Bülent Serttaş could not take his eyes off Oriental Didem

Bülent Serttaş, who was a guest of the Ibo Show before, turned his head during the stage show of Oriental Didem and was talked about for days …

Bülent Serttaş, who was a guest of the Ibo Show before, turned his head during the stage show of Oriental Didem and was talked about for days. Oriental Didem, who said that such a situation was experienced because the middle of the couple was tense, interpreted the situation as “a great disrespect”.

Bulent Serttaş, who missed his eyes while playing against oriental Didem last year and remained on the agenda for a while, was once again a guest of the Ibo Show.

Didem appeared on the stage later in the program. Serttaş, who had a great reaction in that period, watched Didem with great attention this time and said words of praise.

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