Nobody wants Prince Andrew anymore! Queen of York II. Calling Elizabeth…

England’s Queen Elizabeth II’s son, Prince Andrew, had all his military titles and royal patronage due to sexual abuse against him. Thinking …

England’s Queen Elizabeth II’s son, Prince Andrew, had all his military titles and royal patronage due to sexual abuse against him. Thinking that the Prince, referred to as the Duke of York, is a stigma, the Council of York is Queen II. He called Elizabeth.

England’s Queen II’s middle son, Prince Andrew, has been on trial with the American Virginia Giuffre for ‘sexual abuse’ in recent months. Giuffre claimed that the Prince sexually harassed her three times when she was 17 years old. Although Prince Andrew reached an agreement with Giuffre’s lawyers as a result of a 72-hour bargain, the events that took place tarnished the name of the British Royal Family.

Prince Andrew

Disturbed by this situation, York councilors declared that Prince Andrew should be barred from all honors conferred by the United Kingdom. Disturbed by Prince Andrew being referred to as the “Duke of York”, the York councilors asked the Queen to take all titles her son had for the city of York.

Prince Andrew can be stripped of titles

He argued that Elizabeth should do the right thing. York City Councilor Lib Dem Darryl Smalley said: “Being an honorary member of York is the greatest honor we can bestow on someone as a city. It takes great honor and responsibility to hold this title. It is a great honor and responsibility to hold this title. Prince Andrew, who has been stripped of his military titles and royal patronage by the Queen, is proud of all that has to do with our city,” said Lib Dem Darryl Smalley, a member of the York City Council. We believe that the relationship should be broken,” he said.

York City Councilor Lib Dem Darryl Smalley doesn’t want Prince Andrew


American Virginia Giuffre applied to the court alleging that Prince Andrew abused her. After the scandal, Prince Andrew lost both his royal and military titles and was called by his mother, Queen Elizabeth. Unable to resolve the case in court, Prince Andrew reached an agreement with Giuffre’s lawyers after 72 hours of negotiations. According to this; The £3m legal fee for Virginia Giuffre’s lawyers will be paid by the Prince.

Prince Andrew and Queen Elizabeth

After this agreement, Prince Andrew said, “I have never met Virginia Giuffre. I do not know this woman.” and Virginia Giuffre said, “The prince abused me.” will not make statements.

Virginia Giuffre

Queen II , who had troubled times during the trial. Elizabeth, on the other hand, set aside 2 million pounds to be donated to the foundation established to help children. The Queen has announced that she will not deprive her son, Prince Andrew, of the three

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Andrew


England’s Queen Elizabeth II’s middle son, Prince Andrew, has been going through tough times in recent months due to the lawsuit filed against him for “sexual assault”.

American Virgina Giuffre died in the US court, saying that the Prince sexually abused her when she was 17. Although Prince Andrew has repeatedly denied the, Qu een Elizabeth has reacted by stripping her son of all royal and military titles. Prince Andrew, who was left alone with his brother Prince Charles turning his back on him, found the solution in reconciliation.

In a settlement text submitted to the US district court on Tuesday, it was learned that Andrew and Giuffre had decided to settle out of court. fuel in the text; It has been learned that Prince Andrew will share Giuffre in accordance with the settlement, while the statement that he “does not take responsibility for any crimes” was emphasized.

The amount to be paid has not been announced yet.


The heir to the British throne, Prince Charles, has stood up to his brother, Prince Andrew, who was involved in “sexual harassment abuse”. Prince Andrew, who was on trial with the American Virginia Giuffre, turned his back on his brother Charles after Queen Elizabeth. According to the news of The Sun; Prince Charles allegedly asked Andrew to ‘lower his head’ and said he should avoid posing for the cameras in happiness.

Death of his father Prince Philip and Queen II. It is among the that Prince Charles, who is expected to ascend to the throne soon with the increase of Elizabeth’s health problems, is already making plans to send Prince Andrew. According to this; It is said that when Charles becomes king, he wants to remove Andrew completely from the palace and will expel him.


American Virgina Giuffre filed a argument in recent weeks, accusing Prince Andrew, the middle son of Queen Elizabeth II of England, of ‘sexual abuse’. After the lawsuit was approved, the Queen had revoked all of Prince Andrew’s royal and military titles.

According to the news of Mirror from the British press; If Prince Andrew loses the case, the assets in his £30m home could be confiscated. Attorney Arick Fudali said in a statement, “In the event that there is a compensation order and the defendant tries to avoid paying, there is a method and procedure for confiscating property, even offshore property, and may include confiscating bank accounts, physical property. ” he said. If the appeal goes in Giuffre’s favour, then Prince Andrew will either pay the owed amount or face the risk of having his assets confiscated.

The outcome of the lawsuit, which is expected to take place in New York in the autumn months, has become one of the most talked about topics in the world. Many sources closely following the Crown say the Prince took his “biggest gamble” by demanding a trial by jury.


The ‘sexual abuse son England’ about Prince Andrew, the the Queen Elizabeth II of, have become one of the most talked about topics in recent times. While the arguments regarding Prince Andrew’s sexual abuse years ago continued in the United States, Buckingham Palace made striking statements on the subject.

The statement emphasizing that Prince Andrew was stripped of all royal titles included the following statements:

“With the Queen’s approval and agreement, the Duke of York’s military titles and Royal patronage have been restored to the Queen. The Duke of York will continue to hold no public office and his cause will continue as a private citizen”

it is now for Prince Andrew ” The phrase “His Royal Highness” will also not be used and all roles will be given to other members of the Royal family. )

Sad news from British actor Andrew Garfield! He announced that he will take a break from acting.

British actor Andrew Garfield, who has recently become a star with productions such as Spider Man: No Homecoming and Tammy Faye’s Eyes, upset …

British actor Andrew Garfield, who has recently become a star with productions such as Spider Man: No Homecoming and Tammy Faye’s Eyes, upset his fans with his decision. Garfield announced that he will take a break from acting for a while.

British actor Andrew Garfield has been drawing attention with his recent productions. The 38-year-old actress, who recently starred in the TV series “Under the Banner of Heaven”, announced that she will take a break from her career for a while and take a rest.

Andrew Garfield takes a break from acting

‘Tick Tick Boom!’ “I need to stop and figure out where I am and what I want to do,” said Garfield, who was nominated for a second Oscar for his film.

Andrew Garfield spiderman

Handsome actor, tired of one project after another and wants to take a break “I need to rethink who I want to be and get back to being a normal person ‘ he stated.

Garfield stated that he did not look forward to new film projects because he wanted to deal with ordinary things for a while.

Mia’s black kitten, chosen as the most beautiful Van cat, surprised everyone!

The fact that one of the 4 kittens that was born 3 days ago by Mia, the cat who was selected as the winner in the sixth Van Cat Beauty Contest …

The fact that one of the 4 kittens that was born 3 days ago by Mia, the cat who was selected as the winner in the sixth Van Cat Beauty Contest, was black on social media.

Van cats, which are kept under protection at Van Yüzüncü Yıl University (YYU) Van Cat Research and Application Center, and thus their populations increase, attract great attention all over the world.

Winner of the Van Cat Beauty Contest Mia

The cat Mia, who was selected first among 32 cats in the sixth Van Cat Beauty Contest this year, gave birth 3 days ago. She had 4 puppies. The fact that one of Mia’s puppies, who was cared for and fed with supplementary foods in the special room in the “Cat Villa” of YYU, was black, aroused great surprise to everyone. Those who saw that one of Mia’s babies was black among the white puppies flocked to this place.

Black Van cat


Center Manager Prof. Dr. Pointing out that more puppies were obtained in the center than in previous years, Abdullah Kaya said, “Van cats can give birth to kittens of different colors, albeit rarely. This is a genetic condition. It should be considered very normal.” Saying that Mia, who gave birth, was taken to a private room like other cats, Kaya said:

“Every mother who gives birth to an original Van kitten makes us very excited. Mia is one of them. Mia , who was chosen as the most beautiful cat, was guaranteed to give birth to quality kittens. We made our preparations, and our cat gave birth. We calculated how many breeders we would raise. Every improvement we make regarding Van cats takes us one step further. The number of quality cats like Mia increases every year.”

A kitten of Van cat Mia was born in black


The difference in the color of the kitten is due to mixed genes Emphasizing that, Kaya said, “Cats that have been mixed with other cats and taken under protection in our center at any time can maintain that gene difference. From time to time, black, gray and brown offspring may be born. A similar situation exists in Mia. This is a normal situation, not a rare feature. “We are working on the original Van cat. We separate the kittens born in different colors over time,” he concluded.

The world’s largest blue diamond has been sold! Price shocked

The world’s largest known blue diamond was auctioned off at an auction house in Hong Kong for $57.5 million. , one of the rarest diamonds …

The world’s largest known blue diamond was auctioned off at an auction house in Hong Kong for $57.5 million.

, one of the rarest diamonds in the world, was sold at the Hong Kong branch of the world famous auction house Sotheby’s. The world’s largest known blue diamond was sold for $57.5 million.

The auction house, which put the famous blue diamond named ‘The De Beers Cullinan Blue’ for sale, found a buyer at the end of the 8-minute auction. The name of the buyer who connected to the auction by phone was kept confidential.

This rare diamond, found in the Cullinan mine in South Africa in 2021, is described as the largest known colored diamond.

The world’s largest known blue diamond was sold for 57.5 million dollars

This blue diamond, which is described as a rather ‘rare’ piece, is one of the 10 best known blue diamonds in the world, according to the auction’s statement. one of five diamonds worth a carat.

In 2016, the blue diamond named ‘Oppenheimer Blue’ was the most expensive blue diamond ever sold, finding a buyer for $57,541,779. ‘The De Beers Cullinan Blue’ missed this record with 70,000 dollars.

Scary news from Hailey Baldwin: Her heart is holed!

Famous supermodel Hailey Baldwin had a temporary paralysis in the previous days and was immediately hospitalized. After the incident, which …

Famous supermodel Hailey Baldwin had a temporary paralysis in the previous days and was immediately hospitalized. After the incident, which worried both his wife Justin Bieber and his fans, it turned out that Baldwin’s heart was holed.

World-famous Canadian pop star Justin Bieber’s wife, Hailey Baldwin, had a temporary paralysis last month and was rushed to the hospital. It was announced that Baldwin, who worries his fans with his health problems, had surgery because a hole was noticed in his heart.

Hailey Baldwin


about his temporary paralysis, Baldwin said, ” Speaking On March 10, I had a very frightening experience. “I was having breakfast with Justin, and in the middle of a normal conversation, I suddenly started feeling weird from my arm to my shoulder to my fingertips. Then my fingertips went completely numb. Justin asked how I was doing, but I couldn’t answer because the right side of my face was starting to droop and I was having trouble finding words.” used the phrases. Baldwin had a temporary paralysis

The famous star, who stated that she had the most terrible day of her life, continued as follows:

“Before going to the hospital First Justin called home for help. My face drooped for 30 seconds and no words came out of my mouth. When I felt again I could speak, my anxiety came back and I thought my words would be funny. The doctors said I had a small blood clot in my brain that caused a mini and temporary stroke. Nothing worse And I felt grateful that it wasn’t permanent”

Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin

The reason why Baldwin, who stayed in the hospital for one night, experienced this situation was popularly known as “hole heart”. It turned out to be a disease known as Patent Foramen Ovale. was successful and began to heal rapidly.

‘Balıkesir Gastronomy Atlas’ signed by Ömür Akkor will be opened to the world!

Ömür Akkor talked about Balıkesir’s food culture, traditional tastes and his latest work, “Balıkesir Gastronomy Atlas”, at the iftar held in …

Ömür Akkor talked about Balıkesir’s food culture, traditional tastes and his latest work, “Balıkesir Gastronomy Atlas”, at the iftar held in Mihrabat Grove with the participation of Balıkesir Metropolitan Mayor Yücel Yılmaz and Balıkesir Governor Hasan Şıldak.


Omür Akkor, who has been focusing on the gastronomy of Balıkesir for the last two years, in addition to her 15 -year travels, offers butter and cheese from all districts and villages in Balikesir. she said that they produce their bread and halvah in a traditional way and with intense effort.

Akkor underlined that Turkey is an example to the world in terms of flavor production with traditional methods, and emphasized that it is a good option to spend the upcoming holidays and school holidays in Balikesir. Emphasizing that everyone passing through Balikesir should stop by, Akkor

said, “If they are going to travel, everyone who passes through Balikesir can eat very delicious meals and buy delicious ingredients. They should definitely research whichever market was established in Balıkesir the day they passed by, and go to that district. One should stop by. For example, if there is a market in Edremit that day, he will definitely enter. Its markets are strange…”

Stating that he has been in Balıkesir for about 15 years in the summer months, Akkor, originally from Gaziantep, stated that tradition has been lost and said, “Our What is the situation we lose the most? We are losing tradition. When we lose tradition, we spoil the taste. But Balıkesir preserves it as it is. That’s why finding delicious food and artisans in Balıkesir leaves a very good memory.” he used the expressions.

Akkor noted that he came together with Balıkesir chambers of commerce and industry, as well as the South Marmara Development Agency, Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality and Balıkesir Governorship, and that the “Balıkesir Gastronomy Atlas” emerged after the idea of ​​​​a work focusing on Balikesir flavors.


Addressing Balikesir’s unique and rich culinary culture in Atlas, Akkor said, “As a Gaziantep citizen , Everyone expected Gaziantep atlas from me, but suddenly Balıkesir came to the fore. I think if we make a food order, Balıkesir will come before Gaziantep. Because it is very strong. I say this as a Gaziantep citizen.” he said.

Ömür Akkor, noting that there are over 50 types of cheese registered in Balıkesir, made the following assessment:

“Balikesir is one of the best cities in the world on cheese. If we don ‘t protect them, no one will. This is the emphasis in all my books. Foreigners see us and say, ‘Yes, people living in Turkey do this job much better.’ We deserve it. But unfortunately we cannot express it. Balıkesir’s cheeses and halva are all an example of this situation. I hope we will start with Balıkesir and spread it all over. Actually, I want to make an atlas first in Gaziantep, then in Konya, Rize, and Trabzon. In my mind. “There is Sivas most of all. I want to do it in Erzurum. All provinces and districts of Turkey impress me a lot. If God gives life, talent and inspiration, I will write for all of them.”

The atlas, published by Ketebe Publications and a guide for those who want to explore the flavor stops in Balıkesir, includes special sections such as Balıkesir Breakfast, Balıkesir Cheese Atlas and Monument Olive Trees Atlas

Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality, which has carried out many works to become a “brand city”, will organize an ” International Balıkesir Breakfast Festival” in the field of gastronomy on 2-5 June. Food producers, restaurants, accommodation facilities, tourism agencies, national and international gastronomy cities and women’s cooperatives will open stands at the festival. The festival will also host symposiums, competitions , workshops, tasting events and concerts

The sequel to the blockbuster Avatar is coming!

The news that will please the fans of the Avatar movie, which is shown among the best productions in the world, has arrived. The production …

The news that will please the fans of the Avatar movie, which is shown among the best productions in the world, has arrived. The production, which is preparing to meet with its fans with its sequel ‘Avatar: The Way of Water’, is expected to be released on December 16, 2022.

The 2009 movie “Avatar” had a great success at the box office and became a worldwide phenomenon since its first day of release. Good news came about the highly anticipated sequel of Avatar, which is described as the world’s highest-grossing movie.


According to the statement made at the CinemaCon movie event; Avatar’s new movie has been named ‘Avatar: The Way of Water’. James Cameron will sit in the director’s chair of the film, which will be produced by Disney, which bought 20th Century Fox in 2019.

Avatar sequel is coming

The sequel of the production, which is expected to be released on December 16, 2022, is planned as 2024, 2026 and 2028.

Avatar: The Way of Water

When he saw the message with Oğuzhan Koç from Ümit Erdim’s follower, he was furious! He immediately disclosed

Actress Ümit Erdim, who took a break from acting and took pilot training and became the agenda with the weight he lost, revealed the message he …

Actress Ümit Erdim, who took a break from acting and took pilot training and became the agenda with the weight he lost, revealed the message he received. Erdim was furious when he saw the message that a follower made a request about Oğuzhan Koç.

The famous actor, who had a big break with his role as Hayat Bilgisi’s Arif, took a break from acting and became a pilot. Ümit Erdim, who also piloted Demet Özdemir and Oğuzhan Koç in the past months, revealed a message from his social media account.

I hoped revealed the message of his follower

A follower who tried to contact Oğuzhan Koç, in the message he sent to Ümit Erdim, “Greetings of hope, to Oğuzhan Koç We want to reach. We will request a mini concert from him at our factory picnic. Can you help?”

I hope and oğuzhan coach

Follower said to Ümit Erdim, “You can join too if you want. You can benefit from our free barbecue party” .

Umit Erdim, who got angry with the message he received, reacted to the message and said, “This poor quality, this style will end us. We really misunderstand the concept of sincerity,” he said. )

Tülin Şahin and Pedro de Noronha are in court again! Fourth prison sentence

The problems between the famous model Tülin Şahin and Pedro de Noronha are endless. Saying that she had not seen her daughter Leyla Siena for a …

The problems between the famous model Tülin Şahin and Pedro de Noronha are endless. Saying that she had not seen her daughter Leyla Siena for a year, Noronha claimed that her daughter had not been shown to her by her mother, and demanded forced imprisonment for the fourth time against Tülin Şahin.

Famous model Tülin Şahin and Portuguese business person Pedro de Noronha were in court due to their daughter Siena Leyla, who was born in 2019. Pedro de Noronha from the duo, who is constantly on trial because of their daughters, demanded forced imprisonment for the fourth time against Tülin Şahin, since her daughter Siena Leyla was not shown to her by her mother.

Pedro de Noronha and Tülin Şahin

Portuguese business person Pedro de Noronha demanded forced imprisonment against his daughter’s mother, Tülin Şahin, by showing that she had not Complied with the custody decision before. she was found and sued. After the court rejected this request, the lawsuit filed by Noronha, who went to the court three more times, came to an end. The court rejected Noronha’s request, stating that the three separate forced imprisonments requested for the famous model did not constitute criminal matters.

The waters do not calm down between Tulin Şahin and Pedro de Noronha


42-year-old famous model Tülin Şahin filed a criminal complaint against her daughter’s father, Noronha, on charges of “violating the privacy of private life” and “violating the confidentiality of communication”. According to the petition in the Portuguese businessperson took advantage of Tülin Şahin’s reputation and gave interviews about Şahin to many media outlets.

Noronha previously opened an account called “Justice for Siena” on social media and went to Şahin’s house and wanted to see her daughter.


Waters are not calming between Tülin Şahin, one of Turkey’s leading models, and Pedro de Noronha, a Portuguese businessperson. The couple, who took their daughter Siena Leyla in their arms in 2019, decided to end their relationship shortly after giving birth. The custody battle between the two, which has been going on for 2 years, fell like a bomb on the magazine’s agenda.

Şahin took the road to court, claiming that Pedro de Noronha had abused both his daughter and himself during their relationship. The famous model also expressed that the Portuguese businessman owed 3 million Euros and that he was worried that he would kidnap his daughters and demand a ransom from him.

Saying that Noronha tried to make Siena drink disinfectant and squeezed the child so hard that she fainted, Şahin shocked everyone with her statements.

The new development in the child polemic between the two was on the agenda of social media. Noronha, who came to Turkey to see her daughter for Siena Leyla’s 2nd birthday, shared the picture taken at the entrance of Şahin’s apartment on her social media account.


Noronha, who said she could not go inside, rebelled to Tülin Şahin and said, “Dear Siena, happy birthday my love! You can know this place as the lobby of your mother’s apartment. Your father was here to celebrate your birthday and spend time with you. Unfortunately, your mother is a “Despite the Turkish courts once again saying that I have the right to see you today, he has decided that he is above the Turkish judicial system and that he is the final decision maker. The final judge of when we can be together. Judge Tulin, can you tell me when I can see our daughter? Your father once again in all directions.” He has flown 5,000 km and will return home without seeing you, my dear Siena. Your father loves you and will always be by your side, Istanbul is not the same as before, Istanbul would not be without you…”

Hercai’s Melike Aslı Samat lost 100 kilos! Returning to needle and thread, the actress returned with her new series

Actress Aslı Samat, who gave life to the character of Melike in the TV series Hercai, shocked everyone with her change by losing 100 kilos in 6 …

Actress Aslı Samat, who gave life to the character of Melike in the TV series Hercai, shocked everyone with her change by losing 100 kilos in 6 years. Samat, who has undergone a great change, returned to the screen with the Smile Kaderine series. The actor also received great acclaim with his new image in the series.

Actress Aslı Samat, who played in the TV series Hercai for 3 seasons, returned to Istanbul after living in Mardin for three seasons. Aslı Samat, who evaluated the projects that came in a year and agreed with a job that fits her, appeared before the audience again with the series gül Kaderin.

originally samat overweight

The popular actress, who returned to the screen with the Smile Kaderine series, which started to be broadcast on FOX TV, gives life to Sibel, the pleasant and curious daughter of the house.

asli samat

The actress, who returned to the screens with the new work of Avşar Production, owned by Şükrü Avşar, Smile Kaderine, lost exactly 100 kilos.

asli samat lost 100 kilos

The change of Samat, who has lost 100 kilos by eating healthy and doing sports for years to get rid of his excess weight, has not gone unnoticed.

original samat