Eid enthusiasm in Gedelli Ramadan and Asuman’s engagement! Gönül Mountain 63rd episode new trailer

Asuman and Ramazan’s engagement was added to the festive mood in Gedelli. Happier moments of a couple locked their fans on the screen. On the …

Asuman and Ramazan’s engagement was added to the festive mood in Gedelli. Happier moments of a couple locked their fans on the screen. On the other hand, the smell of new love in the town, as well as the union of Elif and Kenan, was approved by everyone. Gönül Mountain 63 episode new trailer

Doctor Kenan confesses his love for Elif. As a new love story begins in Gedelli, this time Muammer’s wealthy family crisis intervenes. Hearing all this, Kenan, who tries to persuade Elif, asks her mother for help. On the other hand, Taner’s hopes that his father is alive increase. Javelin cider Abdullah, on the other hand, is the only one this time.



The Gönül Mountain series starring Berk Atan and Gülsüm Ali İlhan has started. Gönül Mountain series, which deals with the story of people who live their legends, traditions and values ​​that have been forgotten in the cities, who feel their love with their hearts while winning with their sweat, and struggle for their lives for the sake of their hopes and dreams, was inspired by the unseen stories of Mustafa Çiftçi, “the pen of the steppe”. The new episode of the TRT 1 series, inspired by the late folk poet Neşet Ertaş’s unforgettable ballad ‘Gönül Mountain’ and shot in Eskişehir, is eagerly awaited.


In the cast of Gönül Mountain, produced by Köprü Film, written by Mustafa Çiftçi and directed by Yahya Samancı; There are names such as Berk Atan (Taner), Gülsim Ali İlhan (Dilek), Yavuz Sepetçi (Ciritçi Abdullah), Ege Aydan (Celal Bey), Semih Ertürk (Veysel), Ecem Özkaya (Zahide).

Yıldız Tilbe hit the motorcyclist! He waited until the ambulance arrived.

Famous singer Yıldız Tilbe hit a motorcycle driver in Maltepe Idealtepe Mahallesi with her car the previous day at noon. Tilbe waited next to …

Famous singer Yıldız Tilbe hit a motorcycle driver in Maltepe Idealtepe Mahallesi with her car the previous day at noon. Tilbe waited next to the motorcycle driver he had hit until the ambulance arrived. Here are the details…

Singer Yıldız Tilbe, who has recently come to the fore with her social media account about dogs, had a traffic accident in Maltepe at noon the previous day. In the accident that occurred, the famous singer collided with a motorcycle driving towards Kadıköy when he left the Büyüktur Yolu street and entered Bağdat Avenue with his car.


Tilbe got out of his car after the accident and ran to the motorcycle driver who had fallen to the ground. Medical teams and police were dispatched to the scene upon the notification. The famous singer waited by the injured driver until the ambulance arrived. On the other hand, it was learned that Tilbe went to the police station and gave a statement.

Yıldız Tilbe had an accident

“Tried to pass in the red light”

Dursun Kaya, who saw the accident, said , “The motorcycle going in the direction of Kadıköy, ran a red light. “I saw the driver. he said.

Sending an event from Yusra Geyik to Hadise!

Successful actress Yüsra Geyik, known for her acting performance in Arka Sokaklar, said of Hadise, “I will never say I am in love, I will never …

Successful actress Yüsra Geyik, known for her acting performance in Arka Sokaklar, said of Hadise, “I will never say I am in love, I will never share my photo with my girlfriend!” she referred to his words. This statement of the famous actor came to the fore after Hadise’s marriage.

Famous actress Yüsra Geyik, who made herself popular with the character of “Zeliha” in the TV series “Back Streets” for 15 years, decided to leave the series last year. The beautiful actress, who appeared in the TV series “Girl in the Glass”, was able to attract all the attention on herself. The beautiful actress, who actively uses her social media accounts, was caught on camera at a venue in Cihangir the other day.

yusra deer


The successful actress Geyik, who sincerely answered the questions of the reporters after the venue, said, “What are you doing with your friends?” “Yes, I was with my friends. The weather got better. I don’t know if the pandemic is over, but the measures have slowed down. We are living as if it does not exist, but nothing is over. The disease continues , we learned to protect ourselves, we are vaccinated, so I think we are more comfortable.”

yusra deer


Explaining whether there is a new project asked among the questions, Yüsra Geyik said, “Of course, there are works we study, so I come to these sides, we are trying very hard to make something good,” he said. When asked about his character in Back Sokaklar before, Geyik said, “Of course, I think it’s a little difficult to break him down. Actually, it’s not bad. They got used to it easier than I thought. But it’s hard to get a crowd out of Zeliş, I hear ‘Aren’t you going to come back, why don’t you come back?’ Of course, people have such an expectation because it was something they were used to. But we need to do better things so that we are trying to destroy it in order to refresh those minds. 11 seasons are incredible, I am surprised myself, I grew up with Backstreets,” he said.

yusra deer


When asked about being a groom candidate, he said, “These things are not in my control. I say it again, destiny, believe me, I don’t want to talk big, I don’t prefer to share on social media, it seems like sharing. Now Hadise He said goodbye to the reporters with laughter saying “I will never put them on, and then I will publish their engagement photos at my concert”. While targeting the famous actress Hadise, The famous pop singer Hadise had made the statement nine months ago, “I am in love, friends, I have never said or will not say in my life. I will never follow my girlfriend on Instagram, I will never post a picture. I am not that kind of person.” Then, she reflected her engagement photo with her husband Mehmet Dinçer on the screen at her concert. Happiness poses with his wife Mehmet Dinçer, who is not missing from his shares, “Never say never!” by his followers. He was taken to ti with his statement.

Special presentation suggestions for Ramadan Feast breakfast tables

We can share the joy of the feast by getting together with our loved ones at breakfast tables with delicious tastes during Ramadan Feast. At …

We can share the joy of the feast by getting together with our loved ones at breakfast tables with delicious tastes during Ramadan Feast. At the festive tables that are prepared with care, a pleasant atmosphere can be created while emphasizing the elegance. So, how is the breakfast table prepared during Ramadan Feast? What are the festive breakfast presentation suggestions? Here are the answers…

As the sultan of eleven months bids farewell to the Month of Ramadan, the joy of Eid is felt all around. We can share the joy of the holiday by getting together with our loved ones at breakfast tables, which is the most beautiful meal of the day. Of course, elegance is also very important at breakfast tables equipped with delicious snacks to accompany hot tea. A unique look can be achieved by making use of a few tricks in table decorations that will reflect the joy of the holiday. If you want to learn the essentials of holiday tables, we have great suggestions for you! Let’s take a look at the special presentation suggestions for the Ramadan Feast breakfast tables together.


The most striking details at breakfast tables will undoubtedly be the services. For a stylish service that does not strain the eyes, you should take care to use large plates. Because small plates can make the treats seem crowded and messy.

Breakfast table decoration

On the other hand, you can consider including colorful plate sets such as green, pink, yellow to give place to the lively effect of spring If you don’t want to be limited to colors only, flower and leaf patterned plates are also very popular lately.

Bayram breakfast table

Instead of collecting breakfast items on one plate, you can use two plates for each variety. You can prevent an uncomfortable environment by dividing your services into two so that everyone can reach everything comfortably at crowded tables.

Presentation suggestions on the breakfast table

We do not recommend using very large glasses for tea glasses. Because the tea that gets cold in large glasses can both upset your guests and make consumption difficult.

Breakfast table setting

After the crockery, it’s time for beverage service! The drinks you fill in stylish crystal jugs will present a visually pleasing appearance. However, you should make sure that the pitcher and the glasses are in harmony.

Example of a stylish jug for breakfast tables

On the other hand, you can use tablecloths that will reflect spring and create a heartwarming look for table linens . Especially gingham and flower patterns can help you catch a cute point of view.

Gingham tablecloth

In addition, the most popular part of the holiday tables is chocolate and colorful candies. You can bring the festive atmosphere to your table by placing your favorite candies in crystal bowls at your breakfast tables.

Candy bowl


Congratulatory message from Emine Erdogan to champion Trabzonspor!

Trabzonspor, which drew 2-2 with Fraport TAV Antalyaspor in the 35th week of the Super League, declared the championship 3 weeks before the end …

Trabzonspor, which drew 2-2 with Fraport TAV Antalyaspor in the 35th week of the Super League, declared the championship 3 weeks before the end. While the news, which was met with enthusiasm by football lovers, was on the agenda, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s wife Emine Erdogan shared on her social media account, “The victory after 38 years!

In the 35th week of the Super League, leader Trabzonspor drew 2-2 with Antalyaspor at home and ended their 38-year longing for the championship by becoming champions with 3 games left. , which was met with great joy, the people of Trabzonspor gathered in the squares and celebrated with music. YEARS”

Trabzonspor’s championship aroused great repercussions on social media, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Emine Erdoğan, the wife of ‘s wife, published a congratulatory message on her Twitter account. First Lady Erdoğan said: “The victory after 38 years! It’s the grandchildren of Trabzonspor of our house to rejoice. I sincerely congratulate the Trabzonspor club, community and fans, who became the Champion of Spor Toto Super League 2021-2022 Ahmet Çalık Season.” He congratulated both Trabzonspor and the fans with his expressions. )

Hadise and Mehmet Dinçerler got married!

Famous singer Hadise, who has been with businessperson Mehmet Dinçerler for a while, made a surprising decision and said yes to happiness at …

Famous singer Hadise, who has been with businessperson Mehmet Dinçerler for a while, made a surprising decision and said yes to happiness at Çırağan Palace today.

Hadise and Mehmet Dinçerler couple, who are expected to sit on the wedding table soon, made a decision that will surprise everyone. The famous couple, who is said to be getting married this summer, got married quietly today in Çırağan Palace.

Hadise and Mehmet Dinçerler

It was learned that only family members were present at the wedding, which was closed to the press. While Hadise kept her silence on the subject, the hasty marriage caused controversy on social media.

Hadise and Mehmet Dinçerler got married

Attention to those who will go on holiday! Danger of pine processionary beetles in spring

With the advent of Ramadan, many people started to create travel routes to spend pleasant time with their families and friends. Warning people …

With the advent of Ramadan, many people started to create travel routes to spend pleasant time with their families and friends. Warning people who will do activities in the open area, Dermatology Specialist Dr. Aslan Hearted, “Pine processionary insect can cause an allergic reaction that can lead to severe respiratory failure,” he said.

“Pine sac beetles”, which we frequently encounter in nature with the arrival of spring months, can cause serious allergic reactions in the body upon contact. Emphasizing that it is necessary to be careful against pine sacs, which cause redness, swelling and similar reactions, Dermatology Specialist Dr. Lion-Hearted gave serious warnings to citizens.

pine sac beetles


It is necessary to be careful especially with people who will spend time outdoors due to the Holidays. Yurekli said, “Even though there is a fight against pine scavengers, we see them in almost all pine trees in our region. They make nests in pine trees. When the nests are opened, the insects inside spread to the environment. The feathers and “In order not to encounter undesirable situations, the nests of pine processionary insects should not be touched as much as possible. People with an allergic body should stay away from the areas where these trees are located,” he said.

Pine processionary bugs can cause respiratory failure

Dawn Sezer gave the good news! Berdan Mardini will also play in the Kolpacino series

Şafak Sezer, who met with Berdan Mardini for the iftar dinner the previous evening, announced the good news. “I have a special place for Berdan …

Şafak Sezer, who met with Berdan Mardini for the iftar dinner the previous evening, announced the good news. “I have a special place for Berdan.” Saying that, Sezer announced that he wanted to cast Berdan Mardini in his new movie.

Famous singer Berdan Mardini organized an iftar dinner for his friends in the garden of his house in Bahçeşehir the previous evening. Şafak Sezer was the most striking name in the fast-breaking meeting where jokes were flying in the air.

Berdan Mardini and Şafak Sezer met at the iftar table

Mardini, who sang with Şafak Sezer on the stage he set up in his house after the meal , “Dawn is my neighbor. He is here often. we come together and sing songs together. I can say with all sincerity that his voice is very good. We can do a duet and sing a song together soon,” he praised the famous actor.

Şafak Sezer and Berdan Mardini sang a duet


Sezer, who conquered hearts with his Kolpaçino series He did not leave the praises of the famous singer unanswered.

Berdan Mardini and Şafak Sezer

Yasemin Şefkatli’s holiday plan is ready! ‘We will go to kiss your father’s hand’

İdo Tatlıses’ wife, Yasemin Şefkatli, was photographed with a friend in Bebek the previous day. Şevkatli, who chatted with the journalists …

İdo Tatlıses’ wife, Yasemin Şefkatli, was photographed with a friend in Bebek the previous day. Şevkatli, who chatted with the journalists, said that he did not have any plans for the holiday and said, “We will go to kiss your father’s hand”.

Yasemin Şevkatli, who had a magnificent wedding with the famous singer İdo Tatlıses last year, was spotted in Bebek the previous day. Compassionate, who was reflected in the lenses while withdrawing money from the ATM, did not neglect to answer the questions of the reporters.

Yasemin Şevkatli

Compassionate press members, who said that they had a good holiday in the Netherlands recently with her husband, asked, “Do you have a holiday program?” He gave an appreciative answer to the question. Emphasizing that she wants to be with her family, Compassionate said, “We have no schedule, we are here. We will go to kiss father’s hand, İbrahim.” he said.

Yasemin Şevkatli and İdo Tatlıses

Gülse Birsel shared a photo from her university years! ‘My nose was better then’

Famous screenwriter and actress Gülse Birsel shared a photo taken during her university years on her social media account, “My nose was better …

Famous screenwriter and actress Gülse Birsel shared a photo taken during her university years on her social media account, “My nose was better, is it from youth?” He made a humorous comment.

Famous screenwriter and actress Gülse Birsel, who made a name for herself with successful productions such as “European Side”, “Lie World” and “Jet Sosyete” , shared her social media account. she took his followers to the past.

Gülse Birsel

“Is my nose better than a youth?”

Birsel, a graduate of Boğaziçi University’s Department of Economics, photographed her in her school yearbook saying, “Oh, I can’t wait for this. Sweetie, great things will happen in the future, don’t worry (Someone took it from Boğaziçi University’s yearbook. Where is my yearbook? I’m red hair. I was having it painted at that time, I wonder why? My nose was better, I wonder if it was from youth?)”

Gülse Birsel shared a frame from her university period on her social media account

The post, which became the agenda in a short time, received thousands of likes and comments.

Gülse Birsel current state