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Expert warns: Wrong cooking causes PAH! What are the effects of PAH? How to make the right barbecue?

During cooking, some compounds are formed that negatively affect our health. These are known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, or PAHs for short. Even though you don’t hear these terms every day, we can get them into our bodies with the foods you eat every day. So what are the effects of PAH? How to make the right barbecue? Here are all the questions about the effects of PAH from Expert Food Engineer Batuhan Inanlar…

Heterocyclic amines, acrylamide, nitrosamines and nitrosamides with the general name PAH ‘ As they can be released when grilling on charcoal, they are also formed by the ingestion of the fumes formed during high-temperature oil frying and smoking. In the meantime, most of the PAHs taken into the body by inhaling the smoke produced have cancer-causing effects, especially in the lungs and skin. Experts state that cooking food incorrectly causes PAH. Specialist Food Engineer Batuhan Inanlar, who talked about the importance of cooking the foods we eat in order to prevent this, listed all the questions one by one about the effects of PAH and how to cook foods correctly. Here are the details:


As a result of direct exposure of foods to fire at very high temperatures, chemical substances called PAHs are formed, even if we say ‘the germ is broken, it is good’. Apart from this, PAH is also dispersed into air, water, soil and indirectly to food by the combustion of coal, sawdust, gasoline and diesel although it is not possible at the moment. And these substances enter the human body and cause cancer, mutation and a thousand and one more troubles.

What are the effects of PAH


⇒ And the sad part is that we cause the formation of PAH with our own hands. While cooking chicken on the grill or frying meatballs in a pan, we unconsciously raise the temperature too high. And according to the researches, direct exposure of the meat to wood fire increases the PAH ratio, while this ratio decreases on the ember. Apart from this, keeping meat, chicken and fish less than one inch on the fire during grilling also increases PAH.

⇒ In addition, since these chemicals love oil, they are found more in the oily parts of foods such as steak and hamburger patties that drip oil.

improper cooking causes cancer

⇒ When you consume it, a large part of it is actually immediately absorbed and excreted through feces and urine. However, the remaining part is collected in the fat-containing tissues of the body. This causes bladder, colon, lung, stomach and skin cancers and reproductive disorders.

⇒ In addition, children whose mothers consumed high PAH-containing foods prior to birth have depression and attention deficit disorder.


First of all, no matter what cooking method we use, please don’t cook something until it is pitch. Once upon a time, there was a boy at school who ate everything to the hilt, just for this he would eat doner kebab in the evenings, but the way is not the way.

how to make the right barbecue


  • Anyway, other than that, we shouldn’t burn food directly. If you are holding it directly to the flame, there should be at least 1.5 spans between the fire and the food. (980710)
  • Cooking the meat with less oil and not adding tail fat will also contribute.
  • Finally, not using frying oils more than once, turning to electric grills, relying on microwaves are also methods to reduce PAH.
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