First in Turkey, second in the world! Applause performance from headscarved women

The live performance of 21-year-old Rabia Akbıyıkoğlu, a 2nd year student at the Department of Mathematics at Istanbul Medipol University, with …

The live performance of 21-year-old Rabia Akbıyıkoğlu, a 2nd year student at the Department of Mathematics at Istanbul Medipol University, with her group of girls wearing headscarves, which she called the “Evening Group”, went viral on social media.

The young talent Rabia Akbıyıkoğlu’s performance with the female music group she named “Evening Group” became the agenda on social media. Successful women who performed in a fully-filled hall gave the audience a musical feast with many different instruments, from qanun to electric guitar, from violin to keyboard.

Sharing those moments on his social media account, Akbıyıkoğlu’s performance, as well as the other members of the Akşam Group, received great acclaim for their drum and vocal skills.

Evening Group

Zeynep Betül Akyıldız, Sümeyre Öztürk and Nida from the Evening Group, which stands out as the second women’s group with carves after Indonesian Voices baceprot. Bulut had previously used the expressions “We make music for women and women only”. In the continuation of their statement, the group said, “We are not divisive, we are unifying, we have an aspect that empowers women,” and they also organize ‘improvisation events’ for women who want to get acquainted with the instrument or who want to share their musical experiences, in addition to their concerts.

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