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Best-selling books for the week of February 21-27

For readers’ lovers, we have compiled some of the most read books for you this week. Happy reading!

İhsan Oktay Anar – Tiamat

“In the beginning everything was cold, empty and meaningless. The Holy Wind was blowing with caressing eddies over the waters, and in the pitch-black night when the sun and moon, the signs and the stars were not created now, his eyes were opened with a miraculous touch, and he was consoling himself personally , that is, the blind nature, which sees the darkness itself again. The unknown silhouette of the other steel beast, his awakening and incarnation, was almost motionless under the swift light of the surface. ” We are in a wonderful story, both inside and outside of that unknown, motionless silhouette, in the world that İhsan Oktay Anar created in the deep sea.

Grigory Petrov – In the Land of White Lilies

Grigoriy Petrov, a former priest, broadcaster and journalist, is dedicated to Finland and Johan Wilhelm Snelman. he wrote his immortal work to set an example for other countries, but especially for Russia. As a result, poor, arid and underpopulated Finland was almost born from the ashes with the cooperation of its citizens, called “life creators”; Religion, language, race, education, family life and administration, such as bets developed at full speed, and thus managed to leave all other countries behind. After the death of the original Petrov, he made numerous editions in the Land of White Lilies, especially in Bulgaria and Turkey, so much that Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who was fascinated by the book from the moment he started reading it, wanted this immortal work to be included in the curriculum of schools. You will witness the Finnish people trying to find their own national identity by shouldering shoulder to shoulder, and you will meet the personalities of this people who have made innovations that will carry their country forward.

George Orwell – Animal Farm

Overworked and abused animals one day gather and take over the farm where they live. Finally, they have the word, they are determined to create a more just and equal society on the farm. They begin to work to establish this new system under the leadership of the pigs. Although this order initially enabled the development of the farm, in time, unforeseen difficulties will arise and a more ruthless regime will be established than before. Animal Farm is George Orwell’s second well-known contemporary classic novel and a striking political satire. One of the most adequate system criticisms ever written, this novel reveals how a freedom-oriented revolution can evolve into one-man. George Orwell’s allegory remains fresh today in every situation and place where freedom is attacked.

Sabahattin Ali – Madonna in a Fur Coat

Madonna in a Fur Coat, first published in 1943, is still among the most popular and today sold books . Since the day it was published, many researches and studies have been done on the book, which has sold more than 1 million copies, and theses have been written about it, but the secret of this success has not been fully resolved. The biggest share that makes it so special and still being talked about is of course Sabahattin Ali’s master pen and successful soul analysis.

Get Ready for a Shocking Love Story You’ll Read Again and Again!

The work, which has made a name for itself with its subject, is shown in the middle of the most valuable novels of Turkish literature. The novel, which can also be described as a spiritual narrative, is actually shaped around three main themes: love, loneliness and alienation. Although Madonna in a Fur Coat may seem more like a love story, in the novel we actually witness a person’s process of isolation and alienation from society. Within the framework of spiritual analysis, Sabahattin Ali describes this feeling of alienation and loneliness so adequately that he makes us feel these feelings as if we are living them while reading.

Hakan Mengüç – No Competition is a Coincidence

Destiny does not give up on humanity. The moment is being written over and over again. There are so many moments when you do what you say you can’t do, you endure what you say you can’t bear, you love what you say you can’t, you can leave when you think you can’t go, you say you’re dead, but you still live…

A young seeker who sets out on a long journey without knowing what will happen to them. A Sufi and a confused young girl have nothing to rely on in these travels other than their destinations.

When they return to the place where they started after traveling from city to city for seven days without money, food, clothing and most importantly, no plans, nothing will be the same for them.

Could a person change even in just seven days?

Could it be written again, baht?

Of course, everything could have changed in only seven days…

Just like a reed in a reed reed turns into a “ney” that can make heartfelt sounds after seven phases…

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