From Erbil to Seda: “6. I couldn’t attend the wedding. If I don’t go to 7, I’ll catch up to 8

Mehmet Ali Erbil, who lost his muscles after 8 months of intensive care, is being treated with an electromagnetic field device at the Painless …

Mehmet Ali Erbil, who lost his muscles after 8 months of intensive care, is being treated with an electromagnetic field device at the Painless Life Center in Kartal.
The famous showman couldn’t help but continue his jokes during the treatment. He was hooked on Seda Sayan, who was preparing for her 7th marriage.
Seda Sayan is getting married in the 7th. You are stuck at 4. To the question of whether yours will be 5 – 6, “I still have time to catch up with him… I couldn’t go to the 6th. There’s more to your wedding. I said luck to the 7th. Look, the 7th came… If I can’t go to the 7th now, I’ll go to the 8th wedding,” he replied.

“Love has no age ”

Mehmet Ali Erbil, who is sometimes called by young names, “How do you look at the age difference in relationships?” He replied, “Love has no age… This is planning, not programming… There is no age in love.” Erbil said, “Do you want your son to be in your sector in the future?” to the question, “No. I do not want. He has other thoughts… He doesn’t think of art or acting… It could be another industry.” “Serdar Ortaç said I am the king of pop. Who is the king of the comedy world? Who is king in show business?” “It would be wrong to call him a king. There is Şafak Sezer that I like and that I laugh at” and honored Şafak Sezer.

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