Attention to those who will go on holiday! Danger of pine processionary beetles in spring

With the advent of Ramadan, many people started to create travel routes to spend pleasant time with their families and friends. Warning people …

With the advent of Ramadan, many people started to create travel routes to spend pleasant time with their families and friends. Warning people who will do activities in the open area, Dermatology Specialist Dr. Aslan Hearted, “Pine processionary insect can cause an allergic reaction that can lead to severe respiratory failure,” he said.

“Pine sac beetles”, which we frequently encounter in nature with the arrival of spring months, can cause serious allergic reactions in the body upon contact. Emphasizing that it is necessary to be careful against pine sacs, which cause redness, swelling and similar reactions, Dermatology Specialist Dr. Lion-Hearted gave serious warnings to citizens.

pine sac beetles


It is necessary to be careful especially with people who will spend time outdoors due to the Holidays. Yurekli said, “Even though there is a fight against pine scavengers, we see them in almost all pine trees in our region. They make nests in pine trees. When the nests are opened, the insects inside spread to the environment. The feathers and “In order not to encounter undesirable situations, the nests of pine processionary insects should not be touched as much as possible. People with an allergic body should stay away from the areas where these trees are located,” he said.

Pine processionary bugs can cause respiratory failure

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