Factors hindering fertility

For years, many young women have been asked the question: “How can I avoid getting pregnant?” Therefore, condoms are taken, pills are swallowed …

For years, many young women have been asked the question: “How can I avoid getting pregnant?” Therefore, condoms are taken, pills are swallowed, diaphragms are inserted, ovulation is calculated, people are very careful and afraid that in the end nothing will happen again. But by the time they reach their mid-30s at the latest, this attitude of many people can sometimes change abruptly. Having children suddenly becomes a possibility, often a wish.

When does a woman’s fertility decline

It differs from woman to woman. Gynecologists can enlighten you using a combination of blood tests and ultrasound.

Smoking and coffee reduce fertility

Smoking creates free radicals in the body, which damage not only your skin but also your egg cells. It is also clear that being both overweight and underweight has a negative impact on fertility as they make ovulation more difficult. Too much caffeine can also reduce your chances of pregnancy: the element slows muscle contractions and thus inhibits the egg’s journey from the ovary to the uterus, according to a new study.

How long does it take to get pregnant after stopping the use of the pill

You should expect the pill to return to its previous state within 2 to 3 months after your period: For example, if you have unsystematic bleeding, You can expect it to be like this. It is normal for the period to be sometimes heavy and sometimes lighter. But it is possible to get pregnant quickly. It takes 1 to 2 months to restore full fertility with the hormone spiral alone.

Effect of abortion on fertility

An abortion by ordinary standards actually has no effect on subsequent fertility.

How to tell if it’s easy or hard to get pregnant

You can ask your mother and grandmother if they are waiting for a long time. It is believed that getting pregnant easily or with difficulty is hereditary. But this has not been proven. Genetic tests or similar tests cannot be done. Information on whether female relatives have had an early menopause may also be a clue. It is customary that fertility largely depends on the egg cell reserve. And yours might look like your mom’s and grandma’s.

Fertility peak period

This can be said in fairly obvious form. It’s always easier to get pregnant under 35. There will be much more trouble from now on, a lady should definitely know that. The problem is egg cells, whose number and quality have decreased over the years. Women very rarely become mothers in their late 40s.

Does unsystematic menstruation affect fertility

Yes, it can. Because at least one of the hormones controlling the cycle is unstable, for example, due to thyroid problems. Or, there is too little estrogen in the blood, as in many competitive athletes with a very low body fat percentage. One in 100 women will go through menopause before their 40th birthday. It is valuable that you clarify this by the gynecologist, then it will become clear whether and how the menstrual cycle will return. As soon as you have regular bleeding, that is, systematic ovulation, full fertility returns.

When to start fertility treatment

In any case, it is always too early to despair. If you’ve only been off birth control for a few months, it’s perfectly normal now that nothing has happened. You must have tried for at least a year before seeking medical treatment. You or your partner should check all alternatives at an early stage.

What makes it difficult to conceive

This cannot be said outright. Many factors can make it difficult to conceive. However, the advancement of the woman’s age plays a more valuable role in getting pregnant. It’s obvious: In about half the cases, it’s the man who has trouble conceiving. Therefore, it also needs to be controlled.

Note: Do not panic if your wish to have a child does not come true quickly. It is usual for a couple to wait about a year for their first baby. You didn’t trust your body and your fertility. The more relaxed you are, the higher the chance of spawning.

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