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Causes and solutions of cracked heels

Cracked heels were never wanted. This complaint, which increases especially in winter, can lead to deep cracks that cannot be touched, and it hurts, as cold and dry air absorbs moisture from our skin. No one knows much about why. Rubbing the heels with ear-filled solutions or applying cream works temporarily.

Here are the causes and suggestions for dry and cracked heels…

Possible causes of cracked heels

  • Dry skin structure
  • Wearing flip-flops with or without heel support
  • Wearing flat shoes all the time
  • Walking barefoot
  • Toenail fungus
  • Psoriasis
  • Eczema
  • Standing for long periods without proper heel support
  • Cold weather
  • Long exposure to moisture
  • Wearing unsuitable shoes
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Dehydration
  • Fungal infections
  • Vitamin deficiency
  • Callus formation

Can apply at home Your methods

Stay away from foot files

The best way to get rid of stretch marks is to stop rubbing, filing and scraping the already damaged skin. Use a strong moisturizer instead and let it absorb for a few hours.

Let it exfoliate

Exfoliating your heels with a loofah sponge with a cream that you are sure contains urea or lactic acid will help you get rid of your dried dead skin and will also give moisture.

Keep your feet moist

One of the simplest ways to treat dry, cracked heels is to regularly moisturize your feet, which is the first thing that comes to mind. Usually a simple lotion or cream will do. Another method is to apply Vaseline to the feet before going to bed and to wear socks on it to ensure that it penetrates well into the skin.

Increase your water intake

As if you don’t have many reasons to drink as much water, it should come as no surprise that this tried-and-true method can also help your cracked heels. Experts recommend drinking at least 8 to 12 glasses of water each day to hydrate your entire body, including your heels.


cracked heel

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