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CZN Burak touched hearts once again! Syrian children delighted in Eid

CZN Burak, who made a name for himself with the posts he made on his social media account, made Syrian children happy during the Ramadan Feast. CZN Burak, who roasted meat on the street in Syria, touched hearts once again.

Chef Burak Özdemir, nicknamed CZN Burak, whose reputation spread around the world and which has restaurant chains abroad, also uses his social media account very actively. Özdemir, who drew attention with his help and shares during Ramadan, touched hearts once again.

CZN Burak, who went to Syria during the feast and made the children happy there, cooked feast for the people. Making the children happy by distributing flowers, Özdemir then roasted meat in large cauldrons.

The phenomenon chief, who has 33.8 million followers on Instagram, did not neglect to share those moments. CZN Burak’s post received close to 170,000 likes and hundreds of comments.

CZN Burak received great appreciation for this move.

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