Ömür Gedik, happy with the increase in meat prices, received a reaction

Famous musician Ömür Gedik got the reaction of a large audience with his comment on the increase in red meat. Gedik’s statement “Let red meat …

Famous musician Ömür Gedik got the reaction of a large audience with his comment on the increase in red meat. Gedik’s statement “Let red meat become more expensive, animals will be saved, people will be healthier” received a huge lynching in the social media.

Musician Ömür Gedik made a reactionary statement after the Meat and Dairy Corporation made a 48 percent increase in meat prices. Upon the increase, the weight of 1 kg of ground meat increased from 56 liras to 83 liras, and the price of 1 kg of cubed meat increased from 62.50 liras to 92 liras. While the increase caused repercussions, Ömür Gedik shared about the issue.


Gedik, in his post on his Twitter page, used the words “Let red meat become more expensive, animals will be saved , people will be healthier”. Social media reacted to Gedik’s post.

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