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In theaters this week – Friday, March 11

5 new cinemas, 3 of which are local, are waiting for art lovers, which will be released this week in movie theaters. Good luck to those who will watch…

First Session: NMSM

Asli, who had to face the phobias she had been trying to overcome all her life, in the subway station she was stuck in. it’s about his story. Asli, who tried to cope with the phobias caused by her stepfather in her childhood, therefore receives mental treatment. Struggling to cope with her fear of the dark, the fear of contamination, the fear of shadows and the fear of mice, Aslı is forced to take the subway when she can’t find a taxi on every way back to the house from an invitation she attended one night. Carrying 2 bags with disinfectant, flashlight, spare batteries and all kinds of cleaning materials to help her overcome her horrors, Aslı misses the subway she will take, and she has to wait for the last train of the day. Getting on the train and choosing a quiet place, Aslı begins to listen to music, but she falls asleep during this time and is stuck in the car that comes to the last stop. When she wakes up, Aslı finds herself alone in a dark car and realizes that one of her purse has been stolen and her phone has run out of battery. Left alone with her biggest worries, will Aslı be able to get out of the wagon?


focuses on the life of thirteen-year-old Mei Lee, who is trapped under the stresses of puberty. Mei Lee is a 13-year-old girl caught in the middle of her mother’s expectation and the turmoil of puberty. Ming, who is as protective as she is oppressive, does not want her daughter to leave her side. However, this situation is quite unfortunate for Mei Lee. Dealing with changes in both her ligaments and body, Mei transforms into a giant panda when she gets excited.

Devotion: Sacred Hengame

Half of Istanbul after the conquest It deals with events that are at the center of the sacred map, in the noble Julius Family and the other half in the Devotees. The “Devotees” is a group that was organized to protect a precious secret that fell into the hands of the Turks after the conquest of Istanbul. Devoted to protect the secret, the “Devotees take a mighty battle against the dark forces striving to seize the secret.

Walnut Tree

Hayati, a young man, is a young man of Anatolia. He works as a literature teacher in a town. Hayati’s father commits suicide when he is now a 6-year-old boy. Hayati does not know the real reason for his father’s suicide until he is a grown man. His father committed suicide because he was unjustly tortured during the coup and could not help his friend who died, and Hayati’s learning of these causes his ties with life to be severed. Meanwhile, Hayati’s wife, Yeşim, who is a dominant woman, leaves the house, making excuses for her husband’s psychological problems. At this very moment, the discovery of a woman’s corpse in the lake near the town turns the eyes on Hayati. Not hearing from Yeşim for a while creates the intention that the corpse is related to Yeşim. Although Hayati knows that the body is not related to his wife, he takes the blame. Behind Hayati’s taking the blame lies the fact that he bears the fate of his father.


focuses on a young lady who travels to Colombia to visit her ailing sister. A young lady working at an orchid farm is forced to go to Colombia when her brother falls ill. The young lady sets off to Colombia, unaware of what will happen to her here. There, he crosses paths with a French archaeologist working in a construction company and a young musician. Having difficulty adjusting to the city, the lady suffers from the loud explosions she hears every night. The lady, who can no longer tolerate the sounds that prevent her from sleeping, learns things that will cause her confusion from a fisherman she met during this time. The fisherman, who introduces himself as an alien who has lived for centuries, says that only the lady can hear the voices and that only he can solve his insomnia.
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