Barış Akarsu statement from İsmail Ege Şaşmaz: I look alike

The life of singer Barış Akarsu, who died after a traffic accident on July 4, 2007, is transferred to the silver screen. İsmail Ege Şaşmaz, who …

The life of singer Barış Akarsu, who died after a traffic accident on July 4, 2007, is transferred to the silver screen. İsmail Ege Şaşmaz, who is certain to play Akarsu, surprised everyone with his statement about Barış Akarsu.

The life of Barış Akarsu, who mourned the whole of Turkey with his death at a young age, was made into a movie, and İsmail Ege Şaşmaz was chosen to play Barış Akarsu. Şaşmaz stated that he is excited about the project and that he has received training for preparation.

ismail ege samazmaz

Şaşmaz, who will play the singer in the movie, said, “I look like Barış Akarsu, I am the age when he passed away.”

ismail ege samazmaz

Stating that he sang Akarsu’s songs during his school years and was likened to Barış Akarsu, Şaşmaz spoke as follows about the project:

“I am in a very emotional place about this situation because I look like Barış Akarsu, I gave this message to the universe, I loved his songs and I was singing them too. It was very strange; I am at the age of his death, which adds a different meaning. me. So I’ll try to get over it.”

ismail ege smail


The actor said that he also took singing and guitar lessons for the movie. I was also singing in high school, now I’m taking extra singing lessons, I’m already taking extra guitar lessons to be even better and get a little closer to him. After all, being Barış Akarsu means growing out his hair. Barış has no tattoos. Barış Akarsu’s life before There would be a movie, too, this was thought before her mother passed away, but it was a gift for today,” he said.

ismail ege scammaz


Singer Barış Akarsu, who became one of the most popular names of a period with songs such as “Wet Wet”, ” Gözlerin” and “Wind”, passed away on July 4, 2007 after a traffic accident. After the death of Akarsu, who lost his life struggle despite all the interventions, all of Turkey was mourned.

Barış Akarsu

The life of the singer, who still has a large fan base despite the passing of years, is transferred to a movie. In the production signed by Aytaç Medya, the name that will give life to Akarsu has been determined. Successful actor İsmail Ege Şaşmaz will play the life of Barış Akarsu, who was buried at the age of 28. (980 0702)

Barış Akarsu’s life becomes a movie

Şaşmaz, who is also interested in music, has already started working to adopt Barış Akarsu’s style.

İsmail Ege Şaşmaz

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