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New books of the week

There are so many good books out that you will want to read them all. Here are some of the books that came out in 2022 and entered our lives, for you to read, have a pleasant reading!

Işıl Işık – Basement Floor White House Before the Tunnel

On the shore of the Bosphorus, there is a crucified female corpse with a golden necklace around her neck. In a short time, the whole country starts talking about this mysterious murder. In the days that have passed, similar corpses continue to be found in different places. The necklace on the lady’s neck is exactly the same as the necklace of Atlas’ twin sister, Talya. As Atlas tries to find the connection between his brother and the murders, their lives are turned upside down when their father, Enzel, begins to have delusions and strange behavior. As Atlas and his friends continue their research, their paths cross with the mysterious White House and its new owner. Unraveling the contacts between the murders, White House and Enzel and deciphering the behind the scenes will not be easy! An action-packed and intriguing crime thriller novel by Işıl Işık, the successful author of Paranormal Stories and White House Before the Tunnel.

Dilan Apaydın – Freshwater Comb of Sedimentary Skin

I was under the skin. I yawned. I opened my eyes. I’m under the skin. The weather is very cold. I was wrapped in the mantle. I closed my eyes. I slept again. First, the water ran. It nurtured me, nurtured me, and gave a little color to my pale complexion. Fire walked, hardened me. It gave me a little more color. I think it took millions of years of sleep to wake up. Finally the earth walked and gave birth to me. She exposed me, she. The men measured and cut the stone. They chose obsidian. It was harsh. It was harsh. He didn’t look like me at all. Our mother was the same, but our father was certainly not. I’m about a gentle, fragile and sensitive lady. They ignored me. They are prepared. They loved obsidian. They made knives. They made harpoons, axes, spears and arrowheads. They were ready. He wouldn’t be a man of me.”

Mustafa Çevik – Gray Wolf in the Desert

A determined will that does not bow to the inevitable fate of the Mediterranean, Mustafa Kemal… What he sees as a sacred being, as deep as the desert and as deep as the desert. Ahmet Şerif Senusi, the most powerful president of Arab geography, who declared jihad by saying that the Prophet he saw in his dreams gave his right hand to Mustafa Kemal… He will be lost in the middle of the desert sands, the most ancient of whom the victims are heroes. You will witness a true story reminiscent of epics… Gray Wolf in the Desert, the souls who know that it is necessary to die in order to live; Mustafa Kemal’s novel.…When they reached the Ottoman Camp outside Tobruk, a wave of excitement broke out; spread in sweet, whispering hums. tude, Mustafa Kemal rose to an exuberant cry. The enthusiasm of the foamy waves that spread over the face of the Mediterranean fell into the hearts. The haze of the terrified eyes, the lamentation of the stony bowels are gone. Gray Wolf from Anatolia was the light of the desert that illuminated the deep blue. There was the beauty of all the seas in the world and the warmth of all the suns reflecting on those seas in his eyes…”

Azize Caferzade – Sultan of Love

Sultan of Love… In our opinion, this name means “ It is one of the most pleasant names that can be given to a novel that deals with the life of Mehemmed Fuzuli, the Spokesperson of human and divine love, who says , “O Lord, get acquainted with trouble with light” / Don’t get rid of trouble with light. Fuzûlî, who led a life other than his wife and friend in the deserts of Karbala, turned to love as a result of the divine tax in his soul, and devoted himself to love. So much so that he saw love as a religion. In this book, subjects such as Fuzuli’s love, precious curtains of his life and the emergence of his works are narrated with Azize Caferzade’s sincere style. In addition, couplets from many of Fuzuli’s ghazals are included in the novel. Legal Sultan Süleyman, who had great love for Fuzuli and invited Fuzuli to the literary assemblies he had set up here after the conquest of Baghdad, is another individual of the novel. Hoping that this work of Azize Caferzade, which we have presented to you, will open the door to love for you…

Juan Jose Saer – Lonely

A Spanish ship in the 16th century Indies’ The truth goes on a journey, but reaches an unknown place. The natives, who greet those who set foot on their land with their arrows, not only touch the ship’s trunk, but also take it with them along with the corpses. Miço will now spend a long part of his life with them. Our narrator, who wrote his experiences years later, enters into a moral questioning and brings the wild world and the civilized world against each other.

Juan José Saer, during this process of memory refreshment and questioning, manages to establish a lively and complementary link between the era in which he lived and the time period five centuries ago, when he built the narrative; First of all, it is this feature that makes Nobody’s unique.

Considered one of Saer’s most valuable works, Nobody’s, with Gökhan Aksay’s translation from the Spanish original…

“Although little known outside of Latin America, Saer’s most valuable works of the last fifty years are in the midst of Saer’s texts. Forlorn

is a heavy, extraordinary point in the narrative navigation, reached by the extraordinary vision of a unique author with his language and literature, with unmatched devotion.”

Sergio Chejfec

Meryem Nart – Whatever The Heart Wants – 2

Şeyda, whose view of life changed after the world she made with Yağız, He finds himself in a way of life that he does not want. While his heart is still beating for Yağız, he follows his path and extends a hand to the young people who need help and enables them to open a clean page in their lives. However, after a while, he realizes that instead of helping the people around him, he is actually ruining their lives. Because the real person who needs to be saved is not them, but himself.

Well, Şeyda, is it too late to start everything from scratch?

Is fulfilling the desires of the heart directly proportional to happiness?

It is what the heart desires, the second book of the series is meeting with its readers. Meryem Nart continues to offer the readers the same feeling of excitement and adventure in the second book.

“Life seemed so complicated to me that I was about to drown in the midst of these complexities.

I was looking for a way out. Just as I was getting close to the exit, I bumped into a man. I created another tunnel waiting for me at the end of the tunnel. And that was the end of me.”

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