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4 surprising reasons for weight gain

Not having a healthy and balanced diet and not getting enough exercise are the main causes of weight gain, we all know now. However, there may be other reasons you never thought possible that could cause you to gain extra weight.

Here are four reasons for weight gain that may surprise you;

1. Constantly Arguing

People who have problems with other people in social life may be more likely to gain weight. Studies have revealed that when couples are in constant conflict with each other, they secrete higher levels of hunger hormones, which ultimately leads to poor food choices.
If you have a history of depression and often find yourself in heated arguments with your spouse or friends, beware!

In the couples that argue, the insulin level is higher, which causes more fat to be stored in the body and higher triglycerides.
In addition, other studies have revealed that stressed women burn 100 calories less per day. On the other hand, it is known that arguing with the spouse affects the heart badly.

2. Consuming too much iron

Those who cut out red meat to control their calorie intake tend to have lower hunger hormones. When you eat red meat, the amount of iron you consume can regulate the body’s release of hunger hormones, perhaps causing you to eat more than you want.

In a study examining the effect of iron on the appetite of mice, mice were fed high or low protein diets and their levels of leptin, a hormone that suppresses their appetite, were monitored. After following the diet for two months, mice were on a low-iron diet with a 42% decrease in leptin levels. This may be due to the current iron recommendations of 18mg per day for women 18-50 years and 8mg per day for women over 50 years of age, which may be higher than needed. led to the conclusion.
When you consume more than a pound of red meat per week, you can raise your leptin levels enough to change your appetite. Other sources of iron, such as spinach and beans, do not have the same effect.

3. You’re over-blaming your genetics

While you may be more likely to gain weight if your family struggles with obesity, one of the most important problems is that overweight family members have the same They believe that they share their destiny.
Michael C. Parent, assistant professor in the Department of Psychological Sciences at Texas Tech University, examined research participants’ beliefs about the genetics of being overweight.
Three years later, Parent found that those who strongly believed genetics were the cause of their weight gain were more likely to be overweight. These participants were more likely to make poor food choices and not get enough physical exercise. “Obesity has no direct genetic cause,” explains the parent, emphasizing the importance of diet and exercise to control your weight.

4. You’re getting older

Many people find this a frustrating fact, but as you get older, it becomes harder to control your weight. A recent study published in Obesity Research and Clinical Practice found that people gain more weight as they age, even when they consume fewer calories. The current generation is gaining weight faster than 40 years ago.
Researchers studied more than 36,000 adults and followed them for 38 years. They compared patterns of diet, activity, and weight.
Jennifer Kuk, professor of health and sciences at York University in Toronto, determined in 2008 that an adult who consumes the same number of calories as his 1971 counterpart weighs about 10%. “Again, we find that weight management is much more complex than just energy entering versus energy,” Kuk said. The solution is diet and exercise.

If you’re worried about how to lose weight, understanding some of the unexpected causes can help you stay on the right track. But in the end, eating right and getting enough exercise are the real secrets you need to know.


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