, also makes a name for himself outside of Turkey. The successful actress received an offer from Italy’s most popular TV series.

‘Erkenci Kuş’, ‘Aşk Laftan Does Not Understand’, as well as the summer series, ‘Diriliş Ertuğrul’ and ‘Yunus Emre Aşkın Journey’ took part in successful productions. The fame of actress Birand Tunca has exceeded Turkey. Tunca, who made a name for herself by giving her roles with her successful acting, received an offer from Italy’s most popular TV series. If he accepts the offer, the famous actor will appear with an international project.

Birand Tunca


Tunca received an offer for the second season of the most popular Italian television series ‘A Casa Tutti Bene’ directed by Gabriele Muccino. Making a statement on the subject, the successful actress stated that she is in talks with projects in Turkey and she will make her decision accordingly.

Birand Tunca received an offer from Italy

Mind-blowing event in Müge Anlı! Mehmet Genç poured a fortune on a woman he had never seen

A mind-blowing event took place in the last episode of the phenomenon program of ATV screens, Müge Anlı and Tatlı Sert. Mehmet Genç, who lost 1 …

A mind-blowing event took place in the last episode of the phenomenon program of ATV screens, Müge Anlı and Tatlı Sert. Mehmet Genç, who lost 1 million 300 thousand liras to a woman he had never seen before with the promise of marriage, asked Müge Anlı for help.

The popular program of the daytime generation, “Muge Anlı ile Tatlı Sert”, meets the audience with interesting topics and guests every weekday. What happened to 37-year-old Mehmet Genç, who participated in the last episode of the phenomenon program, shocked everyone.

Müge Anlı and Tatlı Sert

Mehmet Genç, who is engaged in car rental business in Izmir and has a 13-year-old daughter from his previous marriage, dreams of getting married. He gave the woman 1 million 300 thousand liras. Mehmet Bey, who lost his car rental business after losing his money, turned his life upside down. Mehmet Genç, who sent money to the woman he wanted to marry by selling his 4 cars and a land, is now trying to make a living by working as a courier. The 37-year-old aggrieved man, whose dreams were shattered, came to Müge Anlı with his older sister Fadime Polat and asked for help.

Müge Anlı and Tatlı Sert Mehmet Genç


He dreamed of marriage by talking to a woman named Yaren on the phone. Mehmet Bey said, “I talked to a girl named Yaren for 5-6 months. I wanted to come to her place 3-4 times. For example, I went to Eskişehir once. When I approached Eskişehir, I could not reach Yaren. Her phone was off. Züleyha Çakmak greeted me. He said, ‘Yaren’ is sick. She will come later.’ I said, ‘Züleyha sister Yaren’s voice is just like yours.’

Müge Anlı

The victim man, who stated that he trusted Züleyha Çakmak because he was a villager and relative, said, “I said I am a villager, my relative. I said he can’t do that. I cent money. I cent money. He kept me busy for 4 years. He said, ‘I’m selling the field, I’ll pay your money,’ but he didn’t. I also have receipts showing that I sent this money to Züleyha.” he rebelled.

Mehmet Genç and his older sister Fadime Polat


Sister Fadime Polat spoke as follows about what happened to her sister:

“My brother was a very smart person. After my mother’s illness, my father was going to give it to the kindergarten. I didn’t give it to him. I looked after him. He worked day and night, bought a car. He rented the car. He earned money with difficulties. Do n’t leave her efforts to anyone. Don’t let this happen to Züleyha. Every child is getting ready for high school. How will this child study next year. My brother bought a ring for a woman he has never seen. He bought a headscarf”


Mehmet Bey, explaining that he sent the rings, gold, jewelry and items he bought to Eskişehir by bus, “Züleyha received all the things I sent. I was giving them to the bus, Züleyha was getting them. I sent money for a wedding dress. Also, they have my period. business I sent 80 grams of chain money. Her grandfather had a will, I would look after Yaren for a year before getting married. We were going to pray in Bursa Ulu Mosque and take a headscarf. I did all you said. When I went to Eskişehir to see Yaren, his phone was always off. I always talked to Züleyha when I went. I waited 4 years for my money to be paid. He said that he had hotels on Yaren and that he could not transfer them. I sent lawyer money for this,” he said.

Müge Anlı Mehmet Genç and Züleyha Çakmak

Züleyha Çakmak, the target of the story, connected to the live broadcast by phone and said, “Those messages I asked him to throw it at me to show that I owed money to loan sharks and had no money for them. It’s not real.”

Find the color that suits you

Choosing colors that are not suitable for your skin while choosing your clothes makes you look paler or tougher than you are. That’s why it’s …

Choosing colors that are not suitable for your skin while choosing your clothes makes you look paler or tougher than you are. That’s why it’s always important to choose the right color. For example, Naomi Campbell prefers to wear white, Anne Hathaway prefers to stay away from pastel tones.

So which color is right for you?

Fair skinned

Choose tones that contrast with your skin tone. This will add color to you. If you are white, make room for dark colors such as brown, burgundy, gray and navy blue in your closet. Avoid pastels and soft colors.

Wheat skinned

If you have a medium skin tone, slightly brighter and darker tones will make you look better for contrast. Avoid choosing green or yellow colors that are close to your skin tone.

Dark skin

The safest color to match with dark skin tones is white, but if you want to try other colors, you can choose purple, pink , peach, orange, yellow and green. light shades will also look great. avoid brown.


clothes color style

Şükrü Özyıldız won the lawsuit against the production company!

The famous actor Şükrü Özyıldız won the lawsuit against Endemol Media Production Company, claiming that he could not get the required share of …

The famous actor Şükrü Özyıldız won the lawsuit against Endemol Media Production Company, claiming that he could not get the required share of the foreign income of the TV series ‘Winter Sun’.

Actor Şükrü Özyıldız claimed that he did not get a share of the episodes of the ‘Winter Sun’ series broadcast abroad in the past months. Özyıldız won won 78 thousand liras from the argument he filed against Endemol Media. After the lawsuit, Şükrü Özyıldız filed a lawsuit against the production company for the second time, claiming that the amount to be paid was less than the amount deserved.


In the petition in question, it was claimed that the company hid the foreign income of the TV series from Şükrü Özyıldız. Özyıldız requested an additional 40 thousand dollars from the production company’s foreign income of the series.

In the expert report added to the file, it was determined that the income from the international sales of the TV series ‘Winter Sun’, played by Şükrü Özyıldız, between 2019 and 2020 was 3.5 million TL and the amount to be paid to the famous actor was 60 thousand 808 TL. .

şükrü Özyıldız


The lawyers of the parties attended the hearing at the Istanbul Intellectual and Industrial Rights Civil Court. The court accepted the case of Şükrü Özyıldız and decided that Endemol Meyda should pay the famous actor 4 thousand 517 dollars with legal interest.

thankful star

Giving up Kanye West cost Coachella a lot! The Weeknd wants $8.5 million

Rapper Kanye West, who received a great reaction with his social media posts, was removed from the staff of Coachella, one of the biggest open …

Rapper Kanye West, who received a great reaction with his social media posts, was removed from the staff of Coachella, one of the biggest open-air festivals in the world. Agreeing to perform instead of the famous rapper, The Weeknd demands the $8.5 million offered to West.

The world-famous rapper Kanye West, who has recently disturbed his ex-wife Kim Kardashian on social media and has been on the agenda with his posts, has been canceled both on the Grammy Awards stage. it was also removed from the schedule of this year’s Coachella Festival.

Kanye West and his ex-wife Kim Kardashian

West’s performance at Coachella, one of the biggest outdoor festivals in the world, was canceled, and The The Weeknd replaced the famous rapper. and Sweedish House Mafia will be performing. Billie Eilish and Harry Styles will open the first two days of the festival, and The Weeknd and Swedish House Mafia will take the stage in the first performance of the third day.

The Weeknd

Allegedly; The Weeknd wants for himself the $8.5 million fee offered to West to perform as Kanye West. It is even said that if the amount requested by the singer is not paid, she will not perform at the festival.



World-famous rapper Kanye West, who had a difficult time after his divorce with his ex-wife Kim Kardashian, has recently attracted attention with his social media accounts. It was learned that the famous star, who experienced convulsions in his private life, was removed from Coachella this time after the Grammy Awards stage performance was cancelled.

Kanye West

West, who is preparing to share the stage with successful artists such as Billie Eilish and Harry Styles at the Coachella Music and Arts Festival, is named ‘his recent attitudes’. Due to ‘the lead artist’ was deleted from the staff.

Kanye West has been removed from Coachella’s roster.

The Recording Academy, which organizes the Grammy Awards, also announced that West canceled the singer’s stage performance, citing “his behavior on social media”.

Şeyma Subaşı shared her daughter Melisa! That detail in the photo garnered a reaction

Acun Ilıcalı’s ex-wife Şeyma Subaşı shared a frame from the match with her daughter Melisa. Subaşı, who made his 9-year-old daughter wear fake …

Acun Ilıcalı’s ex-wife Şeyma Subaşı shared a frame from the match with her daughter Melisa. Subaşı, who made his 9-year-old daughter wear fake nails, garnered a great reaction on social media.

After breaking up with her Egyptian lover Mohammed Alsaloussi, Şeyma Subaşı started to share her daughter Melisa constantly on social media. she upped her poses. Şeyma Subaşı recently shared photos from the basketball game she attended with her daughter Melisa.

Şeyma Subaşı

9-year-old Melisa Ilıcalı’s prosthetic nails drew criticism on social media. Those who saw the nails of Acun Ilıcalı’s daughter threw Şeyma Subaşı on the ball.