The inheritance decision from Ece Erken that surprised everyone!

Famous lawyer Şafak Mahmutyazıcıoğlu, the deceased wife of famous presenter Ece Erken, died as a result of an armed attack. Ece Erken, who had …

Famous lawyer Şafak Mahmutyazıcıoğlu, the deceased wife of famous presenter Ece Erken, died as a result of an armed attack. Ece Erken, who had a difficult time for her lost husband, shared her decision for the inheritance with her followers on social media.

Famous presenter Ece Erken lost her husband, lawyer Şafak Mahmutyazıcıoğlu, in the past months, as a result of an armed attack in a venue in Yeşilköy Fishermen’s Bazaar. Ece Erken, who had a difficult time, could not stand it any longer as a result of the inheritance imposition, and made important statements about the inheritance.

ece Erken and Dawn mahmutyazıcıoğlu

Sharing his decision on social media, Erken said, “I loved my wife very much and I remember her with longing, but who has seen my late wife as a source of income for years and “I don’t want my name to be side by side with these bad people who still see them after they passed away. We were deeply attached to them, and we will remain so. I make rejection a legacy, with love and respect to everyone.”

ece Erken and Dawn mahmutyazıcıoğlu


Having made heavy accusations against the person he accused of the death of his wife Şafak Mahmutyazıcıoğlu, Erken, “When you should be ashamed of going out on the street, you should be ashamed of causing death, but you write fake checks and slander my deceased wife. With this blocking you deliberately made on my account, God bless your dishonest life and the days you will rot in prison, and I will prove your fraud to everyone.” she said.

ece early rejection inheritance statement

The famous presenter, who also addressed his deceased wife, said, “Your closest relatives smuggled property, they did everything on someone with the surname ‘Sergeant’… The swindler you called ‘my friend’ turned out to be dishonest. He said ‘he has debt’ when he was in debt. Ah, Dawn, you have no friends, no people around you. God saved you,” he explained.

Last minute! Due to the holiday, payments have been brought forward. Eid good news for those who receive unemployment benefits

Minister of Labor and Social Security Vedat Bilgin announced that unemployment insurance payments for April 2022, which will be made on May 5 …

Minister of Labor and Social Security Vedat Bilgin announced that unemployment insurance payments for April 2022, which will be made on May 5, 2022, will be deposited into accounts on April 29, 2022 due to Ramadan Feast. Reminding that

receivables from PTT without IBAN

payments will be deposited into their bank accounts, and citizens who do not have IBAN information will be paid via PTT, Bilgin said, “We will deposit unemployment insurance payments into accounts on 29 April 2022 due to Ramadan Feast. ” he declared.

What is unemployment benefit?

It is the payment made to the insured unemployed for a certain period and amount for the period they were unemployed if they meet the conditions specified in the law.

Who can receive unemployment benefits

  • Being unemployed without his own will and fault,
  • Being subject to a service contract for the last 120 days before the end of the service contract,
  • To have paid unemployment insurance premium for at least 600 days in the last three years before the termination of the service contract,
  • To apply to the nearest İŞKUR unit within 30 days After the termination of the service contract, in person or electronically,

How much unemployment benefits

Daily unemployment benefit is calculated as 40% of the insured’s average daily gross earnings, which is calculated by taking into account the earnings of the assured for the last four months. The amount of unemployment allowance calculated in this way cannot exceed 80% of the gross amount of the monthly minimum wage. Unemployment benefit is not subject to any tax or deduction except stamp duty.

A surprising legacy from Ece Early!

Famous lawyer Şafak Mahmutyazıcıoğlu, the deceased wife of famous presenter Ece Erken, died as a result of an armed attack. Ece Erken, who had …

Famous lawyer Şafak Mahmutyazıcıoğlu, the deceased wife of famous presenter Ece Erken, died as a result of an armed attack. Ece Erken, who had a difficult time for her lost husband, shared her decision for the inheritance with her followers on social media.

Famous presenter Ece Erken lost her husband, lawyer Şafak Mahmutyazıcıoğlu, in the past months, as a result of an armed attack in a venue in Yeşilköy Fishermen’s Bazaar. Ece Erken, who had a difficult time, could not stand it any longer as a result of the inheritance imposition, and made important statements about the inheritance.

ece Erken and Dawn mahmutyazıcıoğlu

Sharing his decision on social media, Erken said, “I loved my wife very much and I remember her with longing, but who has seen my late wife as a source of income for years and “I don’t want my name to be side by side with these bad people who still see them after they passed away. We were deeply attached to them, and we will remain so. I make rejection a legacy, with love and respect to everyone.”

ece Erken and Dawn mahmutyazıcıoğlu


Having made heavy accusations against the person he accused of the death of his wife Şafak Mahmutyazıcıoğlu, Erken, “When you should be ashamed of going out on the street, you should be ashamed of causing death, but you write fake checks and slander my deceased wife. With this blocking you deliberately made on my account, God bless your dishonest life and the days you will rot in prison, and I will prove your fraud to everyone.” she said.

ece early rejection inheritance statement

The famous presenter, who also addressed his deceased wife, said, “Your closest relatives smuggled property, they did everything on someone with the surname ‘Sergeant’… The swindler you called ‘my friend’ turned out to be dishonest. He said ‘he has debt’ when he was in debt. Ah, Dawn, you have no friends, no people around you. God saved you,” he explained.

Survivor Evrim’s father called Acun Ilıcalı: Eliminate my daughter!

His father, Hayrettin Keklik, could not stand the fact that Evrim Keklik was a candidate for elimination almost every week in Survivor …

His father, Hayrettin Keklik, could not stand the fact that Evrim Keklik was a candidate for elimination almost every week in Survivor. Addressing Acun Ilıcalı, he said, “Please eliminate my daughter.” The share of Survivor Evrim’s father received thousands of likes.

Evrim Keklik’s father, who took part in almost all the eliminations that take place every week in Survivor, couldn’t take it anymore. Evrim, one of the prominent names of Survivor, entered the qualifying pot again this week. After the fans of Evolution, who was allegedly sent to the crucible strategically by his rivals for a long time, his family also started to react. Evrim Keklik’s father, Hayrettin Keklik, called Acun Ilıcalı on his Twitter account.

evrim partridge

After Evrim’s success in the crucible, Hayrettin Keklik, who always supported his daughter and thought that he was wronged, became the agenda with his sharing.

Here is what Hayrettin Keklik shared:

Survivor Evrim’s father, Hayrettin Keklik, said that he could not look at the faces of his fans who supported his daughter via SMS and called Acun Ilıcalı and said “Please eliminate my daughter! I can’t get up, it’s the 10th crucible,” he said.

Town Doctor 4th episode trailer has been released! What is the theme of the Town Doctor?

Town Doctor, one of the giant projects of TRT 1, continues to be a guest of the houses every Friday evening with its strong cast. The 4th …

Town Doctor, one of the giant projects of TRT 1, continues to be a guest of the houses every Friday evening with its strong cast. The 4th episode trailer of the Town Doctor, which is exciting with every trailer released, has been released. Here is the 4th episode trailer of the Town Doctor…


TRT 1, which brings many successful productions to the audience, brought the Town Doctor 8 to the screens in the new season. It has been attracting attention since the day it started broadcasting on Friday, April. Sinan Albayrak, Ozan Akbaba and Vildan Atasever are in the lead roles of Town Doctor, which locks the audience on the screen with its striking story and strong cast.

The 4th episode trailer of the Town Doctor, which aroused repercussions on social media, was also released. Played by Ozan Akbaba in the trailer, Dr. Hakan Aydıner’s phone conversation with Yalçın has already aroused the curiosity of the audience. Town Doctor is on TRT 1 with its 4th episode on Friday, April 29 at 20.20.


Town Doctor got impatient with the 4th episode trailer. Here is the 4th episode trailer of the Town Doctor…

Town Doctor


Erol Gümüşok wants Hakan to perform the surgery. When Hakan objects, he threatens him using a secret from his past. Meanwhile, a friend from the past will extend a helping hand to Hakan, and make Hakan put a trump card on the table against Erol. Omer is determined to give up his resignation and leave because of Hakan, which he cannot agree with. The efforts of İhsan, Mine and Turgut to dissuade Ömer seem to be useless. While the wounds on Leyla’s wrist heal rapidly, the wound in her soul becomes heavy. Although Leyla wants to stay in the hospital and work with Hakan, Hakan has a nasty surprise for her. Yalçın, on the other hand, is furious that Erol’s surgery will not be performed in his own hospital and mobilizes all his means to turn this situation in his favour.

The 4th episode trailer of the Town Doctor has been released



The scenario of Town Doctor, in which Arda Sarıgün sits in the director’s chair, is written by İlker Aslan and Barış Erdoğan. In addition to the leading roles, there are successful names such as Hazal Subaşı, Deniz Can Aktaş, Özgün Karaman, Barış Yıldız, Sinan Demirer in the series team.

Town Doctor staff


“Dr. The crossroads of the talented and promising Ömer (Deniz Can Aktaş), who decided to become one, and the legendary surgeon Hakan (Ozan Akbaba), who is dedicated to saving lives, in a town hospital far from the city, is discussed.

Hakan Hoca, Ömer and idealist doctor Leyla ( Hazal Subaşı) brought together in this town hospital, where the determined struggle of three doctors who do their best to help people will be revealed. ) TOWN DOCTOR WHICH DAY IS IT PUBLISHED?

About the life stories and professional difficulties of doctors, Town Doctor will meet with the audience every Friday at 20:00 on TRT 1 screens.

Nükhet Duru could not remain silent again: My age is my old age!

Nükhet Duru, who was one of the strongest voices of popular music in the 70s and 80s, was enraged by the criticism from her followers. Duru …

Nükhet Duru, who was one of the strongest voices of popular music in the 70s and 80s, was enraged by the criticism from her followers. Duru could not remain silent to the comment “You are acting very spoiled”. Here are the details…

Nükhet Duru, who left her mark on a period with her voice and comments on songs, is one of the artists who have been actively using social media lately. Duru, who attracted the attention of her followers with her shares, could not keep her silence against the criticisms that came to her. Responding to the previous comments, Duru became the agenda with the response of a social media user to the criticism of “You are acting spoiled”.

Nükhet Duru


Singer Nükhet Duru, who is on the agenda with her every move , came from a social media user. , “Ya Nükhet Hanım, you are acting very spoiled. It doesn’t suit you. Have you always been like that? Am I seeing it new? It’s not beautiful. It would be better if you act a little more appropriately, I actually love you so much”.

Nkhet Duru responded to the criticism

“My age, my old age, my decision! If I want, I choose to stay at home, knit and spend time with my cats, or shoot cheerful videos on sets if I want.” “Whether I’m dancing despite my knees hurting, or I’m going to sleep all day and retire if I don’t have a job.”

Duru said in his later post, “I suggest you be more objective and understanding in your criticisms.”

What Does Your Sleep Position Reveal About Your Personality?

We found a simple test that can reveal a lot about who you are. It’s really simple. Examine the picture below and choose the position where you …

We found a simple test that can reveal a lot about who you are. It’s really simple. Examine the picture below and choose the position where you think you sleep most of the time.

What Does Your Sleep Position Reveal About Your Personality?

  1. and you are a reliable person. It is not easy to offend you and you are not afraid of the future. You smile even on the most miserable winter morning and can adapt seamlessly to almost all the changes that occur in your life.
  2. If you sleep in the fetal position in general, you often need protection, understanding and sympathy. By curling up in this way, you try to isolate yourself from the problems you face in the world around you. The perfect outlet for your talents and potential would be to paint, learn to dance or write a blog.
  3. If you sleep on your stomach with your arms and legs out, then you are a leader. You are impulsive and take initiative and make sure there is order in your personal and professional life. You probably prefer to plan everything ahead and do not like surprises. Your perseverance and sense of responsibility help you achieve great success.
  4. If you sleep on your back, loves you are likely a positive person who life, is used to being the center of attention, and enjoys good company. You work stubbornly and persistently, but logically, preferring to always tell the truth. People who sleep in this position often have very strong personalities. (You can be a typical Pisces.)
  5. If you lie on your back with your arms at your sides like a watchful soldier, you are likely a well-adjusted person who knows what your goals in life are and is determinedly striving to reach them. You may be strict, pedantic, and demanding, but above all you demand a lot of yourself.
  6. If you sleep with one leg raised, like a heron, you can have an unpredictable personality that is often into all sorts of adventures while your mood changes so quickly that it can be confusing to those around you. Many times, you find it difficult to be determined and make a choice. In work and life in general, you prefer stability, peace, quiet, and thoroughness. (We can also pair it with Gemini.)

And if you sleep in different poses, then that is a sign that you have a versatile personality with hidden depths that even you don’t quite grasp yet .

Do your sleeping position and the characteristics of your sign match?

Tunc Kökkaya passed away! Famous names drowned in law

Tunç Kökkaya, who worked as a business and press consultant in the 90s, passed away at the age of 58 due to heart disease. The sudden death of …

Tunç Kökkaya, who worked as a business and press consultant in the 90s, passed away at the age of 58 due to heart disease. The sudden death of Kökkaya, who has been living with a pacemaker for a long time, shocked the art world.

Operator and press consultant Tunç Kökkaya, who has been living with a pacemaker for a long time, passed away recently. The sudden death of the famous name shocked the art community. Kökkaya, who died in the hospital where he was treated for heart disease, was removed from Zincirlikuyu Mosque. On the other hand, many people such as Nükhet Duru, İrem Derici, Cenk Eren, Deniz Akkaya, Deniz Seki, Hakan Akkaya, Yonca Evcimik, Selin Cigerci, Yeliz, Berkay and his wife Özlem Ada Şahin, producer Polat Yağcı, communication consultant Özgür Aras attended Kökkaya’s funeral. famous people attended.

Tunç Kökkaya passed away


As Tunç Kökkaya was sent off on his last journey, his close friends could not hold back their tears. Kökkaya was buried in Zincirlikuyu Cemetery after the funeral prayer performed at Zincirlikuyu Mosque.

The death of Tunç Kökkaya mourned his close friends

Tunç Kökkaya was sent off on his last journey

Award winning invention from the Queen! Babies sleep problem is gone

In 2015, doctors Nick Webb and Matt Dyson developed an invention against babies’ sleep problems. The device, which attracted a lot of attention …

In 2015, doctors Nick Webb and Matt Dyson developed an invention against babies’ sleep problems. The device, which attracted a lot of attention, will bring its entrepreneurs an award from the Queen in July.

Matt Dyson, his brother-in-law Nick Webb and co-founder Matt Sparrow developed the sleep aid that is sold in more than 40 countries. Dyson quit teaching design technology to begin developing the device. He explained that they worked with co-founder and firefighter Matt Sparrow to bring their invention to market.

matt dyson

Doctor Webb “I invented our first product to help my daughter sleep when her car stopped moving.” he used the phrase.


53-year-old Dyson described it as “a real whirlwind” and a “great success”. While designing the prototype, he took apart an old print engine and reported it as a “primitive circuit”.

Matt Dyson, brother-in-law Nick Webb


Dyson, “A few nuts and bolts taped it and then taped it to the stroller.” made a statement. Dr. Webb, who has a background in vibration and acoustic engineering, explained that he came up with the idea for a sleep aid because he realized that parents were unhappy and tired when he couldn’t stop for a coffee or meal. He explained that the fact that all parents are alive is also an inspiration.

The claim about Bill Muray surprised everyone! Filming stopped

While the world-famous actor Bill Murray was accused of inappropriate behavior, we were made for the film in preparation for his role. Filming …

While the world-famous actor Bill Murray was accused of inappropriate behavior, we were made for the film in preparation for his role. Filming of “Being Mortal” directed by Aziz Ansari was reportedly suspended due to Bill Murray’s “inappropriate behavior”.

71-year-old actor Bill Murray was reported to have filed a complaint last week. Following the complaints, Searchlight Pictures launched an investigation against Murray. It was learned that the complaint was made last week, and the production of Aziz Ansari’s first feature movie “Being Mortal”, which started on March 28, was stopped on Monday and it was decided not to restart the shooting while the investigation continues.

bill murray


According to the production’s letter, “We were notified of a complaint late last week and immediately looked into it. After reviewing the circumstances, it was decided that production cannot continue at this time. We are truly grateful to all of you for all you have contributed to this project. Our hope is to continue production and schedule this timing.” We are working to determine it.”



Bill Murray has previously been accused of certain actions on set. Lucy Liu, the lead actress in Charlie’s Angels, accused Murray of starting to insult her, although she did not specify what Murray said while filming a scene. Lucy Liu said in a statement, “I couldn’t believe the words could be against me. And clearly they were, because then it started to be a one-on-one communication. Some of the words were unforgivable and unacceptable.”