No transition to cancer in smoking cessation outpatient clinics

Significant successes are achieved in Smoking Cessation Polyclinics against smoking, which is the main cause of many types of cancer, including …

Significant successes are achieved in Smoking Cessation Polyclinics against smoking, which is the main cause of many types of cancer, including lung cancer, whose harms to health are uncountable.

Speaking at the 1-7 April Cancer Week, Şişli Hamidiye Etfal Training and Research Hospital Chief Physician Prof. Dr. Özgür Yiğit said, “Smoking is the first factor that causes not only lung cancer, but also other cancer types. I hope the number of our citizens who quit smoking will increase during Cancer Week.

Studies conducted on cancer in 2020 indicate that 1 out of every 5 people in the world have been diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime, and that 1 out of every 8 men and 1 out of every 11 women have died due to cancer. Experts, on the other hand, state that if citizens do not have a hereditary cancer predisposition, they will significantly reduce the rate of new cancer development if they abandon factors such as smoking, alcohol, and malnutrition. While emphasizing that 90 percent of lung cancer is caused by smoking, and that smoking has an effect on the formation of cancers of the stomach, colon, larynx , oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, pancreas, kidney, bladder, breast and cervix, passive smoking also causes many negative effects on citizens. draws attention. Şişli Hamidiye Etfal Training and Research Hospital Chief Physician Prof. Dr. Özgür Yiğit also spoke about the effect of smoking on cancer, the damage it causes to human life and the Smoking Cessation Polyclinic during the 1st-7th April Cancer Week.

“Smoking is one of the important factors of cancer”

Explaining that cancer affects a very large human population all over the world, Şişli Hamidiye Etfal Training and Research Hospital Chief Physician Prof. Dr. Özgür Yiğit said, “Cancer is really one of the most important problems of humanity, and it has started to be seen in an increasing amount in recent years. When we look at the 2020 data, 19 million 200 thousand new cancer cases have been seen All over the world. This shows that cancer cases are increasing gradually. The expected amount of cancer in 2030 may be There will be around 30 million people all over the world and maybe 300 thousand in our country. Of course, there are many reasons for This: genetic factors, but more importantly environmental factors. When we talk about environmental factors that cause cancer, cigarettes, which we all know, come first. “We all know that lung cancer is the most common cancer, especially in men, and the relationship between lung cancer and smoking has now been proven. Lung cancer equals smoking,” he said.

They shouldn’t say “I can’t quit”, let them try smoking cessation polyclinics”

Explaining that it is very important for citizens to quit smoking for their health, Prof. Dr. Özgür Yiğit said: “Actually, when we look at all cancers, we cannot say that it is only lung cancer in almost all cancer types, and smoking is the first factor that causes it for other cancer types as well. Exposure to chemicals and radiation , obesity and lack of activity, which are also diseases of our age, differentiation of lifestyle, eating habits. Factors causing cancer other than cigarettes. I hope the number of our citizens who quit smoking will increase especially during Cancer Week. If our citizens want to quit smoking, they shouldn’t say ‘I can’t quit’, they should try smoking cessation polyclinics. Smokers don’t only harm themselves, if there are people around, they should not say ‘I can’t quit’, they should try smoking cessation clinics. “The first condition is to be able to detect it early. There are screening programs for this. Most importantly, it is possible to start smoking at a young age due to caring for adults and showing oneself. The younger you start, the earlier you will get cancer.” (980070) 2)

“His willingness to quit smoking puts us ahead 1-0”

Giving information about the Smoking Cessation Polyclinic, Family Medicine Clinic Chief Assoc. Dr. Güzin Zeren Öztürk said, “We all know that cancer patients experience great difficulties. That’s the most important thing in cancer; Why Lifestyle changes and taking necessary precautions to prevent cancer from developing in the early stages. One of them We try to accompany them on their journey to quit smoking. His willingness to quit gives us a 1-0 lead. We’re getting their cigarette résumé. We talk about when he started, how much he drinks, why he started, what has he experienced before, what difficulties he has faced when he tried to quit. Then we try to determine the level of the person, we have special tests for that. We decide which drug we should use based on his medical history or whether he can only quit with counseling.”

“Stop smoking actually means a stop to cancer”

Speaking about the treatment process carried out in polyclinics Prof. Güzin Zeren Öztürk said: “Our treatments range from 3 months to 6 months. We serve 12 thousand to 13 thousand people a year and our success in quitting is also high. Old patients said, ‘You smell like my grandson, I will not hug you, I came, but it is too much for me. He says, ‘Isn’t it late?’ It is already written in all the literature that smoking is a factor not only in lung cancer but also in many organs cancer. sleep,” he said.

“1 year ago if they said ‘you will not smoke for 3 months’, I would not have believed them”

29-year-old Mehmet Taş, who has been smoking for about 7 years and applied to the Smoking Cessation Clinic, said, “According to my age I had shortness of breath that made me feel like I was too old. Especially for us men, astroturf matches are very important, I was starting to have shortness of breath on the field. My performance was very low. When I received too much criticism from my teammates, I realized that I started to get very tired when I did a hard job, and then I came to the conclusion that I should quit smoking. At first I didn’t believe it, now I believe I will quit. I haven’t smoked for three months. In fact, we came here just in case they could make them quit. If they had told me a year ago that ‘you will not smoke for 3 months’, I would not have believed it. I’ve been a non-smoker below 2 packs a day for years. After quitting smoking, you feel a price increase in your salary. In order to prevent cancer, it is absolutely necessary to quit smoking.

“Maybe I wouldn’t be in this situation right now if I didn’t smoke”

Nedim Kubur, who has struggled with laryngeal cancer and regretted smoking, said, “First of all , my throat was a constant tickling symptom. I came here and they said it was the larynx. It’s a bad feeling, I was devastated, but I still tried to hold on to life. The disease does not go away when it comes, it is necessary to take care of it before it comes. I used to smoke, I do not recommend anyone. If I didn’t smoke, maybe I wouldn’t be in this situation right now. I advise those who use it to leave it, and those who do not use it, not to use it at all. I believe I will beat the disease,” he said.

On the other hand, ALO 171 Smoking Cessation Advice Line encourages citizens who want to quit smoking, motivates those who have decided to quit, helps those who have decided to quit, how to quit, and provides advice to citizens about the withdrawal symptoms that occur during the quitting process. provides support in this process.

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