Things to consider when buying sunscreen!

There is both benefit and harm in the sun’s rays Summer means plenty of sun. Although the sun is good for our health in terms of vitamin D …

There is both benefit and harm in the sun’s rays

Summer means plenty of sun. Although the sun is good for our health in terms of vitamin D, it is useful to remind ourselves of its harmful effects. Due to the radiation called UVM it contains, excessive exposure to sunlight or leaving our skin unprotected can cause cancer. For this reason, it is of great importance to use sunscreen regardless of summer and winter. Let’s examine the points you need to pay attention to.

High factor

You know that sunscreens have different numbers of factors called SPF, such as 30,50,100. If you have sensitive skin, you need a high factor protection.

Face cream

Sunscreens are divided into two groups as for face and body. You should not use the ones for your body on your face. However, if it has face and body written on it, you can use it for both.

Two hours

Use sunscreen with the desired factor, but if you don’t reapply it every two hours, it will lose its protective effect.

Pay attention to the lip and eye area

The two most sensitive areas to the sun are the lips and eye area. When buying sunscreen, it is useful to choose creams specially designed for these two areas.

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