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Bad news from the famous actors Naz Elmas and Erol Özmandıracı!

Naz Elmas, who played in the bandit series that was broadcast on ATV screens for a while, married Erol Özmandıracı on December 15, 2019. Sad news came from the couple, who entered their 28th month of marriage.

Atv’s record breaking series, Naz Elmas, the love of Bandit World Sovereign Olmaz, sat on the wedding table for the second time. Beautiful actress Naz Elmas got married to Erol Özmandıracı, a 52-year-old businessman, with a magnificent wedding ceremony at Esma Sultan Mansion on December 15, 2019.

Erol Özmandıracı and naz diamond

Özmandıracı couple, as they entered their 28th month of marriage, decided to divorce last week and separated their houses. After the decision Erol went on vacation to Miami.

Erol Özmandıracı and naz diamond

Naz Elmas, who recently joined the cast of the TV series ‘Everything About Marriage’, with her husband Erol Bey in October 2020 and June He had fought twice in 2021 and was on the verge of breaking up.

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