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Mahir İpek told hard! He had a hard time not crying

Actor Mahir İpek, who is known from many TV series and recently appeared on the screen with the ‘Güldür Güldür Show’, was shaken by the death of his mother in January last year. Naciye, who caught the coronavirus with her husband Aşık İsmail İpek and also said from asthma, had her heart stopped in the hospital. Naciye İpek, who could not be saved despite all the efforts, was buried in Ankara…

Mahir İpek, while chatting with his friends at a place in Cihangir the previous evening, met the members of the press waiting for him. He got up from the table and came over to them. The famous actress said, “Happy holiday friends. The weather is very cold, if you are waiting for me in this weather, I can’t help it, if there is any question you want to ask, “he said.

mahir silk


“Are there any projects, Mr. Mahir?” İpek answered the question, “Güldür Güldür continues. There is also a theater in Ankara, I go back and forth. Go to Ankara every week, play, come back, shoot Güldür Güldür… This year has been very heavy for me.”

The famous actress, “Demet Akbağ entered the theater with her play ‘Aydınlıkevler’. He’s back. What would you like to say?” He replied to the question:

“I couldn’t watch it, it coincided with my play so I couldn’t go. I have to watch it because Demet is one of Turkey’s most important actresses. It is very important exciting to return to the theater after such a long break. The theater audience is on television.” It’s not like the audience. Going out of the house and going to a place to watch a play is one thing and very little. Going out of the house, going to the cinema, the theater, going to a concert is something else. I’m sure those who love Demet are very happy to be back. It’s a sold-out box office. Demet Akbağ and Yılmaz Erdoğan, these are terrific Artists”


Correspondents “Mahir Bey is a very sad holiday for you, you lost your mother in the pandemic. Your pain is so great” Mahir İpek’s eyes filled with tears. The 50-year-old actress, whose mother, Naciye Ipek, died a year ago, who contracted the coronavirus, made the following statement while she was struggling not to cry:

“The Ministry of Health is explaining numbers , you say, ‘Oh, so many people have died.’ Then you look at this. you are in the statistics, there is a part of you too. ‘Will it find me in 80 million, my dear?’ you say and you will find it. I was positive in Istanbul, my mother was in Ankara, but we were in the same period. My mother passed away and I could not go because I was in quarantine. We had terrible days. Not only for me, the whole of Turkey went through these terrible days. 4-5 people from a family He lost his life. It is a very heavy thing. Actually, we should not forget these things very quickly, but unfortunately we are a society with a weak memory. When you say ‘it’s over’, everything is over. In this sense, Europeans are more cautious than us and learn from the past. We must not forget what happened. very, we must never forget.”

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