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Dilan Çiçek Deniz read fairy tales to children!

The beautiful actress Dilan Çiçek Deniz made children smile on April 23. He was praised for his behavior.

Actress Dilan Çiçek Deniz left her mark on the Children’s Festival event. Dilan Çiçek Deniz, sitting on the ground and gathering children around her, read fairy tales for hours at the festival, which is Turkey’s first children’s arts, science and entertainment festival. Deniz, which attracted great attention, continued this without interruption.

dilan flower sea read a book

Deniz expressed her feelings with these words: “I was very touched. I felt lucky. They knew my voice. ”

It turned out that Çiçek, who will get married soon, is also keen on the idea of ​​having a child. In addition, Deniz emphasized that her fiancee has completely adapted to Turkish traditions.

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