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Nostalgic sharing from Füsun Önal

Füsun Önal, known for her songs such as ‘Oh Olsun’, ‘Senden Other’, ‘Ah Where’, commemorated years ago on her social media account. Önal, who shared his photos taken at his secondary and high school graduation, said, “My beautiful, fun, exciting and hopeful happy school years…”

Singer Füsun Önal, who took the music world by storm with her successive albums in the 70s, shared her photos of her school years with her followers on her social media account. Füsun Önal (75), who is an actress and writer as well as singing, shared a nostalgic post on her social media account.

Publishing photos taken during school years, Önal wrote in his post, “It’s from my graduation days at TED Ankara College Middle and High School Literature… And the article written for me in the school yearbook “Torch”. Beautiful. My happy school years full of fun, excitement and hope…” used expressions.

The note written for Füsun Önal also drew attention:

“Here is an artist in every way with his imitation ability, beautiful speech, high musical culture and unique beautiful voice. “Füsun has made her teachers and friends like her with her honesty and sincerity as well as her superior abilities. She has always been the only person sought after with her good ideas in the Social Activities of our class. This beautiful and sympathetic friend of ours, who does not like lying, arrogance and science lessons at all.” And Love Her’, Can’t buy me Love, Darkness, Alpay, tea, enjoys sincerity in earnest. He is very upset that His loved ones, especially his father, smoke. He would like to eliminate that filthy object called cigarette if he could. The biggest desire of our 6-A minister of fine arts, who is one of the members, is to graduate in June, to enter ‘English Philology’ and to advance in the field of music. We wish Füsun (aka) a bright and happy life..”

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