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Get inspired by the dopamine clothing trend

With the arrival of spring in the fashion world, another trend started: “Dopamine colors” or “Dopamine dressing” with its morale-boosting effect. These strong dopamine colors inspire the street styles that stand out in the collections of the designers we see at fashion weeks this year.

Another harbinger of the dopamine style trend going to be very popular comes from Pinterest, which is reporting on the trend. The most sought after trends and colors of the season are fuchsia dresses, emerald dresses and pink shoes.

What is dopamine?

Known as the “feel-good” hormone, dopamine can make people happy when secreted in the body, and thanks to this happiness, it is defined as the hormone that keeps people alive in the medical world. This chemical, which is naturally produced in the body and responsible for our enjoyment, increases or decreases according to our mood.

Dopamine colors are also inspired by this hormone. Thanks to the effect of colors on psychology, the colors chosen in the combinations activate the dopamine hormone and make the person wearing the outfit feel happier.

Although briefly summarized as vivid and eye-catching, each dopamine color has a different perception and this perception can vary from person to person. In the dopamine colors trend, the goal is to think about colors more than the pieces in the combination and to use colors that instill positive emotions.

What is chromotherapy?

One of the therapy methods still continuing since Ancient Egypt is “Chromotherapy”, in other words color therapy. Color therapy is based on the idea that different colors cause different reactions in different people, and each color is believed to be individually soothing or energizing.

According to chromotherapy, colors can also help in the treatment of diseases according to the effect they leave on people. In this way, they differentiate the perception according to the energy they represent and provide physiological and psychological balance.

According to this theory, orange; It creates joyful feelings and can increase brain activity. blue; used by chromotherapists to treat depression and pain; Dark blues, on the other hand, improve insomnia and sleep problems thanks to their soothing properties.

Which colors are dopamine colors?

It is not possible to limit dopamine colors to a few colors and tones. However, as a reference to dopamine, vivid yellows, apple green, emerald green, oranges, assertive reds, fuchsia, electric blue and slightly calmer neon pastels are the main colors that stand out in this summer’s collections. These colors can be worn from head to toe, different shades of the same color can be combined or two opposite colors can be used in the same combination.

On the catwalks, we saw bold and stimulating dopamine colors with combinations that refer to color blocks. Contrasting colors such as fuchsia and red, apple green and fuchsia are among the most common to be used together.

Dopamine colored samples

Using assertive colors may not be easy and relaxing for everyone. If you don’t like to wear fuchsia from head to toe, you can support a combination you create from your favorite colors with accessories that can bring you happiness, or you can turn to pastels, which are calmer, instead of choosing very vibrant colors . The important thing is how you will feel better with your clothing choices. Another detail that should not be forgotten about dopamine is this: Instead of saying “I love this color”, leaving our comfort zone with the thought “I want to be happy today” is one of the first rules of dopamine clothing.

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