5 ways to recycle at home

Today, the concept of recycling continues to gain value day by day as a result of the increase in consumption habits and the deterioration of …

Today, the concept of recycling continues to gain value day by day as a result of the increase in consumption habits and the deterioration of the natural balance of excessive consumption. With recycling, the amount of waste left to nature is reduced, while protecting natural resources and saving power. Well, is it possible to implement recycling in residences?

We have listed recycling ideas for you that will enable you to make a big difference with small changes in the residence…

1. Sort waste

Recycling starts at the residence. When it comes to recycling at home, the first thing that comes to people’s mind is the separation of garbage. However, there is still no conscious behavior in garbage sorting, and this sensitive issue is ignored. One of the most successful steps in residential recycling is zero or near-zero waste. It is possible to separate wastes and recycle them at home by making different waste bins such as glass, plastic, metal, paper and chemical. Or, plastic, paper and glass wastes can be sorted out in the residences and quickly left in the recycling containers on the street corners.

2. Use ecological artifacts

In recent periods, problems have been experienced in many parts of the world, especially due to the increase in the use of plastic and equivalent artifacts. Attempts around the world to overcome this problem continue at full speed. It is possible to contribute to both the protection of nature and the recycling of houses by choosing nature-friendly ecological works. In the production processes of ecological works, formulas and materials that can harm natural life from production to consumption are avoided. There are ecological alternatives to various and different categories of works such as cleanness products, sanitary pads, toothbrushes and coffee filters.

3. Evaluate the wastes

Separated wastes can be reused with various techniques and turned into goods. In this way, many materials, objects and toys are obtained, such as flower pots, colored boxes and decorations. It is possible to turn a glass bottle into a vase or a night light, a plastic waste vase or a flower pot, and a random cardboard waste into a toy that will stretch the imagination of children.

4. Earn income by collecting waste

Making money by collecting waste is one of the most well-known and most done jobs. A measure of income can be obtained by selling wastes such as copper, plastic, plastic bottles and iron to recycling factories. The income to be obtained by collecting waste completely depends on how much waste is collected. Cardboard, plastic pet bottles or paper are the most easily found and also the cheapest wastes.

5. Provide a basis for the collection of waste oil

Every 1 liter of waste oil spilled from the sinks pollutes 1 million liters of pure water. Hundreds of thousands of tons of waste oil is released into nature every year in our country. However, it is possible to collect oils and convert them into biodiesel. The Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, which is sensitive to this valuable issue, answers the questions of the citizens about this issue 24 hours a day, with the unit it has set up at the ALO 181 Invitation Center.

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