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We all have days when we don’t feel great. Some days our under-eye bags stand out after a long night, and some days we have bad hair days. We would never have thought that famous models like Hailey Bieber lived these days! But contrary to your guesses, Hailey has had bad hair days and even worse skin days.

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Hailey, who shared an unfiltered video from her TikTok account last week, shows very little makeup on her skin as she zooms the camera. Bringing his face even closer, we encounter that Bieber’s skin texture is not as ‘perfect’ as we thought. Behind the smooth photos, Hailey’s skin is porous and rough like all of us!

We are confident that Hailey undoubtedly uses the best skin care and makeup products in the world. But Hailey, who is not afraid to show her fans that her skin is like everyone else, proudly showcases her skin texture. While this video of Hailey Bieber was flooded with comments, many fans stressed that Hailey’s skin should be shared without Photoshop during shoots and campaigns. After this honest video, we’re sure Hailey agrees with us!

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