Sincere confessions from Hakan Ural, who met with Devlet Bahçeli: I am so honored!

Hakan Ural, who hosted the program “What’s Happening in Life” broadcast on Kanal D screens, made candid confessions in the live broadcast …

Hakan Ural, who hosted the program “What’s Happening in Life” broadcast on Kanal D screens, made candid confessions in the live broadcast. Saying that he met with MHP Chairman Devlet Bahçeli, Ural said, “Let our color and shape be clear”. Here are all the details…

Hakan Ural, the host of the ‘What’s Happening in Life’ program that meets with the audience on Kanal D screens every weekday, about MHP Chairman Devlet Bahçeli made candid statements.

Hakan Ural


The famous presenter Ural said that he met with Bahçeli on the Night of Power. He made the following words on live broadcast by saying:

“I had the honor of having a conversation with our esteemed President through our private pen, Mr. Murat Çeliker. Communicating with leaders who devoted their lives to their country and nation, to their state, to their nation, it is a benefactor. Let our color and shape be clear. May God protect our state and our nation. I was very honored two days ago. I love my homeland and my nation very much I had the opportunity to meet with Mr. Devlet Bahçeli, through my private secretary, Murat Çeliker, I was honored. He complimented the program a lot. Whenever I had the opportunity, I had the opportunity to meet with Mr. Devlet Bahçeli. He said he was watching. May God be pleased with him. These are honors and marks for us. I have so much love and respect for him… We are aware of their struggle. We are aware that they are struggling with We know that they completely dedicate their lives to this state and nation. Allah give long life to our elders who are fighting for this state, this nation, this country. Don’t miss us. We convey our greetings and respects to Mr. With the State Garden.”

Nutrition tips for the holiday with the taste of candy from an expert!

Noting that the holiday may be more intense and active this year, especially after the restrictions experienced during the pandemic period …

Noting that the holiday may be more intense and active this year, especially after the restrictions experienced during the pandemic period, experts warn that overeating after Ramadan may trigger health problems.

Medical Hospital Nutrition and Diet Department Dyt. Nilay Cansever shared her nutrition tips for the holiday that comes after “Ramadan”. As a result of the small number of meals during Ramadan and the changes in nutrition, we tend to eat more during the feast. The factors that affect this are the gathering of families, especially after the restrictions experienced during the pandemic period, the holiday may be more intense and active this year, the dishes cooked during the holidays are very diverse, and of course, desserts with syrup are found in every house or offered to you during holiday visits. However, it should not be forgotten that overeating may trigger health problems after the month of Ramadan. dit. Nilay Cansever stated that elderly individuals or people with chronic diseases such as blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease should be more careful about eating and drinking:


Our customs and traditions We can be quite insistent about eating and drinking, or we may not be able to say “no thank you, it would be better if I didn’t eat”. For this reason, we can be more determined against insistent attitudes in ourselves, if we try to have a little empathy and at least do not be persistent with the guest. Starting from the morning of the holiday, we should take care to return to normal order as much as possible. The amount of food eaten should not be rapidly increased. In order to return to a normal routine, a plan of 1-2 snacks should be made between 3 main meals in the first days. Care should be taken not to starve for more than 4-5 hours.


Low-salt white cheese, boiled eggs, plenty of raw vegetables (tomato-cucumber-parsley, etc.) should be consumed as bread and in terms of blood sugar balance. Breads such as whole wheat/rye should be preferred as it keeps you full. Fried, sausage-salami and pastries should be avoided. In the following hours, you will visit especially during the holiday, taking into account that sweets will be served, sugary foods such as honey and jam should not be consumed.

Care should be taken to include foods with high fiber content in meals in order not to experience digestive problems that may result from a change in diet. Like vegetables, legumes. Even if foods of animal origin such as meat or chicken will be consumed, white meat such as chicken or fish or turkey should be preferred, and frying or roasting method should not be preferred. Salad or vegetable dishes with olive oil should be added to meat products, and foods such as pastry or rice pilaf or stuffed stuffed vegetables with olive oil should be avoided. Using small serving plates helps to provide portion control so that both our eyes and stomach are full.

prefer milky desserts on holiday


If you want to eat dessert, lighter milky desserts or fruits should be preferred, As much as possible, desserts with syrup such as baklava and kadayif should be avoided. If you really want it, don’t forget that 1 slice of baklava can be enough. If you choose vegetables for the next meal, you will balance the daily calorie amount. It is important to remember that overeating chocolate, candies or sweets can lead to both unnecessary calorie gain and health problems.


In order to normalize the decreased fluid consumption during Ramadan, attention should be paid to drinking 2-2.5 liters of water. Especially since drinking too much tea and coffee will have a diuretic effect, people with chronic diseases

should be more careful. Also, remember that consuming water will help with appetite control. Prefer to drink water instead of offered tea/coffee.

At the same time, try to walk as much as possible in order to increase the physical activity that decreases during Ramadan.

Doctor Strange: Multiverse Madness won’t be released in China!

Doctor Strange Multiverse Madness, which was banned from being shown in Egypt last week due to its scenes containing LGBT messages, was also …

Doctor Strange Multiverse Madness, which was banned from being shown in Egypt last week due to its scenes containing LGBT messages, was also blocked from China. China did not allow the film to be shown in the country due to the excess of gay thematic scenes in the scenes.

Countries have taken action against the increasing LGBT scenes in Marvel movies in recent years. Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Qatar and Kuwait demanded that scenes with gay content be limited.

doctor strange

Thereupon, the movie, which was more than 2 hours long, was restricted to many scenes and the process was reduced. On the other hand, Egypt and China reacted to the homosexual perception by banning the release of the film.

doctor strange

There are scenes where America Chavez, played by Xochtil Gomez, enjoys his own gender. Production director Sam Raimi emphasized that this character is important and showed once again that LGBT perception is secretly made in films.

Here is the question that is discussed every holiday: Whose family should be visited first?

Dilemma Let’s say you are married. The holiday is approaching. Your wife’s family said, “I want my son with me on the holiday. He thinks he …


Let’s say you are married. The holiday is approaching. Your wife’s family said, “I want my son with me on the holiday. He thinks he should visit me first and then visit the girl’s side. Your family says, “My daughter should come to me first this holiday.” is in his speech . Here you are stuck! What will you do? Let’s say you visited your spouse’s family for the first time, this time your own family will be broken. argument with your spouse and put the situation in a dead end. Such a small matter can even lead to separation. So what to do?

The sequential visiting tactic

You may not be seeing the tolerance you expect from your family in the midst of this situation that stressed you out days ago. Holiday visits are very important, especially in more traditional families, and it can be an important issue for families, even if it is not important to you who visits first. ant this issue, where the families of both sides are competing, neither you nor anyone else, you can visit your spouse’s family one holiday before and give priority to your own family if the other holiday. Of course, let’s hope that both parties can be content with that…

Acting on proximity

Visiting whose family is closer is also an option. You can explain to the other party that this is not a matter of priority, that it would be more logical to visit whoever is closer first.

Visiting the elder’s family

In family structures where priority is a concern, a traditional point of view is generally dominant, so it is for the other party to give priority to the older one. It can also be seen as an appropriate move. It would be more appropriate to visit someone who has older people in their family.

”We came to you first!”

We never wanted to add lies to the business, but since you can’t find a way out of this situation, we have a solution: If the distances are close, don’t reveal who you went to first . Visit both families on the same day. Tell whoever you went first that you won’t be able to stay long because you will be visiting the other family after them. This tactic may force you a bit, but it’s worth a try.

Elders, please do not break the hearts of the young people, while there are many situations where you can see whether they value you or not, do not worry about who went first or did not. By behaving like this, you put both yourself and the other side in a difficult situation, look what they have to think about. Since we have settled this issue, happy holidays to everyone!

Why was the 5th episode of the Blackboard series not published? When is Blackboard episode 5?

Blackboard series, one of the giant projects of TRT 1 screens, continues to arouse excitement in the audience with its strong cast and story …

Blackboard series, one of the giant projects of TRT 1 screens, continues to arouse excitement in the audience with its strong cast and story. Why was the 5th episode of the Blackboard series, which came to TRT 1 screens every Wednesday, not aired? When is Blackboard 5 episode? Here is the Blackboard 5th episode trailer…


Chalkboard, starring successful actors such as Furkan Andıç and Miray Daner, entertains the audience with all its excitement. It keeps locking the screens by itself. The Blackboard series, each episode of which is highly anticipated, was expected to be on the screens on Wednesday, April 27 at 20.00 with its 5th episode. However, due to the Night of Power program broadcast on TRT 1 screens, the new episode of Blackboard did not meet with the audience. So, when will the 5th episode of the Blackboard series be released?


The 5th episode of Blackboard, which was postponed last week due to the Night of Power program, will not meet the audience this week. The 5th episode of the Blackboard series will be on TRT 1 screens at 20.00 on Wednesday, May 11, the week after Eid al-Fitr.



Irmak and Atlas once again have to go in two different directions because of those who prevent their love. Despite all that has happened, Irmak makes a decision. He wants to get answers to questions left unanswered. Münevver realizes that he cannot handle Bekir any longer and gets very nervous. Therefore, the pressure on Irmak increases. Irmak goes to school to confront Atlas, despite her mother’s pressure. Atlas tries to silence what his heart wants to say with his mind. Atlas has to make a choice for the questions Irmak wants answers to. This big decision of Atlas will affect the lives of many people at the same time. The evidence that Alexander holds to get the money he wants from Bekir is strong enough to upset all the balances.

Chalkboard series

TRT, which has made a great impression in Turkey and around the world, continues to bring different stories to the audience.

The Blackboard series, whose script was written by Erkan Birgören, is being shot in Edirne High School with its 165-year history.

Cast of Blackboard series


In the series, starring Miray Daner and Furkan Andıç, there are successful names such as Cengiz Bozkurt, Onur Durmaz, Çiçek Dilligil. Erkan Birgören writes the screenplay of Blackboard, in which Ender Mıhlar sits in the director’s chair.

miray daner and furkan andıç


Atlas, who was subjected to various kinds of bullying during his high school years, is appointed as a teacher to the school he graduated from years later. Is this return of Atlas, who had to face his ex-girlfriend Irmak, a coincidence or tawafuq? This situation restarts an unfinished love.

“Atlas returns as a teacher to the city where he was born, fell in love with and was pushed to death. He is unaware of what the weakening of the roots that bind him to the past will bring him over time. “In the story of Atlas and Irmak, Bekir risks dying and being killed as Irmak’s lover. This world, in which Atlas, Irmak and Bekir come face to face, is the harbinger of a completely different life.”

Atlas character and Irmak will take place in the story as two old lovers who love each other during their school years, then break up and reunite years later. While it is not thought that Atlas, who left Irmak years ago, will return, he is appointed as a teacher to the school he graduated from and meets Irmak again. , who seems to have left with great anger, is already a matter of curiosity. ?

Üs Yapım’s new project ‘Black Board’, which has made a name for itself in successful productions before, will continue to lock the viewers on TRT 1 screens every Wednesday at 20.00.

Rebellion against traffic noise from Özge Özpirinçci! “Baby is sleeping”

Famous actress Özge Özpirinçci, who married Burak Yamantürk in 2021, complained about the traffic noise. Özpirinçci rebelled for his daughter …

Famous actress Özge Özpirinçci, who married Burak Yamantürk in 2021, complained about the traffic noise. Özpirinçci rebelled for his daughter Mercan, who was born in December. Here are the details …

Actress Özge Özpirinçci, who got married to Burak Yamantürk last year, rebelled for her daughter Mercan the day before. In December, he had the feeling of being a parent. The couple living in Yeniköy complained about the traffic noise.

Özge Özpirinçci


Özpirinçci, who rebelled against the traffic noise, stated that her daughter Mercan was sleeping and was full of rebellion from her social media account. shared. Özpirinçci, “Do not use your cars in the city with your engines shouting! Do not make your car scream from light to light on the coastal road! The child is asleep!” she used the expressions.

Özge Örpirincci rebelled for her daughter Mercan

Mother’s Secret Child 5th episode trailer has been released! Mother’s Secret Child 5th episode trailer

The 5th episode trailer of the Mother’s Secret Child series, which meets with the audience every Wednesday at 20.00 on TV 8 screens, has been …

The 5th episode trailer of the Mother’s Secret Child series, which meets with the audience every Wednesday at 20.00 on TV 8 screens, has been released. What will happen in the 5th episode of the series, which garners Turkey’s acclaim with each episode? Here is the 5th episode trailer of the Mother’s Secret Child series…


Produced by NTC, “Mother’s Secret is the Child” starring in the lead roles of İrem Helvacıoğlu and Engin Öztürk. The series, which includes successful names as well as the leading roles, continues to attract attention with its weekly episodes. Mother’s Secret Child’s 5th episode will be on TV 8 screens at 20.00 on Wednesday, May 4th.



Meryem has to cooperate with Reha to escape the clutches of the police. Sadun makes a very brave attack to find Defne’s baby, which the police will not like. When Çınar learns that Defne and Sadun have a common past, she goes crazy. Çınar confronts Sadun and because Sadun knows about Çınar’s relationship with Sedef, she warns Çınar to keep quiet. While Meryem is being questioned by the police, the baby is taken to the hospital. Will the police be able to find the evidence they need to take Meryem in? Sedef tells a lie about Defne’s past to turn Çınar against Defne. Will Çınar confront Defne about her past with Sadun?

The Child is the Secret of the Mother


In the series, two expectant mothers face their past, which they try to cover up. On the other hand, the series will reveal that motherhood is one of the most important values ​​given to women.

It’s Your Mother’s Secret Child cast


It’s the ‘Mother’s Secret Child’ in the directors chair The script of the series is written by Makbule Kosif. In addition to İrem Helvacıoğlu and Engin Öztürk, who play the leading roles, there are also successful names such as Selin Yeninci, Olgun Toker, Ahmet Varlı, Sacide Taşaner, Demet Gül, Selim Erdoğan, Birgül Ulusoy and Mine Hair. With its striking story, the highly anticipated series every week is handled in the drama genre. The Secret of the Mother is on TV 8 screens every Wednesday at 20.00.

Town Doctor 5th episode trailer released! What is the theme of the Town Doctor?

Town Doctor, one of the giant projects of TRT 1, continues to be a guest of houses every Friday evening with its strong cast. The 5th episode …

Town Doctor, one of the giant projects of TRT 1, continues to be a guest of houses every Friday evening with its strong cast. The 5th episode trailer of the Town Doctor, which is exciting with every trailer released, has been released. What will happen in episode 5 of the Town Doctor? Here is the 5th episode trailer of Town Doctor…


TRT 1, which brings many successful productions to the audience, brought the Town Doctor 8 to the screens in the new season. It continues to draw attention since the day it started broadcasting on Friday, April. Sinan Albayrak, Ozan Akbaba and Vildan Atasever play the leading roles in Town Doctor, which locks the audience on the screen with its striking story and strong cast.

The 5th episode trailer of the Town Doctor, which resonates with every episode, has been released. Played by Ozan Akbaba in the trailer, Dr. The tension between Hakan Aydıner and the character of Yalçın, played by the master actor Sinan Albayrak, continues. Town Doctor is on TRT 1 with its 5th episode on Friday, May 6 at 20.00.


Town Doctor got impatient with the 5th episode trailer. Here is the 5th episode trailer of the Town Doctor…

Town Doctor’s 5th episode trailer


While Hakan is dealing with the hospital, he is also making plans for Erol Gümüşok’s surgery. Ömer is in for a shock when he learns that Kemal Demir, whom he has been looking for for years, is Hakan Hodja, with whom his star has never reconciled. Knowing very well that to be a good surgeon, he must grow up with a good teacher, Ömer rejects the offer from Private Gümüşok Hospital. While everyone is thinking that Leyla will not accept to be a maid and will leave the hospital, Leyla starts working as a janitor. A big surprise awaits Ömer in an operation he has undergone. The bad surprises waiting for Ömer will not only be limited to his job, but will also put an unexpected obstacle in front of his love for Leyla. Despite all of Erol’s warnings, Yalçın has no intention of leaving Hakan alone. When Yalçın starts to put his plans into action, this time he will find a stronger and more determined Hakan than before.

Sinan Albayrak



The scenario of Town Doctor, in which Arda Sarıgün sits in the director’s chair, is written by İlker Aslan and Barış Erdoğan. In addition to the leading roles, there are successful names such as Hazal Subaşı, Deniz Can Aktaş, Özgün Karaman, Barış Yıldız, Sinan Demirer in the series team.

Town Doctor staff


“Dr. The crossroads of the talented and promising Ömer (Deniz Can Aktaş), who decided to become one, and the legendary surgeon Hakan (Ozan Akbaba), who is dedicated to saving lives, in a town hospital far from the city, is discussed.

Hakan Hoca, Ömer and idealist doctor Leyla ( Hazal Subaşı) brought together in this town hospital, where the determined struggle of three doctors who do their best to help people will be revealed. ) TOWN DOCTOR WHICH DAY IS IT PUBLISHED?

About the life stories and professional difficulties of doctors, Town Doctor will meet with the audience every Friday at 20:00 on TRT 1 screens.

Giant project from ATV! Valley of the Wolves and EDHO stars together

Murat Onbul’s series ‘İçinimiz Ateş’ started its preparations to meet the audience on ATV screens. There are also Kurtlar Vadisi and EDHO stars …

Murat Onbul’s series ‘İçinimiz Ateş’ started its preparations to meet the audience on ATV screens. There are also Kurtlar Vadisi and EDHO stars in the series where the cast is clear. Here are all the details…

TV series rolled up their sleeves to move on to the season finale and leave their place to summer projects. The TV series “The Fire in Us”, which will meet with the audience on ATV screens, will be a guest of the houses with Fabrika Yapım. The shooting of the series, where the cast is gradually determined, will begin during the holiday week.

Demirhan Demircioğlu


The presence of names from Kurtlar Vadisi and EDHO in the project did not go unnoticed. The series, which seems to have a strong cast, has already excited.

Ceren Benderlioğlu

In the series, which will show the impressive story of 4 young people, names such as Demirhan Demircioğlu, Atakan Hoşgören, Burak Sevinç, İpek Filiz Yazıcı, Ceren Benderlioğlu, Gizem Arıkan is located. On the other hand, the script of the project is written by Nimet Erdem, Birol Elginöz and Özlem Elginöz.

Sad news from the Hazelnut Wolf Berna Karagözoğlu! battered

Berna Karagözoğlu, known in the contest called ‘Bir Şarkısın Sen’ and nicknamed ‘Fındık wolf’, appeared years later. Karagözoğlu has recently …

Berna Karagözoğlu, known in the contest called ‘Bir Şarkısın Sen’ and nicknamed ‘Fındık wolf’, appeared years later. Karagözoğlu has recently come to the fore with the news of a beating. Allegedly, it was learned that he was beaten in a restaurant he went to in Beşiktaş.

Berna Karagözoğlu, who became famous with the You are a song song contest broadcast on ATV screens, became known with the nickname “Nut wolf Berna” and became a contestant that everyone knew and loved in a short time. It was learned that Berna Karagözoğlu, now 20 years old, was battered.

berna karagözoğlu

Allegedly, Karagözoğlu went to a restaurant in Beşiktaş, Istanbul on 22 March. The singer, who was eating at the restaurant with his manager and friend, started to argue with a group sitting at the next table. Allegedly, the young people sitting at the next table began to swear at the singer.

hazelnut worm berna was beaten

The argument between two groups of friends turned into a fight. Again, allegedly, while the parties were throwing the objects on the table at each other, a person in the side group threw the ashtray to the young singer. Berna Karagözoğlu, who got rid of the ashtray with a momentary reflex, was battered with her friends.