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3 important points to consider when buying sunglasses!

Staying outside for a long time on a hot sunny day without protection from the harmful rays of the sun can damage the surface of your eyes and increase the risk of eye diseases. Ophthalmologists recommend wearing sunglasses and a hat when you go out on a sunny day. So, how do you find glasses that are suitable for your face while you want to be protected from harmful rays? Today, we wanted to help you with this. Go to the news!

1) Sunglasses Look for UV protection

The sun’s rays emit ultraviolet (UV) radiation that is invisible to the human eye. The most important feature sought in sunglasses is that the sunglasses that allow us to protect our eyes from the sun should have a protective feature from UV rays and should be suitable for our eyes. The sunglasses you want to buy must have a certificate that they cut UV or ultraviolet rays. The light-blocking power of sunglasses is indicated by phrases such as UV200, UV400 and UV600.

2) Your sunglasses should have the CE mark

When you wear the glasses, you should not see blurry or dull, and the details should look clear. Quality sunglasses should have a reliable registration certificate. For nearly 25 years, according to European Union standards, quality glasses have CE (Conformité Européene) inscription. So what is the CE certificate? In short, it means that the product complies with the safety conditions.

3) You should choose the right glasses for your face:

If you have a round face:

If the length of your face is directly proportional to the width If the area where your forehead meets your hair is wide, it means you have a round face. So what are the glasses suitable for round faces? Especially you should prefer rectangular and square framed models, which will make your face appear longer. Round, small and widening eyeglasses frames should not be preferred for round faces

If you have a rectangular face / long face:


Usually rectangular face people’s face length is greater than their width. If you have a rectangular face shape, more oval and round models that will soften your face are suitable for you. You can easily choose models with wide frames. Having the models you choose in horizontal models helps to hide the excessive length of the face. Cat-eye models, oval or geometric shaped frames will be perfect for long face types.

Triangular face / pear face:

If the cheeks are wide and the chin is protruding, and the forehead is narrow, you have a triangular face. It is important to choose models that emphasize the upper part of the face and the eye area, which is important in the triangular face type that expands towards the chin. You should stay away from low-stemmed frames that will make your forehead look wider. Frameless models are very suitable for this face type. Also, aviator glasses and cat-eye models will suit you very well.

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