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Elif Buse Doğan – Samsak Döveci lyrics

The words of the song “Samsak Döveci”, which took a storm on social media platforms, became a subject of curiosity by many. Here are the lyrics of the song Samsak Döveci sang by Elif Buse Doğan on TRT1 screens…

The song “Samsak Döveci” sang by Grup Laçin years ago , Elif Buse Doğan’s reinterpretation of the song on TRT1 screens became the agenda. The song, which had a great impact on digital platforms, became a hit with its fun rhythm and striking words. In fact, many people began to search for the words of the song, which belongs to the Kütahya region, on search engines. Here are the lyrics of Elif Buse Doğan – Samsak Döveci, who took the social media by storm;


Samsak beating
Gumbudu gummum gumbam gumbam medicine
Ebe702 (80090001)
Scabiemulwife midwife (8009001) )

Let’s collect the midwife’s gum
Let’s hide it if we need it
Let’s hide it if we need to
Let’s not even look behind

gummum gumbam gumbam
Midwife gum

Midwife’s medicine
Scabies is donkey clover midwife gum

‘ medicine
Scabies is donkey clover hibiscus

I cooked midwife stew
I ate, I ate, I bloated
I ate, I ate and bloated (9 800705) I get cold at my neighbors

Gümbüdü gumbam gumbam gumbam
Midwife gummeci

It is the medicine of midwives (98009705) )

Langıdılans langıdılanlan
Samsak köteci
Gümbüdü gumbacimgumgume

The medicine of midwives ebony gumbam
Scabies donkey clover (8009702)
Samsak gummeci
Gümbüdü gumbam gumbam gumbam
Midwife gummeci

Midwives’ medicine
ebe ) Scabies is donkey clover ebe gummeci

Langıdılansakillan7091 Gumbudu gumbam gumbam gumbam
Midwife gumeci

Elif Buse Doğan

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