Kadir İnanır announced the good news! The life of the master actor becomes a documentary

Kadir İnanır, who was seen in Yeniköy recently, answered the questions of the journalists. İnanır spoke in the form of “There is a documentary that has been going on for 10 years and tells about my life. I will be directly and my life will be told”.

The 72-year-old master artist Kadir İnanır had recently appeared in a bed advertisement. The master artist announced the good news. İnanır said to members of the press, “Biography and autobiography cinemas came up again. Would you like your life to be a cinema?” He gave a striking answer to the question.

kadir believes his life becomes a documentary


İnanır, “It’s not a movie but it’s been going on for 10 years, telling about my life There is a documentary. It’s like a very emotional cinema, we don’t have that many guest friends etc. I will be directly and my life will be told.” he said.

BelievesKadir BelievesMy Lifetabloid news
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