Desert dust warning for Turkey! Where will it be effective?

Indicating that Turkey will be under the influence of desert dust from North Africa as of today, experts warned citizens to be cautious. He …

Indicating that Turkey will be under the influence of desert dust from North Africa as of today, experts warned citizens to be cautious. He emphasized that especially those with chronic diseases, asthma and COPD-related diseases such as shortness of breath are at risk.

General Directorate of Meteorology announced that as of today, desert dust from North Africa will enter Turkey. Desert dust is expected to be more intense in the inner parts of Central Anatolia, Western Black Sea and Aegean. Reminding that especially those with respiratory diseases have entered a period where they should be careful, experts stated that both deaths and hospitalizations increased in this process. Experts recommended keeping windows closed and citizens not going out.


Turkish Thoracic Society Vice President Prof. Dr. Pointing out that desert dust can cause health problems, Hasan Bayram said, “Dust concentration is really intense during this period. We recommend that everyone, old or not, stay indoors. Let’s close the windows and doors tightly in the houses. Very fine particles can get into the house. Headache. “Similar complaints such as colds and colds may cause a sore throat. However, those with chronic diseases such as asthma, COPD, especially those with shortness of breath, and those with heart disease are at risk. When their complaints increase, we recommend that they increase their medication dose if necessary. If they have more discomfort, we recommend that they apply to hospitals.” spoke.

drew attention to the increase in deaths during periods when desert dust is concentrated. “Studies have shown that there may be various bacteria, fungi and various viruses in these desert dusts. Most importantly, you are exposed to a very intense concentration. You cannot breathe in certain areas. We know that these various viruses and bacteria can be carried by dust,” he said.


Explaining the regions where desert dust will be effective, Boğaziçi University Kandilli Observatory Meteorology Laboratory Head Meteorology Engineer Adil Tek, “Desert dust is dust particulate matter that rises with the rising currents over North Africa and the Great Sahara and then comes to us with the flows. It is transferred to us with strong flows from the South with the low pressure system in Italy and Greece in the Mediterranean. And it comes upon us with the winds. Every year we come across desert dust. It will come towards us again in the coming days as a low pressure system is formed. It will show its effect especially today. It will be effective in Central Anatolia and the Western Black Sea. It will increase up to 200 micrograms per cubic meter. It is not a value, it is around the middle values. The density will show itself in these regions. Marmara region It will not be as dense as other regions,” he said.

That citizens can follow the latest situation on the air pollution map, Tek said, “The map is about air pollution. It’s a map. It’s not just desert dust. There’s also nitrogen oxide, ozone, carbon dioxide and other gases. The red areas show that any of these are increasing. The density of particulate matter is increasing. The measured densities are measured in micrograms. It’s mostly measured by what we call PM10. That value is We can understand it when we see the height. Estimates change daily. The latest estimates do not show a very high level of density. The density will rise up to 200 micrograms per cubic meter in the inner parts of the Aegean, but it seems to be 50 micrograms per cubic meter in Istanbul. We also have masks due to the pandemic period. Our masks will help in this regard,” he said.

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