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Hadise, engaged to Mehmet Dinçerler, silenced her with one word!

Hadise, who was engaged to Mehmet Dinçerler, who came to the fore due to debts belonging to the family company, was photographed walking with her future husband.


Hadise and Mehmet Dinçerler caught the lens while on the beach in Bebek in the evening. Questions were asked to the famous couple who were preparing for marriage. Hadise did not want to answer questions about the wedding. He was silenced Mehmet. Hadise answered the question “Is it true that you had the Imam’s wedding ceremony?” He replied, “I don’t go into private matters.”

Hadise, who never wanted to answer the questions asked about the wedding date, did not let her lover Mehmet Dinçerler talk.


“Will the wedding be in Turkey?” to the question, “It’s nobody’s business.” Answering the answer, the famous singer underlined that she does not like to talk about her private life.


The famous singer said to reporters who asked her fiancee, “He doesn’t talk.” she said.


Hadise, who decided to marry Mehmet Dinçerler, takes all the steps in accordance with Turkish customs. Hadise put the engagement ring on her finger after the ceremony that happened yesterday.

hadith and its ring

Mehmet Dinçerler, who went to Hadise’s house in Göktürk with his father Burhan Dinçerler, mother Nezihe Dinçerler and his sisters, did not miss any details. according to the news of the calendar; Dinçers asked Hadise from her mother, Gülnihal Açıkgöz, who came from Belgium.

engagement photo of the event

Hadise, who gave a concert the previous day, made a big surprise on each stage. Looking into the eyes of her lover, who was watching her from the front row, Hadise said, “I want to sing this song for my lover. I recently rehearsed in the car. In the meantime, engagement photos appeared on the screen behind him


Mehmet Dinçerler and Hadise


By the way, the beautiful pop singer, who had every detail about the ceremony prepared with great care, had all employees sign a confidentiality agreement.

According to the agreement; No employee will share any photos or leak any information about this special day on social media. receive a large amount of compensation. 703) hadith and her fiancee


Hadise and Mehmet Dinçerler hosted guests from Belgium at a restaurant in Etiler. At the end of the night, the Hadise-Mehmet Dinçerler couple, who came out of the venue hand in hand, kept their silence. Reporters asked Hadise, “What is your reason for not speaking? Did Mr. Mehmet forbid it?” he asked. The famous pop singer said, “There is no such thing,” laughing from inside the car he was in.

Hadise’s fans, who saw the news, shamed her for preferring outside instead of hosting guests from Belgium at her home.

valentine’s day SHARE!

Famous singer Hadise was frequently on the agenda of the magazine with businessperson Mehmet Dinçerler. The couple, who first appeared on the news with rumors that Mehmet Dinçerler was in debt, was later talked about with a marriage proposal.

The couple, who often talked about the price of the ring and the stealing of Mehmet Dinçerler’s account, now became the agenda with Hadise’s sharing. The singer, who could not wait for Valentine’s Day, shared a romantic post on his social media account.

Hadise shared her photo with her lover Mehmet Dinçeler with the note “Why should I wait for Valentine’s Day even though you are my lover every day”.


It was claimed that Mehmet Dinçerler, who talked a lot with his marriage proposal to Hadise, had troubled days in his business life. The ring Mehmet Dinçerler bought for his future wife confused the family. It was claimed that the famous singer, who received a marriage proposal with a solitaire worth 40 thousand dollars, was bored with the debts of his fiancée. The management and control authority of the three companies was given to the trustee appointed by the court.

the ring of the incident


Mehmet Dinçerler, the lawyer of his uncle who is the founding partner of the company, “40 thousand dollars Let him pay his debt instead of getting the ring. He reacted with his words.

Business person, “My person and my company have no debt.” Following his words, Dinçerler’s uncle’s lawyer, Hicran Akkaya Şenoğlu, made a statement. Speaking on the program “I Don’t Tell”, Şenoğlu argued that the debt belonged to Mehmet Dinçerler.

mehmet dinçerler

Attorney Şenoğlu, related to the subject, “Mehmet Dinçerler had his uncle’s house sold. He is in debt. He did not pay the installations but does not know his debts. The ‘Muhammet’ one He changed his name to ‘Mehmet’. At the last stage, the ring he bought for Hadise can be confiscated…”


Mehmet Dinçerler, who is said to have had a difficult time in his business life, made a statement. Saying that he owes no money to anyone, Dinçerler shared the following message:

“As a young person who has been involved in trade since my childhood and grew up in a family with endless experiences, the most basic value I learned about business life is to never compromise on business ethics. Unfortunately, my father Hacı Sayid Food Industry and Trade Inc., which Burhan Dinçerler and his brother Mehmet Dinçerler are partners in, is going through an economically difficult period.Although I have no commercial obligations like any child who feels responsible for some bank debts, family and surname, during this difficult period. Unfortunately, I was the guarantor. For this reason, our company had to enter the concordat process in 2019 in order to protect our investors and employees, due to some of our sureties, together with Hacı Sayid’s request for a concordat for the restructuring of the debts.

I myself and complied with all payment schedules approved as my company I do not have even a single follow-up debt. In addition, in 2021, we closed almost all of the debts that my company and myself are sure of (although I and my company do not have any debt). I have never had a partnership with the company other than the outstanding debts that were in the news or family ties to the company.

Hadise and Mehmet Dinçerler


I believe that I have done my part as a son, and from now on, I have done my part. and I will do whatever it takes; however, companies are purely legal entities and no one’s debt binds anyone. The process we have reached today is of course sad, I am sure that producing magazines and assassinating unfair reputation based on this sad event does not suit any morality…

My business life, which I started at the age of 23, has turned into a business where thousands of people eat their bread today and I am carrying it to tens of thousands. It is my greatest desire and goal.”


Hadise unfollowed her lover Mehmet Dinçerler, whom she had recently received a marriage proposal from, on social media. This development was ‘Did they break up?’ The fact that Dinçerler’s social media account was closed also confused them. The 3 million solitaire that Hadise received as a gift in her marriage proposal caused a crisis in the Dinçerler Family and was the subject of the bankruptcy case

Hadise unfollowed groom candidate Mehmet Dinçerler from her Instagram account. The followers, who noticed this step, brought up the question of “did they break up?”

This is what happened. After the development, ‘Is there a problem in your relations?’ However, it was revealed that Mehmet Dinçerler closed his account. The other day, Hadise had accepted the marriage proposal of her lover Mehmet Dinçerler and watched her brother-in-law leave the house in a wedding dress, accompanied by drums and horns, and Had a lot of fun with her future mother-in-law

She went to Mehmet Dinçerler’s sister’s wedding at the weekend. Hadise, who attended, played with her sister-in-law to the accompaniment of her own song

Dancing to her own songs, Hadise also took part in the family photo taken at the end of the wedding

Hadise and Mehmet Dinçerler decided to get married. or on his account. Hadise dropped the note “Let our section begin” on the video she published. Hadise’s post received hundreds of thousands of likes in a short time. Famous names such as Seda Sayan , Burcu Esmersoy and Demet Şener also commented on the beautiful singer’s video.

Hadise shared the images in question from the Instagram stories section with the note “I said yes”.


Hadise, who accepted the marriage proposal of her lover Mehmet Dinçerler the previous day, had fun with her future mother-in-law today. The beautiful has put an end to the singer of the unwanted bride. Hadise, who watched the bride leave the house accompanied by drums and zurna, side by side with her lover and future mother-in-law, had a lot of fun.

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