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Gulsen smashed her butt

Giving a concert in Zorlu, Gülşen landed next to the audience while she was singing the ‘One Moment’ music. Gülşen, who sat on the lap of a male audience, once again made a move that will be talked about a lot!

https://www.kadinvekadin.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Biraz-daha-Gulsen- Konusucaz.mp4

Gülşen Güçlü gave a concert at PSM, in concert celebrity parade. If you throw a needle, it will not fall to the ground, but while Gülşen sang her music, she got off the stage and mingled with the crowd. A man sat on the audience’s lap and was slapped on the butt as he got up.

Later we learned that the audience he was sitting on was Gülşen’s close friend Tolga Sezgin!

Will the Twitter crew shut up? Never! Gülşen was lynched for hours. Is it enough? Never! The twitter editors, who could not get an explanation from Gülşen, this time distributed decency to her husband Ozan Çolakoğlu. Gülşen made a move that will be talked about for a few more months with her show business and stage outfits. So what do you say to this situation?

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