Happy April 23 National Sovereignty and Children’s Day! Gazi Council is 102 years old

We celebrate the 23rd April National Sovereignty and Children’s Day of all children. We commemorate the 102nd anniversary of the opening of the …

We celebrate the 23rd April National Sovereignty and Children’s Day of all children. We commemorate the 102nd anniversary of the opening of the Turkish Grand National Assembly and the establishment of our Republic, Veteran Mustafa Kemal and his comrades in arms, with gratitude and gratitude.

Atatürk’s 102-year legacy

Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk; On March 19, 1920, he sent a circular to the provinces and corps commands, asking for the election of candidates for the new assembly in the regions where they are located.

The first parliament was opened with 115 deputies

Among the members of the closed Parliament, the rights of those who could flee to Anatolia will be reserved. The Assembly opened on Friday, April 23 at 13.45, with the participation of 115 deputies. The delegation received the people.

gave a 4-hour speech in the Assembly

In the second Assembly session on April 24, 1920, Mustafa Kemal was unanimously elected as the Speaker of the Assembly. Explaining the process in his 4-hour speech, Mustafa Kemal said that the policy to be followed would be “to continue our existence within our national borders, above all by relying on our own strength, to work for the real happiness and development of the nation and country”.

It is celebrated with enthusiasm every year

The opening day of the First Assembly, which is a turning point on the road to independence, on April 23, 1924, is celebrated as a national holiday with the name of ‘National Sovereignty’ every year.

Atatürk gifted it to

Atatürk gifted the 23rd of April, which was decided to be celebrated as a National Day on 23 April 1921, to children on 23 April 1929. he did. Thus, April 23 was celebrated for the first time as Children’s Day in 1929. With the amendment made on 20 April 1983 in the 1981 Law on National Holidays and General Holidays, the name of 23 April National Sovereignty Day was changed to “National Sovereignty and Children’s Day”.

In this national holiday, which first became international with the participation of 6 countries in 1979, children from many countries of the world started to come to Turkey. Turkey is the first and only country in the world to give a holiday to its children and share this holiday with the whole world.


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