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Demet Akalın shot a clip for the song “Bensiz Olsun”! The style of the famous artist became an event

Famous singer Demet Akalın sang the song “Bensiz Olsun” for Serdar Ortaç’s Best Of album. The style of Akalın, who was in front of the camera for the clip shoots, became the agenda in the social media.

Produced by Ozan Çolakoğlu and featuring successful artists, Serdar Ortaç took part in the “Best Of” album with the famous singer Demet Akalın. Akalın, who is preparing to make an assertive entrance to the summer with the song “Bensiz Olsun”, did not neglect to shoot a clip for her song.

Demet Akalın

While Selim Akar was sitting in the director’s chair of the highly anticipated clip, Anar Agakishiev did the make-up of the famous singer. Emphasizing the flower theme in the clip, Akalın attracted attention with her social media account.

Demet Akalın Bensiz Olsun clip shooting

The famous artist’s fans made commendable comments on the post, which received thousands of likes in a short time.

Frames from Demet Akalın Bensiz Olsun clip
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