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How to exercise in Ramadan? How should fasting people exercise?

With the arrival of the holy month of Ramadan, one of the issues that many people suffer from is gaining weight as a result of uncontrolled eating at iftar. In order not to gain weight for 30 days while fasting, questions are being researched on the internet during Ramadan. So, is it okay to do sports while fasting? Here is the answer to the questions of whether to exercise in Ramadan and more…

According to researches, fasting has numerous benefits for human health. Fasting, which stands out especially by cleansing the body from toxins, also facilitates weight loss. Experts state that it is possible to prevent the slowdown of metabolism and to fast without gaining weight with the right diet and the right exercises in Ramadan. So what kind of exercises should you do during Ramadan? Here are the answers:


– Can do indoor exercises during Ramadan (Plank, squats without weights, etc.)

-Can do Pilates

-Ride a bike

– Low pace You can take a walk.

Experts warn that you should stop exercising immediately if you experience a possible heart palpitation, nausea, chest pain or difficulty breathing while exercising.

how to exercise in Ramadan


  • On days of fasting, you can start slowly by trying small exercises every day until your body gets used to it.
  • As you will lose fluid while exercising, you should never increase the dose of exercise. Because the sugar stored in your liver and muscles decreases and increases the water lost through sweat.
  • Another detail you need to pay attention to is to avoid sweaty sports such as running instead; is that you prefer low aerobic exercises such as pilates, reformer pilates, brisk walking or swimming.
  • Also, it is very important to adjust by shortening the training times, increasing the rest times, reducing the number of sets and the weights you use while doing sports.
  • In this way, you can increase your body’s resistance by doing sports both healthy and comfortably every day without interruption.

can you do sports while fasting


To prevent fluid loss during Ramadan It is very important that you consume at least 30 ml of water per kilogram and consume at least 500 ml of water from iftar to sports.

Take fluid intake directly as water. Tea and coffee can never replace water.

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