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Here is the question that is discussed every holiday: Whose family should be visited first?


Let’s say you are married. The holiday is approaching. Your wife’s family said, “I want my son with me on the holiday. He thinks he should visit me first and then visit the girl’s side. Your family says, “My daughter should come to me first this holiday.” is in his speech . Here you are stuck! What will you do? Let’s say you visited your spouse’s family for the first time, this time your own family will be broken. argument with your spouse and put the situation in a dead end. Such a small matter can even lead to separation. So what to do?

The sequential visiting tactic

You may not be seeing the tolerance you expect from your family in the midst of this situation that stressed you out days ago. Holiday visits are very important, especially in more traditional families, and it can be an important issue for families, even if it is not important to you who visits first. ant this issue, where the families of both sides are competing, neither you nor anyone else, you can visit your spouse’s family one holiday before and give priority to your own family if the other holiday. Of course, let’s hope that both parties can be content with that…

Acting on proximity

Visiting whose family is closer is also an option. You can explain to the other party that this is not a matter of priority, that it would be more logical to visit whoever is closer first.

Visiting the elder’s family

In family structures where priority is a concern, a traditional point of view is generally dominant, so it is for the other party to give priority to the older one. It can also be seen as an appropriate move. It would be more appropriate to visit someone who has older people in their family.

”We came to you first!”

We never wanted to add lies to the business, but since you can’t find a way out of this situation, we have a solution: If the distances are close, don’t reveal who you went to first . Visit both families on the same day. Tell whoever you went first that you won’t be able to stay long because you will be visiting the other family after them. This tactic may force you a bit, but it’s worth a try.

Elders, please do not break the hearts of the young people, while there are many situations where you can see whether they value you or not, do not worry about who went first or did not. By behaving like this, you put both yourself and the other side in a difficult situation, look what they have to think about. Since we have settled this issue, happy holidays to everyone!

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