Bad news for Seren Serengil and Yaşar İpek! Imprisonment

Server Seren Serengil and her ex-wife Yaşar İpek got bad news from the court. A decision was made about the Özay Bakır case, which they …

Server Seren Serengil and her ex-wife Yaşar İpek got bad news from the court. A decision was made about the Özay Bakır case, which they threatened with death.


Seren Serengil and Yaşar İpek allegedly threatened singer Özay Bakır with death while they were married. Singer Özay Bakır, Seren Serengil and Yaşar İpek filed a lawsuit.

At the hearing held at the Istanbul Criminal Court of First Instance, Orhan Erol Müezzinoğlu, the lawyer of the complainant Özay Bakır, was present. The lawyers of the defendants Seren Serengil and Yaşar İpek, who were not detained, also attended the court. Müezzinoğlu, the lawyer of the complainant, who made a statement at the hearing, said, “The defendants committed their actions knowingly and willingly, I demand that the defendants be punished at the upper limit without any reduction.”

Özay Bakır


Seren Serengil’s lawyer stated that the messages subject to the crime were sent by the other defendant Yaşar İpek. İpek’s lawyer said that Serengil knew the password of his client’s social media account and that the messages were sent by Serengil.

Seren Serengil and Yaşar İpek

The court sentenced the defendants Seren Serengil and Yaşar İpek to 2 thousand 800 charges of ‘insulting’ the complainant Özay Bakır. each sentenced him to a judicial fine of TL. The court sentenced Serengil to a judicial fine of 900 TL for the crime of “threat”, and decided to sentence İpek to 3 months and 22 days in prison for the same crime and to postpone the announcement of the verdict. The court did not postpone the sentence of Seren Serengil, who was sentenced to a judicial fine of 3 thousand 700 TL in total, because there was a verdict in her criminal record beforehand.

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