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Great disrespect to the most loved tradition of Ramadan from Sibel Alas

Sibel Alaş has been added to the names that have been sharing all kinds of posts recently in order to become more famous on social media. Crossing the line with his last post, Alaş has signed the second scandal about the Ramadan tradition. Reactions from social media users to his disrespectful statements about the month of Ramadan were not delayed.

One of the names that marked the 90s, Sibel Alas had a serious break in those years with her debut album “Adam”, produced by the famous singer Mustafa Sandal. . However, Alas, who could not be on the agenda with any concert or song for a long time, tried a different way. After the disrespectful statements of Berfu Yenenler about the month of Ramadan, Alaş signed a second scandal. In order to gain more likes and followers on social media, Alaş used excessive expressions about the drum, the most popular tradition of the month of Ramadan.

The singer hit the social media agenda like a bombshell with his drumming debut. Alaş included these statements in his post:

“Why do I have to wake up every night to a terrible drumbeat? Is it really necessary in this age?”

sibel alaş ramazan

Reactions to Alaş’s words were not delayed. Many social media users say, “You are more useless than that drum, don’t people like this one realize that they are living in a Muslim country that is hard to understand”, “What is terrible is your mentality. Get out of Turkey “, “Leave the country then.” ‘ commented like.

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