Teachers set up a marriage sheet! Reaction to the teacher to find a wife account

Introducing itself as a marriage platform, the Teachers Couple Instagram account, which brings together teachers who are looking for a spouse …

Introducing itself as a marriage platform, the Teachers Couple Instagram account, which brings together teachers who are looking for a spouse, caused reactions in the social media. “Teachers may also want to meet and get married, it’s not a crime,” said the administrator of the account.

An account was opened on Instagram with the name ‘teachers.cift’ for teachers to find spouses. Teachers are waiting for their suitors by uploading their personal information to the page. In the information of the page, it was stated that “It is a serious dating and marriage platform only for teachers. You can send a message to our page to find the person you are looking for, only teachers”.


The Teachers Couple Instagram account, which came to the fore in social media and the sour dictionary and attracted attention, received a great reaction by saying , “What are the teachers we entrust our children with?” The account, in which the teachers also shared the characteristics they sought in the opposite sex, was also the target of many posts on the grounds that it discredited the profession.


A statement was made on the page after the reactions received. The statement said, “Dislikes do not follow. People’s lives are nobody’s business. It’s as if you haven’t written to anyone on social media, you haven’t made a lover or friend. We’ll shut them down if there’s no interest ,” the statement said.

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